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What to test ?

Charles du Jeu edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 5 revisions

Features to focus on while testing

Take this testing session as an adventure :-). If you just deploy a very basic Pydio on LAMP with db-based internal users and default fs-based workspaces, your testing session will probably not be of a great help. We need you to test "exotic" features as much as possible!

  • Non-LAMP Systems

    • You are more than welcome to deploy Pydio using another stack that the standard Linux/Apache. If you can translate and contribute the basic required RewriteRule for your system (e.g. nginx config), you're welcome.
    • On Windows/IIS setup, make sure to test all accented-filenames issues (in notifications, emails sent, logs, etc...). Encoding has been greatly simplified but needs a big testing everywhere.
  • Groups / Roles / Permissions hierarchy and inheritance

    • Make sure parameters and disabled actions are correctly propagated from groups/roles to end-users.
  • Basic files and metadata operations:

    • Create a file, create a shared link, move it around and make sure everything is working properly.
    • Test various existing drivers : FS, S3 (SDK now embedded), FTP / sFTP, SMB (plus new SMB driver in enterprise), etc
    • Test new uploader UX
  • Shares

    • Shares data are now stored with PARENT_REPOSITORY_OPTION:<OPTION_NAME> in the DB, and the full path is not shared anymore. Which means you should be able to e.g. move the data of a given repository entirely, reconfigure the repo and have existing shares working right.
    • New global Disable Sharing / Disable Resharing parameters
  • Authentication

    • LDAP Auth, New LDAP driver in enterprise version
    • WebFTP Configuration
    • OTP: Google and Yubikey support were reworked.
  • Cache Management

    • Cache is becoming pretty agressive now. Try to find cases where it gets out-of-sync with the real data.