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FFmpeg Support in Saucedacity

Avery King edited this page Sep 21, 2022 · 4 revisions

Warning: The information on this page might need verifying. Most information on this page is believed to be correct, but it should be verified against Saucedacity's source code and other technical documentation. If anything there contradicts this page, please update this page accordingly.

- Added by generic-pers0n on 2022-21-07

Starting in Saucedacity 1.2, we are aiming to target modern FFmpeg versions. As a result, we plan on dropping compatibility for FFmpeg 2.x and 3.x, supporting only FFmpeg 4.x and 5. This change is intended for all supported platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux (regardless of distro).

FFmpeg Support Status

As of Saucedacity 1.2, FFmpeg support is currently working. You should use the most recent versions of FFmpeg if possible, but FFmpeg 3.4.x and higher should be supported (and maybe 2.x).

FFmpeg 5.0 is not supported in Saucedacity 1.2. Starting with Saucedacity/Tenacity 1.3, FFmpeg 5.0 will be supported and should work.

Plans for FFmpeg Support

  • Drop support for older versions of FFmpeg. Planned.

    • FFmpeg 4.1 (and its libav equivalents) is going to be the planned minimum supported version of FFmpeg.
    • Maybe distribute our own "FFmpeg for Saucedacity" libraries, much like FFmpeg for Audacity (for Windows). Only do this if we must.
  • Check to see if these builds mentioned here work with Saucedacity. It would be nice for Saucedacity to support modern vanilla FFmpeg and have users download FFmpeg library builds linked to from the official site. This also saves us from the maintenance burden of distributing our own builds.

    • Technically, this is already the case on Linux, but we should verify on Windows.

As always, if someone has an idea, please open an issue about it.