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William Meitzen edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 32 revisions

Date updated / Software version / SQLite DB schema version

2020-Jan-22 / 0.95 beta / 4.04

  • Fix: Time and Cost Sliders were flaky. They were disabled when they should be enabled about 50% of the time (main reason for update).
  • Fix: Compare Tabs was showing "not generated" when there was no execution time, even when the plan graph was generated.

2020-Jan-16 / 0.94 beta / 4.04

  • Major bug fix: Delete all generated data at startup.
    Old data, which may no longer be in sync with the current JSON, was being displayed on the Compare Plans tab.
  • Fix: Deleting a plan while on the Compare Plans tab caused an exception

2020-Jan-15 / 0.93 beta / 4.04

  • Updated Compare Plans tab: Show how much work each type of operator (Nested Loop, Seq Scan, etc.) performs compared to other plans
  • Fix: Stop auto-selecting disabled Line Thickness and Percentage radio buttons

2020-Jan-09 / 0.92 beta / 4.03

  • Replaced Line Thickness and Percentage By push buttons with radio buttons

2020-Jan-07 / 0.91 beta / 4.03

  • Use min of start time and max of total time of parallel leader and all workers, instead of just showing the parallel leader durations, for calculating operator durations (i.e., time difference and exclusive time)
  • Set CTE operator to use CTE Scan icon
  • Updated operator time difference calculations
  • Updated operator exclusive time calculations
  • Updated plan list font
  • Fix: stop highlighting parallel leader when operator's time difference = 0
  • Fix: corrected worker actual mass calculation
  • Fix: corrected parallel leader time difference highlighting issues
  • Removed exclusive time from workers

2019-Dec-24 / 0.90 beta / 4.02

  • Fix: Shorten plan name in tabs if > 30 chars
  • Fix: Correct Help / About URLs

2019-Dec-23 / 0.89 beta / 4.02

  • Add: Field to change plan name

2019-Dec-20 / 0.88 beta / 4.02

  • Fix: Actual and estimated "rows removed by filter/index recheck" counts
  • Added db columns for sort workers (for a future version)
  • Checked many calculations for rows, mass, workers, and filters for this release on multiple PG versions (9.3, 9.6, 10, 12, 12.1)

2019-Dec-16 / 0.87 beta / 4.01

  • Improved estimated "rows removed by filter/index recheck" count
  • Add: When using slider, darken completed operators
  • Fix: Plan stats are available w/o changing to a different plan first
  • Add: Merge anti-join icon
  • Fix: Set exclusive time to 0 sec if calculated excluded time < 0 sec (leaders and workers)
  • Use black text where plan width = 0 (indicate when operator returned no data)
  • Numerous bug fixes (main reason for update)

2019-Dec-6 / 0.86 beta / 4.0

  • Add: Remember password checkbox
  • Add: Prompt to ask for password
  • Top buttons are more closely tied to plan graph view (e.g. if there are no actual rows in the JSON plan, Actual Rows, Actual Mass, and both Ratio buttons are disabled; if there are no actual times, Exclusive Time and Time Difference buttons are disabled)
  • Disable Cost slider if there are no costs
  • Disable Time slider if there are no times
  • Fix: Exceptions would occur when switching between costs on and off
  • Fix: Long-running SQL code bug fix (re: calculating # of loops recursively)
  • Fix: Toggling workers then zooming would size boxes wrongly
  • Removed % by Disk and RAM buttons
  • Removed % by Disk and RAM worker info
  • If user deleted all plans, disable Delete and Duplicate buttons

2019-Nov-29 / 0.85 beta / 3.01

  • "Plan Graph" tab is disabled until a plan graph is generated.
  • SQL error messages to JSON plan textbox.
  • Disable "Show JSON Plan" button if any SQL errors.
  • Added "buffers" option when adding a new plan.
  • Fix: JSON explain plan wasn't being written to sqlite db sometimes.

2019-Nov-28 / 0.84 beta / 3.01

  • Added "Partial Mode" property, mainly used for Aggregate operators