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Fetch newest bing wallpaper and set it as background. Use NLP and Text2Speech GCP services for translation and accessibility.


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bing-wallpaper-changer is a cross-platform compatible wallpaper-changer (CLI).

It fetches the newest Bing wallpaper and sets it as a desktop background image. Custom watermark can be used on the downloaded image. GCP support for the translation and text2speech is provided as well. Done just for fun 😄


  • Crawl and fetch newest Bind wallpaper
    • Support multiple regions
    • Support multiple screen resolutions (😡 UltraHD is broken on the Bing side)
    • Download wallpapers up to seven days in the past
  • Draw title on wallpapers
    • Support Google Cloud Translation Service for translation to English
    • Support Google Cloud Text2Speech Service for accessibility (playing the sound on darwin and linux only if compiled with CGO)
  • Place QR code for the copyright links
  • Draw watermarks
    • Scale down/up to match the resolution of the wallpaper
    • Rotate if necessary (only clockwise rotation by 90° supported)
  • System tray interface (available on darwin and linux only if compiled with CGO)


$ bing-wallpaper-changer -h
>Usage of bing-wallpaper-changer:
>      --day int                          the day to fetch the wallpaper for, 0 is today, 1 is yesterday, and so on, 7 is the highest value, which is seven days ago
>      --description                      draw the description on the wallpaper (default true)
>      --download-directory string        the directory to download the wallpaper to (default "~/Pictures/BingWallpapers")
>      --download-only                    download the wallpaper only
>      --furigana-api-app-id string       the Goo Labs API App ID ( for the furigana service, if not provided, will be used
>      --google-app-credentials string    the path to the Google App credentials file for the translation service for zh-CN, de-DE, ja-JP to en-US,
>                                         if not provided, the translation service will not be used
>      --qrcode                           draw the QR code on the wallpaper (default true)
>      --region string                    the region to fetch the wallpaper for, allowed values are: en-CA, zh-CN, de-DE, ja-JP, en-NZ, en-GB, en-US (default "de-DE")
>      --resolution string                the resolution of the wallpaper, allowed values are: 1366x768, 1920x1080, 3840x2160 (default "1920x1080")
>      --rotate-counter-clockwise         rotate the watermark counter-clockwise if necessary (default is clockwise)
>      --use-google-text2speech-service   use the Google Text2Speech service to record and play the audio description
>      --watermark string                 draw the watermark on the wallpaper (default "sarumaj.png")



Using default parameters:

Bing Wallpaper of the day with QR code, default watermark and title

Resized watermark

Using small PNG watermark: red-dot.png

Bing Wallpaper of the day with QR code, red-dot watermark and title

Rotated watermark

Using vertical (portrait-mode) PNG watermark: car.png

Bing Wallpaper of the day with QR code, car watermark and title

Fetching Bing wallpaper for the ja-JP region

Using default parameters with region set to ja-JP:

Bing Wallpaper of the day for ja-JP region with QR code, default watermark and title