This repository is being reorganized, and the verified DEMOs will be marked with ✅.
If you have any suggestions for these routines or find any bugs, please submit an issue.
Demo for FPGA Integrated SOC AE350
Status: Unreviewed
- Transplant GOWIN official ref_design
- Check and upload the new demo.
- Add a demo for PS. (in progress)
- Transplant RTOS for ae350.
Play music or sine wave audio using the onboard audio DAC
Output the images captured by OV5640 via DVI (HDMI)
An example to test onboard ddr memory, use the onboard LEDs or GAO to view the results.
Demo with OV5640 camera and 480x272 rgb_screen.
Status: Unreviewed
- Add support for other screen resolutions(In progress)
- Check and upload the new demo.
6 Leds with 3 Function keys.
6 Leds with 1 Reset Keys
Dual Hdmi Display example based on svo
Another example to test onboard ddr memory, use uart to view test results.
Demo to test RGB Screen.
Pcie Demo. Read its PDF for more information.
Status: Unreviewed
- Transplant DEMO for 138K(In progress)
- Check and upload the new demo.
customized_phy: Read Gowin Customized PHY IP For more information.
10G_Serial_Ethernet: DEMO for 10GbE Ethernet UDP Send Test Using SFP+.
DEMO for 1GbE Ethernet UDP Send Test Using RJ45.
A series about USB2 soft_PHY demo. Support both high-speed & full-speed, use the onboard USB-C port marked SOFT-USB.
- Add WINUSB demo.
A demo to drive onboard ws2812, without reset key.