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Comprehensive Test Documentation

Groww Competitor Investment Platform

Version 1.0 | December 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Test Plan Overview
  2. Test Strategy
  3. System Architecture
  4. Requirements Traceability
  5. BDD Test Specifications
  6. Test Implementation
  7. Test Environment
  8. Test Execution
  9. Risk Analysis
  10. Quality Metrics
  11. Reporting

1. Test Plan Overview

1.1 Purpose

This document outlines the comprehensive testing strategy for the Groww Competitor Trading Platform, following IEEE 829-2008 standards and incorporating BDD methodology.

1.2 Scope

  root((Test Scope))
      Market Data
      Payment Gateway
      KYC System
      Banking Interface

1.3 Document References

  • IEEE 829-2008 Standard
  • Groww Platform Requirements (REQ-2024-001)
  • System Architecture Document (SAD-2024-001)
  • Cucumber BDD Framework Documentation
  • Chai Assertion Library Documentation

2. Test Strategy

2.1 Testing Levels

graph TD
    A[Unit Testing] --> B[Integration Testing]
    B --> C[System Testing]
    C --> D[User Acceptance Testing]
    A1[Component Tests] --> A
    A2[Service Tests] --> A
    B1[API Integration] --> B
    B2[Database Integration] --> B
    C1[End-to-End Tests] --> C
    C2[Performance Tests] --> C
    D1[Business Validation] --> D
    D2[User Scenarios] --> D

2.2 Testing Approaches

  1. Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
  2. Test Driven Development (TDD)
  3. Risk-Based Testing
  4. Automated Testing

3. System Architecture

3.1 Component Architecture

    class TradingPlatform {
    class AuthenticationModule {
    class TradingEngine {
    class PortfolioManager {

    TradingPlatform --> AuthenticationModule
    TradingPlatform --> TradingEngine
    TradingPlatform --> PortfolioManager

3.2 Test Architecture

graph TB
    A[Test Runner] --> B[Feature Files]
    B --> C[Step Definitions]
    C --> D[Page Objects]
    C --> E[API Helpers]
    D & E --> F[Test Reports]
    G[Test Data] --> C
    H[Config] --> C

4. Requirements Traceability

4.1 Requirements Coverage Matrix

Req ID Description Test Cases Feature File Status
REQ-001 User Login TC-AUTH-001-003 auth.feature
REQ-002 Buy Order TC-TRADE-001-004 trading.feature
REQ-003 Portfolio View TC-PORT-001-002 portfolio.feature
REQ-004 Market Data TC-DATA-001-003 market.feature

4.2 Test Coverage Model

pie title Test Coverage Distribution
    "Unit Tests" : 30
    "Integration Tests" : 25
    "E2E Tests" : 25
    "Performance Tests" : 10
    "Security Tests" : 10

5. BDD Test Specifications

5.1 Authentication Features

Feature: User Authentication
  As a trading platform user
  I want to securely log into my account
  So that I can access my trading portfolio

    Given the trading platform is accessible
    And the database is connected

  Scenario: Successful login with valid credentials
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter username "[email protected]"
    And I enter password "SecurePass123!"
    Then I should be redirected to dashboard
    And I should see my account summary

  Scenario Outline: Login validation
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter username "<username>"
    And I enter password "<password>"
    Then I should see "<message>"

      | username | password | message |
      | invalid@email | wrong | Invalid credentials |
      | | Pass123! | Username required |
      | user@email | | Password required |

5.2 Trading Features

Feature: Stock Trading
  As a trader
  I want to place stock orders
  So that I can invest in the market

    Given I am logged in as "[email protected]"
    And I have sufficient funds

  Scenario: Successful market buy order
    Given I am on the trading page
    When I select stock "AAPL"
    And I enter quantity "10"
    And I click "Buy" button
    Then order should be placed successfully
    And I should see order confirmation

6. Test Implementation

6.1 Step Definitions

const { Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const { expect } = require('chai');

Given('I am on the login page', async function() {

When('I enter username {string}', async function(username) {
    await'#username', username);

Then('I should be redirected to dashboard', async function() {
    const url = await;

6.2 Test Configuration

// cucumber.conf.js
module.exports = {
    default: {
        paths: ['features/*.feature'],
        require: ['steps/*.js'],
        format: ['html:reports/cucumber-report.html'],
        parallel: 2

7. Test Environment

7.1 Environment Setup

graph LR
    A[Development] --> B[Testing]
    B --> C[Staging]
    C --> D[Production]
    E[Test Data] --> B
    F[Mock Services] --> B

7.2 Technical Stack

  • Test Framework: Cucumber.js
  • Assertion Library: Chai
  • UI Automation: Playwright
  • API Testing: Supertest
  • Performance Testing: k6
  • CI/CD: Jenkins

8. Test Execution

8.1 Test Workflow

    [*] --> Setup
    Setup --> Execution
    Execution --> Reporting
    Reporting --> Analysis
    Analysis --> [*]
    Execution --> Failure
    Failure --> Debugging
    Debugging --> Execution

8.2 Execution Commands

# Run all tests
npm run test

# Run specific features
npm run test:auth
npm run test:trading

# Generate reports
npm run test:report

9. Risk Analysis

9.1 Risk Matrix

    title Risk Assessment Matrix
    x-axis Low Impact --> High Impact
    y-axis Low Probability --> High Probability
    quadrant-1 Monitor
    quadrant-2 Critical Action
    quadrant-3 Accept
    quadrant-4 Review
    Performance Issues: [0.6, 0.7]
    Data Integrity: [0.8, 0.9]
    UI Bugs: [0.3, 0.4]
    API Integration: [0.7, 0.6]

10. Quality Metrics

10.1 Key Performance Indicators

  • Test Coverage: 90%
  • Pass Rate: 98%
  • Defect Density: < 0.5 per KLOC
  • Average Response Time: < 500ms

10.2 Metrics Dashboard

graph TD
    A[Quality Metrics] --> B[Coverage]
    A --> C[Performance]
    A --> D[Reliability]
    B --> B1[Code Coverage]
    B --> B2[Feature Coverage]
    C --> C1[Response Time]
    C --> C2[Throughput]
    D --> D1[Uptime]
    D --> D2[Error Rate]

11. Reporting

11.1 Report Types

  1. Test Execution Reports
  2. Coverage Reports
  3. Performance Reports
  4. Defect Reports

11.2 Report Structure

graph LR
    A[Test Execution] --> B[HTML Reports]
    A --> C[JSON Reports]
    B & C --> D[Dashboard]
    D --> E[Analytics]
    D --> F[Metrics]

12. Sign-off

12.1 Approval Matrix

Role Name Signature Date
Test Manager
QA Lead
Development Lead
Product Owner

12.2 Document History

Version Date Author Changes
1.0 2024-12-04 QA Team Initial Version