Hi, I am Dawid, an enthusiastic programmer from the Mobility Sector 🙃. An electrical engineer with experience in programming collaborative robots, advanced driver assistance systems, etc. I work as a DevOps Engineer in Global IT for a huge automotive supplier company. I focus on backend development and process automation 🤖
Repository | Description | Runtime |
kagi-proxy | A HTTP proxy service over TLS allowing access to my kagi.com session. | |
qiskit-state-evolution-recorder | A simple module allowing to record animations to trace changes in qubit states for arbitrary quantum circuits. | |
edu-space-invaders | An online game built using Go runtime and web assembly | |
edu-taschenrechner | A simple calculator app | |
gh-gr | github-cli extension allowing to manage multiple github repositories at once | |
ldap-cli | Cross-platform compatible LDAP-based command-line interface | |
bing-wallpaper-changer | Fetch newest bing wallpaper and set it as background. Use NLP and Text2Speech GCP services for translation and accessibility. | |
go-kakasi | Japanese NLP library | |
go-super | Tiny go library for error handling | |
restartable-server | A fail-safe HTTP server implementation | |
water-maker | A simple app allowing to watermark images | |
MyCampusMobile | A mobile app for accessing university campus | |
kanji-reader | Clock widget displaying Japanese characters | |
schulportal-telegram-bot | A Telegram bot made to leverage features of Hesse school portal | |
iubh-tampermonkey-course-registration | A tampermonkey JS script allowing to cancel a course registration or enroll for another at university campus | |
rust-playground | A collection of tiny projects I worked on while learning rust |