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Pol Alemany edited this page May 10, 2019 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the tng-slice-mngr wiki!

Here we document the Network Slice Manager module belonging to SONATA (by 5GTango), both in terms of its internal design and usage.

The Slice Manager has two objects to deal with; firstly, the Network Slice Template descriptor(NSTd) which defines a set of networks services (subnets) to be instantiated over a network. Secondly, the Network Slice Instantiation record (NSIr) which is the object to manage the information of the deployed network services and its is based on a NSTd.

The Network Slice Manager...

... has mainly two features:

  • Network Services Composition: to hability to link multiple network service among them in order to compose a more complete and isolated network service to the final user.
  • Network Service Sharing: it allows to share a Network Service deployment among multiple network Slices in order to reuse them and so, be resource efficient.

... is part of the SONATA Service Platform as the following figure shows: SONATA SP Architecture

Intra-communication with the other SONATA modules

This component is an internal module of SONATA, in order to offer its features goes through the central SONATA module, the Gatekeeper. To understand how the communication between this two components work when a network slice is instantiated, please reffer to the "Asynchronous Communication with the GTK" page.

Regarding the architecture of the Network Slice manager, please reffe to to the Architecture and Internal Processes page for further information about this component.

APIs information

To understand better how this component work, check the different API options for each one of the two objects:

Component Usage Modes

This component allows you to work with an emulator of the SP (no SP is necessary), please reffer to the "About-the-work-modes..." page for further information.

Using the Network Slice Manager

Go to the "How to use this component" page to learn how to use and "play" with the possible commands of this component.