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Releases: rotexsoft/slim-skeleton-mvc-app


16 Sep 21:20
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  • Added commands under the scripts section of the composer.json file (that gets created for each application) to create the following files if they do not exist: .htaccess, env.php and app-settings.php

  • Updated the quickstart guide


05 Aug 22:14
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  • Added a view controller-classes-by-action-methods-report.php to support the new actionRoutes in \Slim3MvcTools\Controllers\BaseController

Bumped minimum PHP Requirement to 7.2

14 Jan 19:33
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  • Bumped minimum PHP Requirement to 7.2
  • Updated composer dependencies

Bug fix

29 Nov 06:47
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  • Type Hinting the Hello Controller constructor with \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface now

Maintenance Release

29 Nov 06:39
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  • Updated requirement to rotexsoft/slim3-skeleton-mvc-tools version 2.1.*

Maintenance Release

14 Nov 00:42
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  • Refactored ./public/index.dist.php which is used to generate ./public/index.php when a project is created

Maintenance Release

18 Mar 05:33
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  • Added public/.htaccess.dist.
  • Also added public/.htaccess to .gitignore-dist (which is used to generate the .gitnore for new projects) so that public/.htaccess will not be tracked by default in new projects. Obviously users can remove this line from their .gitignore when they create a new project.

Maintenance Release

18 Mar 05:32
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  • Added public/.htaccess.dist.
  • Also added public/.htaccess to .gitignore-dist (which is used to generate the .gitnore for new projects) so that public/.htaccess will not be tracked by default in new projects. Obviously users can remove this line from their .gitignore when they create a new project.

Bumped up minimum PHP Requirement to 5.6 for this and future releases

21 Feb 18:20
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  • Minimum requirement is now PHP 5.6+
    • Goal is to make this PHP 7.1+ once slim 4 is released and becomes the foundation for this package (would really have loved to make it PHP 7.2+ since PHP 7.1 will no longer continue to be supported after Dec 2019 and since most recent LTS server distros are shipping with PHP 7.2 by default now)

Updated the optional foundation UI component

19 Feb 21:06
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