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Releases: rotexsoft/slim-skeleton-mvc-app

Minor Release

29 May 01:14
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  • Documentation updates
  • Changed addContentLengthHeader setting's default value to true in only production.
    • Setting it to true in dev mode was leading to dump statements not rendering the whole page since the length of the output from the dump statement(s) was not being added to the length of the view and layout rendered into the response objects returned by actions. This is not a bug. In production your application should not contain dump statements (which are usually present when developing for debugging purposes), so the content length header added to the response object return from an action in your controller will be correct.

Full Changelog: 5.0.5...5.0.6

Minor Release

25 May 23:30
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  • Added ContainerInterface type-hint to anonymous functions in the dependencies file

Full Changelog: 5.0.4...5.0.5

Minor Release

23 May 18:25
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  • Added 'session_start_options' to config/app-settings.php whose value can be passed to any call to session_start calls in applications
  • Also update vespula/auth requirement to 4.0+

Full Changelog: 5.0.3...5.0.4

Minor Release

12 May 11:45
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  • Added code to the post-create-project script to remove tests/bootstrap.php & tests/AllRoutesTest.php in each created project as they are not needed, they are used to test this framework. Applications built via this framework can setup testing in whatever way suits each application's need.

Full Changelog: 5.0.2...5.0.3

Minor Release

12 May 11:28
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  • Added code to the post-create-project script to remove ./rector.php in each created project as it is not needed. Applications built via this framework can incorporate rector later in whatever way suits each application's need.

Full Changelog: 5.0.1...5.0.2

Minor Release

09 May 08:34
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  • Tweaked the view src/views/base/controller-classes-by-action-methods-report.php for actionRoutes inherited from the BaseController to allow more flexibility in how routes are listed

Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.0.1

New Major Release

14 Mar 08:52
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  • Minimum PHP version has been bumped up to 8.1
  • Bumped rotexsoft/slim-skeleton-mvc-tools to ^5.0.0
  • Method signature enhancements in Hello controller
    • Changed actionIndex()
    • to actionIndex(): ResponseInterface|string
    • to be compatible with the PHP 8.1 compliant signature of the same method in \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController
  • Stricter type hinting in various parts of the code base

Full Changelog: 4.0.0...5.0.0

Stable release based on Slim PHP 4

03 Feb 13:04
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  • Now based on Slim 4

  • Added as much strict typing as possible all over the code base in class property declarations, class method & stand-alone function parameters and return types

  • The namespace prefix Slim3MvcTools has been renamed to SlimMvcTools

  • Added Localization functionality out of the box using the Vespula Locale package

    • see ./config/languages/, \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController->updateSelectedLanguage() : void & the default layout template file & some views like the login form for how this feature has been implemented
  • Added ./src/AppErrorHandler.php which should be used for error handling logic

  • \SlimMvcTools\Container is the PSR-11 compliant container that now ships with this framework

  • Nyholm PSR7 & Nyholm PSR7 Server are the PSR 7 implementations that now ship with this framework

  • UI & JS frameworks like the Zurb Foundation front-end framework ( and jQuery have been removed and no longer ship with this package. It just ships with minimal HTML, CSS & Vanilla JavaScript.

  • PHP 7.4 is the minimum required version

  • Switched from BSD-2 to BSD-3 license

  • The following settings have been removed from ./config/app-settings.php

    • httpVersion, responseChunkSize, outputBuffering, determineRouteBeforeAppMiddleware, routerCacheFile, bind_options & ldap_server_addr
  • The following settings have been added to ./config/app-settings.php

    • logErrors, logErrorDetails, app_base_path, error_template_file, use_mvc_routes, mvc_routes_http_methods, auto_prepend_action_to_action_method_names, default_controller_class_name, default_action_name, error_handler_class, html_renderer_class, json_renderer_class, log_renderer_class, xml_renderer_class
  • Keys for items registered in the container instance defined in ./config/dependencies.php are now constants defined in \SlimMvcTools\ContainerKeys

    • The items with the following keys (errorHandler, errorHandlerClass, notFoundHandler, notFoundHandlerClass, notAllowedHandler & notAllowedHandlerClass) in the dependencies file for version 3 are no longer present in version 4 and their previous functionality can easily be implemented in \SlimSkeletonMvcApp\AppErrorHandler->__invoke(...)

    • A local object & 2 factories that create new instances of PSR 7 Request & Response objects have been added to ./config/dependencies.php with the following keys:

      • ContainerKeys::LOCALE_OBJ, ContainerKeys::NEW_REQUEST_OBJECT & ContainerKeys::NEW_RESPONSE_OBJECT
  • The default value of session.save_path in config/ini-settings-dist.php is now ./tmp/session

  • ./config/routes-and-middlewares.php has been revamped to work with Slim 4

  • ./documentation/, ./documentation/ & ./documentation/ have been updated to reflect all the changes in this release

  • ./src/layout-templates/error-template.php has been added and is meant to be used as the layout template for displaying error pages like HTTP 404 not found, etc.

  • A $controller_object variable which is a reference to the controller instance currently being invoked is now available in all views and layouts rendered via the BaseController's renderLayout & renderView methods

    • s3MVC_MakeLink has been removed. You should use $controller_object->makeLink($path) in your view & layout files instead

Full Changelog: 3.0.3...4.0.0

Documentation Update

01 Apr 22:29
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  • Updated documentation and references to be specific to Slim 3


09 Apr 01:30
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Renamed s3mvc-create-controller* to smvc-create-controller* in prep for slim 4 upgrade