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App Market Submission Instructions

Kenton Varda edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 9 revisions

These are temporary instructions for submitting apps to Sandstorm's new app market. The app market is not officially launched yet, but you can follow these instructions now.

1. Sign up for Keybase

We use PGP and Keybase to verify app authors. Keybase has extensive documentation on how to set up GPG and create your key. See:

If you need an invite, ask Kenton or Jade.

Be sure in particular to link your Github and Twitter accounts to your Keybase profile, as they will be displayed in your app listing.

Optionally, you can skip signing up for Keybase. However, your app listing will not be linked to your identity, and people will not have proof that it came from you.

2. Update your app manifest to contain listing metadata

You must extend your package to contain the necessary metadata for the app market.

Here is an example commit updating Etherpad.


3. Submit your app

Once you've built an SPK, submit it like so:

spk publish mypackage.spk --webkey=

(Note: The --webkey flag will no longer be needed starting with build 0.106, which hasn't been released yet. If you're building Sandstorm from master, you can already skip this flag.)

It will then go into the queue for us to review. We'll check that everything looks right. If it does, we'll publish the app, otherwise we'll email you to let you know what needs fixing.

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