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Releases: riffnshred/nhl-led-scoreboard
Releases · riffnshred/nhl-led-scoreboard
v1.8.4 HOT FIX
- removed deprecated clock and time variables
- Fixed crash related to missing clock data in the Scoreboard class
v1.8.3 Pre 2024 playoff fix
With the new API we are all blind to how and what data will be available so I removed the playoff related features to prevent potential issues.
- Removed call to series related functions
- Fix issue where the scoreboard crash or get stuck in a boot loop when a favorite team has not next or previous game.
v1.8.2 HOT FIX. Removed Azaroth fix for player with accent in their name.
- Azaroth's fix for the players with accent in their name caused the board to crash on Goals and Penalties.
- Bump the version file
v1.8.1 Minor Fix - All teams are now valid. No more end of day
- Fixed issue where some team names in the preferred team list were not valid
- end_of_day is now hard coded to 3am. which mean its not an option anymore. This feature causes a lot of confusion. For version 2, I will find a better alternative so that we can see the scores from the day before in one board and the games of the day on an other board.
v1.8.0 - Azaroth MEGA FIX & Falkyre's new Install script
...Is this thing On ? (we're not dead yet)
Fixes done by @azaroth08 (A LOT)
- added the lines to fix the box bounding in pillow and fixed the rectangle draw stuff
- commented out the cython recompile lines
- added httpx==0.20.0 as a pip installation
- added two apt packages and updated APScheduler version
- added new directory nhlpy which is essentially a fork of a different library on github but being maintained by myself
- changed all calls in nhl_api modules to link to nhlpy (can set verbose=True to see which api calls its trying to make)
- new method doesnt save in a class so changed all calls to the data to be a direct access (ex. x.details.event_owner_team_id -> x["details"]["eventOwnerTeamId"]) this happened in many places so cant provide them all but if it works once it should work everywhere provided the nhl doesnt change their api again
- commented refresh_next_season()
- had some issue with the date/time so ended up having to convert everything into datetime types (ex. line 357 of data/ i suspect the class in the only api library did that automatically?
- changed some areas of the logic to first check if data was available (probably done in the old class as well) ex for checking assists the logic is now if play_details.get("assisst1Player"): assists.append... This change in logic appears anywhere the data might be optional but seems to have a slight bug on the goal scorer where the goal is pushed to the api without the scorer being listed occasionally
- removed the type casting for SeasonStandings (I assume this was part of the old library?) and fixed all references that that broke.
- same as above for WeekSchedule
- theres a weird thing where the api returns team names as "placeName" instead of just "name" when looking at older games so added some logic to look for that (see picture)
- Slightly changed the team_previous_game() function to look further into the future if it returns an empty list. this should also fix a list index error but only implented 18 hours ago and can't find a team that doesnt have a game scheduled for more than a week
- Fixed issue where day doesn't properly tick over to new day (this started after all star games?)
Fixes done by @falkyre
- Environment Canada updated to latest version and will no longer stop the board if it can't connect to the EC Data Warehouse
- OWM will now cache initial call using python diskcache so we don't hammer the OWM API if the board restarts under supervisor lots and lots of times in a short period.
- OWM now using the OneCall 2.5 API for now (the OneCall 3.0 is coming soonish)
- Location is now cached using python diskcache instead of to a local file under the config
- Updated the logging to utilize the rich library. For giggles turn on the --loglevel=DEBUG and see how much is thrown back at you
- Added a script to create a virtual environment (scripts/ This also blacklists the snd_bcm2835 module and adds the isolcpus=3 to cmdline.txt
- The has been tested under Bullseye and also under Bookworm (64 bit). Virtual Environments work different as you know have to use the python in the virtual environment rather than the global python. The end of the script will tell you exactly how to call the python using sudo. DO NOT IGNORE the last lines of output the script gives you.
- Cleanup the requrements.txt
NEW FEATURE (From @falkyre's PR #448 )
Change of, this now gives 3 options: New Install, Upgrade and About (just some stuff about the install tool). The New install now calls a script called sb-init. The upgrade will call the sb-upgrade script. Both of these scripts are now located under the scripts/sbtools directory. NOTE: The install script DOES NOT need to be run with sudo as the scripts already handle that.
The sb-upgrade script will be the way to upgrade if and when new patches are released. It also handles if you are running a venv or under the old way of installation.