- You can now show off the Stanley cup champions as a standard board. Simply select "stanley_cup_champions" in the board options for any state you want. (off_day for now since there is no NHL right now :( )
from @mrenigma03
- Thanks to this kind folk we now have a Christmas board showing how many days are left until Santa drops in your chimney, eat cookies, drink milk and drop some gift. To use is, just select "christmas" in the board option for any state you want
from @falkyre (Thank you for all the work m8)
- Add weather forecast board (wxforecast) - up to 3 days out anything more is silly
- Weather forecast summary is shortened down to be able to display on matrix. eg "Clearing early this morning. Wind north 30 km/h. High 12. UV index 5 or moderate." will be shortened to "Clear" This is based on the icon_code returned by the forecast provider.
- If you see an N/A in your forecast when using Environment Canada, it means an icon_code is not handled. Look in the logs for what the icon_code is and open an issue. I'll add it to the csv file that's used for lookups
- Add screen saver functionality to turn off screen (brightness =0) @ a time and turn back on at a time. If you have a motion sensor, fade screen on on motion and fade screen off when no motion
- You can use a gif animation for your screen saver. Put in assets/animations/screensaver. If nothing is in there, screensaver will just fade to black
- Screensaver won't be turned on if a game is live
- Screensaver is a blocking board, so anything not running in it's own thread will be blocked (currently this will affect the data refresh of the NHL api and covid api). To block dimmer, weather (current obs, alerts and forecast), set the data_updates = false item in the screensaver section of the config.json.
- While screensaver is active, every 90 seconds a message will be logged stating it's active (so you will know why the board is blanked)
- NOTE!!!!!!! If you set the screensaver times to be active when your teams have a game scheduled, when the screensaver is active it will not stop when the game starts. So choose your start and stop times to be reasonable as you can
- If screensaver is interrupted by the pushbutton, it will show the board for the pushbutton and then restart screensaver after the board the pushbutton launches is complete
- Clock color selection - based on first preferred team colors or by RGB values for clock and date info. If rgb values are invalid, they will fall back to original clock colors. If a team has black as one of their colors, that will be changed to white
On first weather page, the feels like temperature will now change color based on the temperature. Blue is lower than actual, Red is higher and Green is the same.
Allow nws alert time to be expire time or effective time
Dimmer now can be set to use specific time for night and day, if times are set in config, it will override the sunrise/sunset found by your location
Dimmer can add offset in minutes to sunset and sunrise time. A positive value adds to the sunrise/sunset time. A negative value subtracts from the sunset/sunrise time
Location can now be (or rather always was) lat/lon: eg "location": "49.8844,-97.147" or even use your home address
Moved all weather workers (forecast, alerts and current obs) as well as dimmer to be managed by scheduler. Allows for handling errors and not crashing a thread so don't lose any weather data
Move debug.py to use python logging module and in memory logs (and color in logs if run from command line). New setting "loglevel" can be DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR or CRITICAL
- NOTE!!!! Be careful with using "debug" = true or "loglevel" = "DEBUG" in config. It logs EVERYTHING that the scoreboard code uses (all modules). Only use this if asked to for troubleshooting. So leave "debug": false in the config unless otherwise asked to set to true. You've been warned.
Added check to see if the scoreboard was launched at command line so running the Terminal Mode and the new colored logging will only run that way
Updated the src/renderer/matrix.py draw_text_layout function to allow for a fillColor to be passed. If a fillColor is passed, it will override the layout.json color. If nothing passed, the layout.json color is used
Updated the submodule to use latest rgb matrix library as of September 17, 2020
nhl_setup: Added in new sections for screensaver board and additions to the weather, wxalerts and dimmer board.
nhl_setup: Can now select individual sections to update instead of doing the whole config. The config.json is broken into the following sections: general, preferences, states, boards and sbio. General is the first 3 items in the config.
nhl_setup: The states, boards and sbio sections all can be configured in their respective individual sections as well. Example: Under boards, you will be asked which boards you want to update and only those ones will be offered to be changed.
nhl_setup: Updated the underlying questionary library to fix some of the prompt colors.
- In the wxAlert.py board, move the statements for shortening Alert Titles out of the warning only and have for all types of alerts
- fixed up the assets/animations/goal directories that were missing. Added .gitignore files in those directories so they are created but are empty of animations
- Remove timezone in the datestring returned from EC for alerts. Normally this wouldn't affect you unless you are testing a location in different timezone from your raspberry pi
- updatecheck argument changed to action=store_true. Now if it's missing on command line, it's set to false. If on command line --updatecheck, it's true. The old command line argument --updatecheck=True is not used now