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Orthanc Explorer 2

This Orthanc plugin implements a new user interface for Orthanc to replace the Orthanc Explorer.


Binaries are available:

  • here on Github, you'll find the plugin for
    • Windows 64bits
    • Ubuntu 20.04
    • MacOS (Universal binary)
  • in the Windows Installers (64bits version only), the plugin is enabled but, right now, the legacy Orthanc Explorer remains the default UI. Note that, in a future release, OE2 will become the default UI for Orthanc in the Windows Installers.
  • in the orthancteam/orthanc Docker images, the plugin is enabled but, right now, the legacy Orthanc Explorer remains the default UI. Note that, in a future release, OE2 will become the default UI for Orthanc in the Windows Installers.

The binaries must be copied next to other Orthanc plugins (Windows: C:\\Program Files\\Orthanc Server\\Plugins, ubuntu: /usr/share/orthanc/plugins/). You should also possible make sure that the plugin is listed in the "Plugins" Orthanc configuration.


Like any other Orthanc plugins, Orthanc Explorer 2 is configured through a json configuration file that is provided to Orthanc at startup.

At minimum, you should provide this configuration file:

    "Plugins": [ "." ],
    "OrthancExplorer2": {
        "Enable": true,
        "IsDefaultOrthancUI": false

Using this minimal configuration file, Orthanc Explorer 2 is accessible at http://localhost:8042/ui/app/ . If IsDefaultOrthancUI is set to true, Orthanc Explorer 2 will replace the built-in Orthanc Explorer.

If you are using Docker, the easiest way to try the new Orthanc Explorer 2 is to run this command and then open a browser in http://localhost:8042/ui/app/ (login: orthanc, pwd: orthanc)

docker pull orthancteam/orthanc:latest
docker run -p 8042:8042 orthancteam/orthanc:latest

Front-end development


  • install nodejs version 14 or higher and npm version 6 or higher
  • install nginx

Then, to continuously build and serve the front-end code on your machine, in a shell, type:

cd WebApplication
npm install
npm run dev

Npm will then serve the /ui/app/ static code (HTML/JS).

Then, launch an Orthanc with the OE2 plugin already enabled and listening on localhost:8043. This can be achieved with by typing this command in another shell:

docker run -p 8043:8042 -e ORTHANC__AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED=false orthancteam/orthanc:24.6.2

This Orthanc will serve the /ui/api/ routes.

In third shell, type:

sudo ./scripts/

This will launch an nginx server that will implement reverse proxies to serve both the static code and the Orthanc Rest API on a single endpoind. You may then open http://localhost:9999/ui/app/ to view and debug your current front-end code. As soon as you modify a WebApplication source file, the UI shall reload automatically in the browser.

Edit scripts/nginx-dev.conf if needed.


Prerequisites to build the frontend: you need nodejs version 14 or higher and npm version 6 or higher.

To build the frontend:

cd WebApplication
npm install
npm run build

And then, to build the C++ plugin:

cd /build
make -j 4

LSB (Linux Standard Base)

Here are the build instructions for LSB:

cd WebApplication
npm install
npm run build
cd ..
mkdir build-lsb
cd build-lsb
LSB_CC=gcc-4.8 LSB_CXX=g++-4.8 cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../Resources/Orthanc/Toolchains/LinuxStandardBaseToolchain.cmake -DALLOW_DOWNLOADS=ON -DSTATIC_BUILD=ON -DUSE_LEGACY_JSONCPP=ON -DWEBAPP_DIST_SOURCE=WEB ..
make -j4

Pre-compiled LSB binaries can be found at:

Linking against system-wide Orthanc Framework

Here are the build instructions to dynamic link against the system-wide Orthanc Framework:

cd WebApplication
npm install
npm run build
cd ..
mkdir build-system
cd build-system
make -j4


git tag -a 0.2.0 -m 0.2.0
git push --tags
git push


Feel free to fork this project, modify it and submit pull requests.