XNBC is widget based qt program for converting number bases, calculating the operations on different number bases written with C++.
First of all you have to get the source files with Git, If you don't have git you have to install it.
Clone the repository to your directory
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/xaprier/XNBC.git
Enter the direcotry of the source code
You can see the CMakeLists.txt which we use for build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -B "build"
Than our Makefile is ready for build the source code. We have to access the directory of makefile and run make.
cd build && make -j $(nproc - 1)
Than our compiled program and libraries is ready for run in the directory of the makefile with the name "XNBC" You can run the program with this command
- Qt 5/6 Widgets
- CMake(for building the project)
- Git(for cloning repository and it's submodules)