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Use of Instantiation Parameters

Pol Alemany edited this page Dec 24, 2019 · 4 revisions

Which Instantiaton Parameters do exist??

Since SONATA 5.1, the network Slice Manager gives the oportunity to define some characteristics of each NS within the Network Slice. These are:

  • in which VIM each NS will deploy
  • give and endpoint to each NS
  • assign an SLA depending on the needs
  • define key/value pairs to be passed as individual instantiaton parameters to each NS within the slice.

INFORMATION: Be carefull with the last two options, if the NS is shared, the Network Slice Manager will use the already created shared NS when Network Slice Templates with the service are requested to be instantiated.

GUI example

  1. When clicking to instantiate a NST, a pop-up like will appear with some information of the NST you are trying to instantiate.

First NSI pop-up

  1. Click Next to see the next pop-up in which the instantiation parameters are available: Second NSI pop-up

The new pop-up has mutliple options:

  • Endpoint (ingress or egress) assignation → If no endpoint is available, this option doesn't appear. Third NSI pop-up
  • SLA assignation → If no SLA is available, this option doesn't appear. Fourth NSI pop-up
  • VIM assignation → Fifth NSI pop-up
  • Individual NS instantiation parameters → Sixth NSI pop-up
  1. Once you have clicked Next and done each NS within the Network Slice, then the last pop-up will appear in which you define the name and a description for the new Network Slice Instance. Seventh NSI pop-up