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Edit links

Stella edited this page Apr 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

NOTE: Any change you made to the links modifies the frame files immediately, but not the cell/clist files. You need to relink the cells with 'Keep Changes' to modify the cell and clist files.

The manual linking GUI consists of two panels, the current frame (left) and the next frame (right). If you zoom in the current frame, you can press enter on the frame number above and that will zoom in at the same level in the next frame too.

You can view the phase image with cell outlines, or the cell regions randomly colored by selecting 'colored regions'.

Looking at the 'cell IDs' we can see two mistakes in this example:

  1. The cell with ID 4 shrinks from the left panel to the right panel.
  2. Cell 15 in the next frame does not have a link in the current frame.


Lets change the view to 'Region IDs' so that we can modify the links. We now see that region 4 in the current frame should be linked to regions 10 and 5 in the previous frame. And region 3 in the previous frame should link to region 4. If you click on any of the regions in the current frame it will show with dot(s) the region in the right frame to which it links, and the description above has the cell ID and regions IDs of current and next frame.


Click on region 4, and modify the 'next region id' text panel to be '10 5' (two ids must be separated by space). Click save link. The image should refresh and show the new dots showing the link. Do the same for region 3. 'Discard link' completely removes any link those cells have, to any other cell. image

Click 'Keep Changes', to link the cells and create new cell files with the new links. Clicking 'Discard Changes', will remove the manual links you just created and re-run linking, cell files, clist creation etc.