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David Renshaw edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 13 revisions

Porting Ruby on Rails apps to Sandstorm


This guide collects some wisdom gained from working on Sandstorm ports of GitLab and Lobsters. If you want to see the concrete details in action, you should explore those repositories. In fact, cloning lobsters-sandstorm would probably give you a decent good starting point for doing your own app port.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the basics of porting Sandstorm apps, as outlined in the Porting Guide.

Some of the information here might also be useful for porting non-Rails Ruby apps.

Ruby installation

We want to install Ruby in such a way that:

  1. We have precise control over which version is installed.
  2. The installation path is the same on our development system as it will be in the packaged app. (Ruby installations tend not to deal well with getting relocated.)
  3. We don't need to include our home directory in the packaged app.

We can satisfy these constraints by installing either RBenv or RVM in /usr/local.

RBenv / Ruby-Build

RBenv can be installed following steps like these:

$ sudo git clone /usr/local/rbenv
$ sudo git clone /usr/local/rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
$ sudo groupadd rbenv
$ sudo usermod -a -G rbenv `whoami`
$ sudo chgrp -R rbenv /usr/local/rbenv
$ sudo chmod -R g=rwx /usr/local/rbenv

To activate it, you'll need to add this to your ~/.bashrc:

export RBENV_ROOT=/usr/local/rbenv
export PATH="$RBENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Now install the ruby needed by your app. For example,

$ rbenv install 2.1.5


RVM should work too, but we haven't tested it.

Note that relative RPATHs currently don't work on Sandstorm, which means that you won't be able to use RVM's binary Ruby distributions. You can work around this by making sure to build Ruby from source, e.g.

$ rvm install 2.1.5 --disable-binary

Project Setup

Directory Structure

To cleanly separate concerns, we recommend that you start a new Git repository that brings in the original project as a subdirectory. For example, in our Lobsters port, we created a new repo called "lobsters-sandstorm", containing a Makefile with a recipe that git clones our fork of the original Lobsters repo.


Rails projects have a standard directory structure, with subdirectories including app/, config/, public/, and others. Of these, tmp/ and log/ are notable in that they need to be writable at run time. To allow these to function in a packaged Sandstorm app, you'll need to add them as symlinks, e.g.:

$ ln -s /tmp tmp
$ ln -s /var/log log

Note that the /tmp directory mounted for apps has a limited capacity, currently 16MB per app instance.

Database Configuration

ActiveRecord conveniently allows us to use SQLite, which, for Sandstorm apps, is usually a much better fit than MySQL and PostgreSQL. To use it, make sure that your Gemfile includes the "sqlite3" gem, and make sure your config/database.yml looks something like:

  adapter: sqlite3
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000
  database: /var/sqlite3/db.sqlite3

It might also make sense to include an initialized database as part of the packaged app, so that your start script can just copy it over to writable storage when the app first boots.


Make sure you have Bundler installed:

$ gem install bundler

Now you can install your project's dependencies. It's best to put them in a local directory, like this:

$ bundle install --path .bundle --without test development


In your app, it's best to avoid the fancy shell setup code that RVM and RBenv typically rely on. Instead, you should directly use whatever Ruby binary you need. For example, if you are using RBenv and Ruby 2.1.5, this would entail adding /usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin to your PATH.

Session Secret

To freshly generate a new secret on each startup of the app, and pass it in through an environment variable, make sure that you have a config/secrets.yml like this:

  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>

and that you add a line like this to your startup scripts:

export SECRET_KEY_BASE=`base64 /dev/urandom | head -c 30`

Precompile Assets

Make sure that your config/environments/production.rb is configured like this:

config.serve_static_assets = true # serve the precompiled assets
config.assets.compile = false     # don't try to compile assets on the fly

config.assets.configure do |env|
  # override the default location of tmp/cache/assets
  env.cache ="read-only-cache/assets")

Now running this command

$ RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/rake assets:precompile

should generate assets in read-only-cache/assets and public/assets.


Sandstorm can handle login for your app. It proxies all requests and inserts special headers indicating the name and ID of authenticated users. How you use this information depends on your app's authentication scheme and User model.


Devise is a authentication library commonly used by Rails apps. It has a mechanism for adding pluggable authentication shemes called "strategies". To hook into it, you can add something like this to config/initializers/sandstorm_strategy.rb:

module Devise
  module Strategies
    class Sandstorm < Authenticatable
      def authenticate!
        userid = request.headers['HTTP_X_SANDSTORM_USER_ID'].encode(Encoding::UTF_8)
        username = URI.unescape(request.headers['HTTP_X_SANDSTORM_USERNAME']).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
        u = User.where(username: userid).first
        if !u
          opts = {}
          opts[:name] = username
          opts[:id] = userid
          u =
   'User was successfully created.'
            Rails.logger.error 'User could not be created'
            Rails.logger.error u.errors

      def valid?

And then edit config/initializers/devise.rb to have the following block somewhere in Devise.setup:

Devise.setup do |config|
  config.warden do |manager|
    manager.intercept_401 = false
    manager.strategies.add(:sandstorm, Devise::Strategies::Sandstorm)
    manager.default_strategies(:scope => :user).unshift :sandstorm

Boot Time

Rails apps are not typically optimized for startup time. However, fast startup is very important for Sandstorm apps, because they are aggressively spun down when not in use. Worse, Ruby's strategy for loading gems does not interact well with spk dev, so startup times in development mode can get quite long -- sometimes on the order of minutes.

You have a few ways to deal with this.

The first is to remove dependencies that don't make sense for a Sandstorm port. For example, any gems that handle authentication can be removed, because you're just going to rely on Sandstorm for authentication. This includes omniauth, rack-attack and oauth gems. Also, you can probably do away with fancier web servers like Unicorn and Thin; WEBrick ought to work just fine for a Sandstorm app.

If your app uses a task runner like Foreman, it might be adding a full second to your (non-dev-mode) startup time! It's more efficient to launch your processes from startup shell scripts, and maybe append something like 2>&1 | awk '{print "sidekiq: " $0}' so you can distinguish the log output.

bundle exec is also somewhat expensive, and all that it does is populate environment variables.

If you're feeling particularly ambitious, you could try to eliminate entirely your app's runtime dependency on Bundler, as discussed in this blog post. Perhaps we Sandstorm developers should develop our own tools that statically does what Bundler.setup and Bundler.require do dynamically.

Finally, you should realize that you don't need to do all your development in dev mode. If you spk pack and install your app, you can still edit the code in-place in the var/sandstorm/apps/<pkdId> directory where it was installed.


Referer header

Sandstorm does not forward the Referer header, so things like redirect_to :back will fail.

Accept header

Sandstorm does not forward the X-Requested-With header, which confuses Rails in some cases. You may find it useful to add this monkey patch as config/initializers/sandstorm_accept_header.rb:

# For obscure reasons, if Rails gets an XMLHttpRequest with an Accept header like
# "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01" and does not get an
# X-Requested-With header, it will report that HTML is the desired format in calls
# to `respond_to`. This monkey patch should fix the problem. I think the worst
# possible side effect is that certain old browsers might display some content wrong.
module ActionDispatch
  module Http
    module MimeNegotiation
      def valid_accept_header

Javascript Runtime

The execjs gem wants a javascript runtime to exist on startup. If you precompile your assets, there's a good chance that you don't actually need a javascript runtime in your packaged app. In that case, you can get away with adding an empty usr/bin/node file to your app, just to appease execjs. (Note that the file has to be marked executable.)

For example, in your source directory, do:

touch empty-file
chmod +x empty-file

Then add this to your searchPath in sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp:

(sourcePath = "empty-file", packagePath = "usr/bin/node"),


Logically, we want to do rake db:migrate every time we start up the app, but that might be really expensive. Instead, your app should write its version somewhere and invoke rake db:migrate only when it detects a change.

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