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Releases: tanishisherewithhh/Smp-hack

2.5.2 for DynamicHUD 1.2.0

20 Sep 11:59
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This version uses DynamicHUD version 1.2.0 with some updates stuff and better saving system.

2.5.1 - dynamicHud 1.1.3

14 Jul 17:22
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Updated to use Dynamichud - 1.1.3 with improved calculations and performance.

2.5.0-1.20x and dynamicHud

17 Jun 07:11
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New Custom MainMenu Screen inspired from phobos 1.9.0
Custom MainMenuScreen can be disabled and enabled through the config screen


  • Scaffold
  • AutoCrystal
  • KillAura
  • Hud

What is Dynamic Hud?

It is a library to create HUD elements and display them on the screen. Fabric only.
It is developed by me and members at V-FAST

What does Dynamic Hud bring in this client?

DynamicHud now enables this client to have moveable Hud or a Hud editor.
Now you can press key of your choice to open the dynamic Hud editor and move the widgets around.

Default Key is Right-Shift, but it may be same as the config screen key, so please change in the settings menu.

Elements supported?

The widgets added are for:

  • FPS
  • BPS
  • Biome
  • Ping
  • Muppet
  • Armor
  • Totem Counter

Press right click on a widget to open a contextMenu where you can change the text formatting. You can watch the demo video at the github page

Make sure to download DynamicHud and put it inside the mods folder with this client


  • Bar Durability display


  • ModMenu - 7.1.0
  • Cloth-Config - 11.0.99
  • DynamicHud - 1.1.0


Previous way to render the info Text.
Static Armor display.

Known Issues:

  • AutoCrystal with Delay as 0 causes errors which forces it to stop


  • Set the delay to more than 2.

2.4.5 FakePlayer

29 May 08:55
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  • Now you can spawn an Fakeplayer entity with the name of your choice using the following command:
    /fakeplayer spawn <name>
  • Delete the spawned Fakeplayer entity using the following command:
    /fakeplayer clear

This works client sided and the fakeplayer does not take any damage.


  • Scaffold now works with auto replace/refill.
  • Speed hunger
  • AutoReplace/refill time and amount

2.4.4 AutoTool

19 May 06:30
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-AutoTool - Switches to the first tool available in the hot bar which is the best for the mining job
-Armor Durability Display -> Percent and Number (Currently Bar is not working) <- You can switch in the Hud category of the config Screen
-AutoCrystal -> OnlyOwn and AntiSuicide
-Killaura now sends MainHand Swing packets
-Transparent config screen
and some more which I have forgot.

I think this might be my final release as this client is more than what I had originally thought, and I am currently also working with V-Fast to make mods. I will still do bugfixes reported and publish smaller releases.

I will add a fakeplayer in the next mod update

v2.4.3 armor and muppet display and a new hack

02 May 16:22
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Code fixation as usual.
New display elements and code optimization (somewhat)


Muppet (Displays the player in a small cute model on the top right)
Auto Replace- Replaces blocks, items, tools, foods, armor and elytra from the inventory to hotbar and armor slots as soon as they are finished.
Armor display - Displays armor and its durability (in percent) beside the hotbar
Totem count display - Displays the totem amount in the player's inventory beside the hotbar.
Entities Now display their health above their body (except player and armor entities)


Kill aura- hitting entities even after they are dead. Auto Delay mode now changes delay to '5' as soon as you don't have any sword or axe.
Nametag rendering - Nametags wont render ping on entities and armor stand (also armor stands don't display the nametags anymore). Nametags will also not stack up on player.
Haste Mode for Speed Mine
Fixed code for displaying RGB text on the screen.

What can you expect further?

Here are the list of things I will add further

  • Muppet, armor and totem should be able change their display position on screen as per the player
  • Figure out an Hud Editor screen so people don't have a pre-defined prison like Hud
  • Remove Health indicators mod and add my own health display
  • Update the Whole Freecam module (The one by hashalite which I am currently using is outdated)
  • A final Release and showcase video
  • Double click and both click mode for Autoclicker with a delay in between
  • AutoReplace to work with Scaffold
  • Scaffold Safe Walk to prevent falling after no blocks in the hotbar
  • Killaura to send main hand swing packets so that attacked players dont see your hacking (this is the only thing fucking my killaura)
  • AutoCrystal to send less packets
  • Add AntiSuicide for AutoCrystal to not hit crystals which deal a lot of damage to the player
  • Add OnlyOwn for AutoCrystals to attack crystals only placed by the player.
  • Display armor Durability in many ways - percent, number,bar,etc.
  • Some other things which I cannot remember now.

Note: Maximum changes and updates would be made in this month

18-20 hacks are in this client

v2.4.2 Visual Changes and more hacks!!!

16 Apr 18:07
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New Features has been added along with some optimization
This or one more version will be the final version with new combat/movement/render hacks. (like Xray, Auto Armor, etc. if I want to)
The newer versions will mostly focus on better Visual hacks and Hud changes (like tracers, search, ESP, etc. and more nametags customization)

Updated to 1.19.4

Hacks Changes:

Added AimBot (really glitchy but works)
Added Scaffold (Works fine)
Removed Reach (Not completely, just from the hud because it did nothing)
Killaura changes:
-Added Single and Multi Target support
-Added AutoDelay for Swords and axes
-Added Only Swords and axes mode
Now the entities attacked in single target mode will have an white outline indicating which one is being attacked

Render changes:

New Customizable Entity Nametags - Now you can change the color of the nametags rendered (player and other entities are different)
Displays Ping of the player/entity beside the nametag (Text Color of this cannot be changed [default - White] )
Nametags have been changed to render better (aka added text shadow and improved visuals)
Changes to renderText code for optimization (soon changes to rgbtext for optimization will come)

Issues may occur with the current rendering hence I request to inform of any problems that may occur in the issues tab

Config changes:

You can now directly open up the config screen (by default using Right shift) without the hassle of using Mod menu for changing values quickly
Added a new HUD category for the render elements
Removed expandable subcategory since it caused crashes

Again issues may occur

Minor changes:

Added Tooltips (basically small text guide) for configing certain hacks.
Changed Keybind categories from just 'Imperials' to 'Smphack Mod' and 'Hacks Keybind'
Other changes include Code changes to a lot of places and optimisation.
Some other changes that I made and have now forgot 💀

The config screen will still be accessible by Mod menu.

v2.4.1 Autoclicker version

11 Mar 06:37
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New changes to code and new features added:

Text shadow added
Auto Clicker added
Tooltips added
Code cleanup
Better AntiHunger added

Auto Clicker has 4 settings:

Toggle on/off via config settings (so that you don't accidently use the auto clicker)
Set the delay for the clicks
Mouse settings:
-Incase the key bind you want is a mouse bind
-Mouse Key which will be auto clicked
Keyboard key bind.

Also, the auto clicker is not togglable which means you need to hold the key or button in order for the auto clicker to work.

smp-hack v2.4.0

03 Mar 09:08
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Yes I skipped 3 versions because I made many changes to this mod with each one having a different version, but I was too lazy to upload it.
Updated so that the keybinds show up
But here we are, with loads of new features:

Major changes added:

> -AutoCrystal which breaks crystals automatically
> -KillAura which kills nearby entities (every single one including passive and neutrals)
> -BoatFly code changes for better and smoother fly
> -NoFall code update to minimize fails and to work with fly hacks
> -NoHurtCam which removes the screen shake when you are hurt
> -Changes to complete codes in some areas
> -Modmenu config changes
> -HUD changes

HUD changes added:

> -Biome - It shows the biome the player currently is in
> -Ping - The ping of the player in servers (updates slowly)
> -Coordinates can now be placed in the top centre of the screen (set to default)
> -Changed RGB code for performance
> -hud text code looks bad now
> -HealthIndicator mod works better now

'I will try to add tracers, search or better nametags hack

Minor changes added:

' Config changes:'

> - Changed DropDownMenu to button cycles so that the config actually saves the selections 
> - Added few more sliders
> - Created different categories for different hacks and their settings to look cleaner (See the step-3 image in the file)
> - Changed a good amount of code to make the config code and mod look better and optimized
> - Changed <display HUD text> section to an expandable menu

'Other changes:'

> - Organised the code into packages and cleaned them up
> - Updated different hacks to perform better such as jetpack,boatfly,jesus,etc.
> - Now you can change the speed of Boatfly and jesus 
> - Pretty much changed and orgainised code
> - Updated gradle file

### Recommendation:
Use crystal explosion remover texture pack and totem animation remover texture pack along with this client in serious fights

USE THE "smp-hack-2.4.0.jar" FILE

Any bugs should be reported to the issues tab or on my discord tanishisherewith#0231


18 Feb 09:29
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New Version v2.2.2

New Feature added:
-Marlow's Crystal Modifier was added
Crystals now spawn and break faster without waiting for the servers response.
-Added NoHurtCam which removes the annoying hurt overlay
-Code changes
-Some useless files removed

CrystalOptimiser not working and crashing hence i prefer to use v2.2.1. New version without crystal optimizer and with NoHurtcam will be soon released