Learning how to write efficient and optimized codes for 4 years.
- 🌍 I'm based in Turkey
- 👨🎓 Graduated from Associate Degree of Computer Programming at Eskişehir Technical University as top student of department with 3.89 GPA.
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- ⚙️ Strong Skills: C++(CMake,Qt,VTK) with 11,14,17 and 20 Standards, Git, Javascript(NodeJS), UNIX & GNU/Linux, Package Managers(apt,pacman,dnf)
- 📌 Light Skills: C++(pybind,Argus Jetson,V4L2), Python, ReactJS, PHP, C#, Bash Scripting, MariaDB/MySQL/PostgreSQL, Linux System Administration