Spacedust is a modular toolkit for identification of conserved gene clusters among multiple genomes based on homology and conservation of gene neighborhood. Spacedust adapts the fast and sensitive structure comparisons of Foldseek and homology search capabilities of MMseqs2. It introduces a novel approach of aggregating sets of homologous hits between pairs of genomes and identifies cluster of hits with conserved gene neighborhood between each using agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm. Spacedust is GPLv3-licensed open source software implemented in C++ and available for Linux and macOS. The software is designed to run efficiently on multiple cores.
Spacedust can be used by downloading a statically compiled version or compiling from source. It requires a 64-bit system (check with uname -a | grep x86_64
) with at least the SSE4.1 instruction set (check by executing cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep sse4_1
on Linux or sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features | grep SSE4.1
on MacOS).
# static Linux AVX2 build (check using: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep avx2)
wget; tar xvzf spacedust-linux-avx2.tar.gz; export PATH=$(pwd)/spacedust/bin/:$PATH
# static Linux SSE4.1 build (check using: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep sse4_1)
wget; tar xvzf spacedust-linux-sse41.tar.gz; export PATH=$(pwd)/spacedust/bin/:$PATH
# static macOS build (universal binary with SSE4.1/AVX2/M1 NEON)
wget; tar xvzf spacedust-osx-universal.tar.gz; export PATH=$(pwd)/spacedust/bin/:$PATH
Other precompiled binaries for ARM64, PPC64LE amd SSE2 are available at
The starting point is either (1) FASTA (.fna
or .fna.gz
) files of nulceotide genome or contig sequences coupled with protein-coding sequences (CDS) annotated in GFF3 (.gff3
) format (typically by running a gene prediction program like Prodigal). Note: this only works with (prokaryotic) genomes without intron/exon structures or (2) FASTA (.faa
or .faa.gz
) files of protein sequences with header format from Prodigal.
Input genomes are supplied as separate FASTA and GFF3 files (one genome per file).
Spacedust requires Foldseek to enable structure comparison. You can either:
- Place the Foldseek binary in the same directory as the Spacedust binary (i.e.,
should exist in the working directory), or - Use the
parameter to specify a different location for the Foldseek binary.
create sequence database from FASTA inputclustersearch
search for conserved gene clusters between genomes (using PSI-BLAST like iterative searches)aa2foldseek
convert a sequence database to structure database by mapping to Uniprot/Alphafold
# createsetdb
--gff-type Type of feature in the GFF file to filter by (default: "", all features)
--gff-dir Path to gff dir file
# clustersearch
--search-mode 0: sequence search with MMseqs2, 1: structure comparison with Foldseek, 2: Foldseek + ProstT5 (default:0)
--num-iterations Number of iterative profile search iterations (default:1)
--profile-cluster-search Perform profile(target)-sequence searches
--filter-self-match Remove hits between the same set
--max-gene-gap Maximum number of genes allowed between two clusters to merge (default:3)
--cluster-size Minimum number of genes to define cluster (default:2)
--foldseek-path Path to Foldseek binary
To start, you need to create a database of the input genomes setDB
. Before search, query or target sequences contained in FASTA files need to be converted to database format by calling createsetdb
. This command first creates a sequence DB with mapped strand and genomic coordinates extracted from GFF3 or header, and finally generates associated metadata. For nucleotide input, the respective GFF3 files should be given using argument --gff-dir
as a list of paths to the GFF3 files.
spacedust createsetdb genome1.fna [...genomeN.fna] setDB tmpFolder --gff-dir gffDir.txt --gff-type CDS
spacedust createsetdb genome1.faa [...genomeN.faa] setDB tmpFolder
To enable protein structure search with Foldseek, the protein sequences are mapped to Foldseek structure sequence DB like AlphaFoldDB. This requires pre-downloading the reference FoldseekDB.
# Download reference FoldseekDB
path/to/foldseek databases Alphafold/UniProt refFoldseekDB tmpFolder
# Convert to structure sequence DB
spacedust aa2foldseek setDB refFoldseekDB tmpFolder
You can predict the 3Di structural sequence from protein sequence FASTA files using the ProstT5 protein language model, to enable the full Foldseek search.
# Download the ProstT5 protein language model
path/to/foldseek databases ProstT5 weights tmpFolder
# Create the Foldseek DB and Spacedust setDB
path/to/foldseek createdb genome1.faa [...genomeN.faa] DB --prostt5-model weights
spacedust createsetdb DB setDB tmpFolder
It runs by default on CPU, but Foldseek supports accelerating the inference using GPU(s) (--gpu 1
) with the installation of the Foldseek GPU build binary. For the details, please refer to the instructions in the Foldseek repository.
Spacedust will first conduct an all-against-all homology search/structure comparison between two sets of protein-coding genes derived from multiple genomes, and then find clusters of homologous hits based on conservation of gene neighborhood. Structure comparison with Foldseek is invoked by --search-mode 1
. The sequences which could be mapped to a structure by aa2foldseek
will be searched with Foldseek, and the rest will be searched with MMseqs2. For a more sensitive search, iterative searches in MMseqs2 and Foldseek can be done by setting --num-iterations
# Search querySetDB against targetSetDB (using MMseqs)
spacedust clustersearch querySetDB targetSetDB result.tsv tmpFolder
# Search querySetDB against targetSetDB turned into profile
spacedust clustersearch querySetDB targetSetDB result.tsv tmpFolder --profile-cluster-search
# Iterative cluster search (like PSI-BLAST) with 2 iterations
spacedust clustersearch querySetDB targetSetDB result.tsv tmpFolder --num-iterations 2
# Search querySetDB against targetSetDB (using Foldseek and MMseqs)
spacedust clustersearch querySetDB targetSetDB result.tsv tmpFolder --search-mode 1
# Search querySetDB against targetSetDB (using ProstT5 and Foldseek only)
spacedust clustersearch querySetDB targetSetDB result.tsv tmpFolder --search-mode 2
Upon completion, Spacedust outputs a tab-separated text file (.tsv
). Each reported cluster consist of one summary line followed by multiple lines, one line for each pairwise hit between the query and target genome.
#clusterID query_acc target_acc clusterMatchPvalue multihitPvalue num_hits
>queryID targetID bestHitPvalue seqIdentity eVal qStart qEnd qLen tStart tEnd tLen alnCigar
The summary line starts with #
: a unique cluster ID, query genome accession, target genome accession, cluster match P-value (joint P-value of clustering and ordering), multihit P-value and number of hits in the cluster.
Each following line starts with >
and describes an individual member hit of the cluster (i.e. one target sequence aligned to the query) in MMseqs2 alignment-result-like format, which has the following columns separated by tab characters: query protein ID, target protein ID, besthit P-value, sequence identity, pairwise E-value, query protein start, end and length, target protein start, end and length, alnCigar, which is a string that encodes the alignment in compressed format. The columns are further described in the MMseqs2 wiki. The query and target protein IDs contain the accession, protein position index, start and end coordinates (end and start coordinates if on reverse strand), separated by _
During the workflow execution, spacedust will keep all intermediate outputs in tmpFolder
, passing the --remove-tmp-files
parameter will clear out the tmpFolder
after workflows have finished.
Compiling spacedust from source has the advantage of system-specific optimizations, which should improve its performance. To compile spacedust git
, g++
(4.9 or higher) and cmake
(3.0 or higher) are required. Afterwards, the spacedust binary will be located in the build/bin
git clone
cd spacedust
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin/:$PATH
❗ If you want to compile spacedust on macOS, please install and use gcc
from Homebrew. The default macOS clang
compiler does not support OpenMP and spacedust will not be able to run multithreaded. Adjust the cmake
call above to:
CC="$(brew --prefix)/bin/gcc-10" CXX="$(brew --prefix)/bin/g++-10" cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. ..