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Advanced Features

William Meitzen edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 37 revisions

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If worker information is not available, PEG will approximate row counts. It does so by multiplying the number of workers launched, plus the parallel leader, by the number of actual rows emitted by the operator. The product will often be close to the actual number of rows had worker info been returned. However, this is considered an estimate, so PEG shows the number of rows (and data mass) with normal font (estimated values) instead of bold font (actual values).



In the upper screenshot, you can see how the Parallel Hash Join approximates 86k rows. In the lower screenshot, the same query was run with VERBOSE ON, and it actually returned 90k rows.

You can wrap DML commands with begin / rollback transaction commands. This way, you can focus on your DML command performance without persisting your changes. In the "before" and "after" fields, be sure to separate commands with a semicolon.

If an operator has workers, the parallel leader and workers should "balance." When they aren't, PEG highlights them.

  • Time Difference:
    The parallel leader and all workers should be 100% of the operator's time difference, or close to it.

  • Actual Mass and Rows:
    For 1 worker, the parallel leader and worker should be 50% of the actual mass or actual rows.
    For 2 workers, the the parallel leader and both workers should be 33% of the actual mass or actual rows.


The parallel leader and worker time differences are not close to the operator's time difference.


If Actual Rows, Estimated Rows, Actual Mass, and Estimated Mass is low, PEG will show only thin lines. Currently, PEG will scale the line thickness under these conditions:

  • If Actual Rows + Estimated Rows > 10000 rows
  • If Actual Mass + Estimated Mass > 50k

The ratio will be either Actual:Estimated or Estimated:Actual, whichever is larger.

If a "Parent Relationship" property is set to "InitPlan," this indicates a CTE is used. So, PEG adds a CTE icon, sets it to the Subplan Name, and copies the child's mass or rows on the CTE icon's arrow. So, one operation appears as two icons.

Strictly speaking, the explain plan text does not have a CTE. I decided to display it anyway to make it a little easier when you hunt for the CTE in your SQL.

You're welcome to download sqlite and look at the sqlite database that PostgreSQL Explain Plan creates. The database file will be stored in the same directory as the .JAR file.