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Keith W. Boone edited this page Apr 10, 2020 · 12 revisions

Implementation Guide Development

  1. Actor and Transaction Review (follow up with John)
  2. Security Considerations Review (follow up with John)
  3. Audit Event Content Review (not a priority for connectathon)
  4. Identify Use Cases (see User Stories) and Measure Development For each of the following, ensure necessary Measure, MeasureReport, and any dependencies (e.g., ValueSet, CodingSystem, ConceptMap) exist for a Measure.
    1. Draft
      1. CDC/NHSN
      2. FEMA
    2. Experimental
      1. PPE
      2. Gender and Age Strata (consider race/ethnicity)
      3. Diagnostic Testing Resources
      4. Staffing Measures
      5. SDOH Indicators
  5. Measure Resources
    1. Measure Profile *
    2. Measure Report Profile *
  6. Measure Execution Tools (not a priority for connectathon)
    1. FHIRPath *
    2. CQL *
    3. ?
  7. Actor and Option CapabilityStatement * (lower priority)
  8. Value Set Reviews
    1. Bed Classification *
    2. Ventilator Value Set *
    3. Refer to Logica work
      1. Laboratory Orders Codes * (Codes identifying a COVID Test Order)
      2. Laboratory Result Codes * (Codes identifying a COVID Test Result)
      3. Laboratory Result Values * (Codes identifying a positive/negative test SARS-COV-2 Virus (Organism))
    4. PPE Value Set *
    5. Staffing Training Categories and Status *
  9. SearchParameter Resource Definitions for Extended Search * (experimental for Connectathon)

* = Need to create an Issue for this an link it back to the list above.

Connectathon Planning and Execution

Connectathon Tracks

Pilot Planning and Execution

Recruiting Pilot Site and Vendors



Education and Presentations

Lion Teams
HL7 Project Links
Saner in the Media * [Healthcare Innovation - Interview with Scott Azfal]( * [Healthcare IT Today - Blog Post]( * [ Baltimore - Local company brings APIs to COVID Fight]( * [STAT - Ventilators will sit unused (Halamka et. al.)](
Value and Data Sets
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