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490 lines (361 loc) · 17 KB

File metadata and controls

490 lines (361 loc) · 17 KB

Pending changes in the mainline


  • Added a clickable icon to open the primary viewer without expanding the study.
  • new configuration "CustomFavIconPath" to customize the FavIcon
  • new configuration "CustomTitle" to customize the tab/window title
  • new configurations to modify the PatientName display:
    • "PatientNameCapture", a Javascript regular expression to capture the words of PatientName
    • "PatientNameFormatting", a replacement expression using the captured words


  • Fixed (again) the "UiOptions.EnableApiViewMenu" configuration that was not taken into account. The API View button was never visible.

1.6.1 (2024-08-29)


  • new configuration values for "UiOptions.StudyListColumns":
    • "instancesCount" to show the number of instances in a study
    • "seriesAndInstancesCount" to show the number of series/instances in a study. This now replaces "seriesCount" in the default configuration.


  • Fixed the "UiOptions.EnableApiViewMenu" configuration that was not taken into account. The API View button was always visible.
  • Issue #65 SeriesCount column is empty.
  • Issue #63 This/last week selection in Date picker now starts on monday.
  • Bug #232 Clarified compilation instructions and use LOCAL dist folder by default.

1.6.0 (2024-08-02)


  • POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE: the Osimis viewer button is not listed anymore by default. In order to re-enable it, you must provide it to the "UiOptions.ViewersOrdering" configuration.
  • Orthanc Explorer 2 is now the default Orthanc UI when the plugin is installed.
  • Refactored the Remote Study List when browsing remote DICOM Modalities. It is now identical to the main local study list with a reduced list of actions (only the retrieve action is available).
    • the /ui/app/#/filtered-remote-studies has been replaced by /ui/app/#/filtered-studies?source-type=dicom&remote-source=...
  • Now providing the ability to browse remote DICOMWeb servers.
  • Authorization tokens can be provided in the URL as query args e.g: http://localhost:8042/ui/app/?token=my-token or /ui/app/filtered-studies?StudyDescription=PET&token=my-token and these tokens will be included as HTTP headers in all requests issued by OE2. Note that the query args must be positioned before the '#' in the URL. List of valid tokens are "token", "auth-token", "authorization".
  • Now sorting the results of a search by StudyDate.


  • Labels list was not displayed in the "Permissions" edition UI.
  • Opening /ui/app now redirects to /ui/app/ instead of failing opening the UI.

1.5.1 (2024-07-03)


  • Broken interface when the auth-service was not configured to implement the role/permission API

1.5.0 (2024-06-27)


  • Implemented a new permission UI in case you are using OE2 together with Keycloak and an authorisation service that implements a role/permission API.
  • New configuration "AvailableLabels" to forbid creation of labels that are not defined in this list. If the list is empty, anyone can create any new label.


  • Issue #57 Avoid double calls to tools/find when selecting a label or clicking on search button
  • In the settings page, the status of the python plugin was not correct.

1.4.1 (2024-06-05)



  • Prevent using invalid characters when adding labels to a study.
  • Issue #58 Upload function only uploads the first file.

1.4.0 (2024-05-16)


  • Added a "Add series" button to the study to create new series from PDF, images or STL files
    • New configurations:
      • "EnableAddSeries"
      • "AddSeriesDefaultTags"


  • Issue #51 Stop calling /changes once all studies are displayed.
  • Issue #52 Removed duplicate calls to /studies/../series and /series/../instances.
  • Issue #53 Changing selection in Modalities in Study works immediately even if "StudyListSearchMode": "search-button".
  • Issue #54 OHIF disappeared after #52 fix
  • Issue #55 DateFormat not respected + introduced DatePicker in the Modification Modal.
  • Removed duplicate calls to /tools/find in Modification modal

1.3.0 (2024-03-25)


  • Theming the interface:
    • New configurations:
      • "Theme" to select the default "light" or "dark" theme.
      • "CustomCssPath" to complement the default CSS by a custom one.
      • "CustomLogoPath" to provide your own custom logo from disk.
      • "CustomLogoUrl" to provide your own custom logo from an external url.
      • "DateFormat" to customize the date format in study list and in the date pickers.
  • OHIF Integration:
    • Added support for Segmentation and Microscopy modes. The Microscopy mode is disabled by default since it is not stable yet in OHIF.
    • You can now enable/disable OHIF viewer modes by including/removing them from the ViewersOrdering configuration.
    • OHIF buttons are now visible/hidden depending on the content of the study.
  • Configurations:
    • Updated default values for ViewersIcons and ViewersOrdering.
  • Added date pickers in the Remote Study List (when performing searches on remote modalities)
  • When editing a study, it is now possible to add an OtherPatientIDs DICOM tag.


  • Updated all JS libraries.

1.2.2 (2024-02-16)


  • Now keeping labels when modifying a study or a series.
    This fix requires Orthanc 1.12.3.
  • Added Slovenian translations
  • Now showing the DICOM header content at instance level (TransferSyntax, ...)
  • Instance preview now handles PDF correctly.
  • Now displaying #Patients and MaximumPatientCount in Settings.


  • fixed delete on multiple selection in Firefox

1.2.1 (2024-01-03)


  • Handle quotes correctly when "PatientBirthDate" is defined in "ShowSamePatientStudiesFilter"
  • fix #42: Studies disappear from list when unselecting them.
  • fix #34: Enable copy button when context is not secure.

1.2.0 (2023-12-19)


  • Added a button to download multiple studies at once (only available if running an Orthanc version > 1.12.1 - not officially released at the time this plugin was released)
  • Bew configuration "UiOptions.ShowSamePatientStudiesFilter" to list the tags that are used to identify studies belonging to the same patient.
  • Added Russian translations
  • Added a button to share multiple studies at once.
  • Now displaying the MaximumStorageSize in the settings page.
  • New configurations "UiOptions.Modifications.SeriesAllowedModes" & "UiOptions.Modifications.SeriesDefaultMode" to configure how series are modified. If only one option is available, it is not displayed and the default option is selected.
  • In "Modify Patient Tags", allow applying changes even if nothing has changed e.g. to apply all current Patient tags to all studies with the same Patient ID.


  • fix #43: Missing 'ModalitiesInStudy' in response in remote system QR breaks search result preview.

1.1.3 (2023-10-04)


  • fix target of 'open Orthanc Explorer 2' button in legacy OE
  • repair tables background color (bug in 1.1.2)

1.1.2 (2023-10-03)


  • new labels now appears/disappears on the side bar when they are created/deleted from a study
  • study labels are listed correctly when reoopening a study

1.1.1 (2023-09-18)


  • added German translations
  • show username in side bar


  • internal: fixed a typo in tools/find request
  • fix UI loading when user is not authorized to access to DicomWEB servers
  • #30: preserve double spaces in tag values.
  • fix labels filtering

1.1.0 (2023-08-16)


  • fixed an XSS vulnerability (many thanks to Abebe Hailu from

1.0.3 (2023-07-14)


  • added support for opening the WSI viewer on series

1.0.2 (2023-06-27)


  • fix ModalitiesInStudy filtering
  • fix links to uploaded studies

1.0.1 (2023-06-21)


  • added support for OHIF plugin:
    • new default value for the 'OhifViewer3PublicRoot' configuration: '/ohif/'
    • now displaying 3 buttons to open OHIF in basic mode, Volume Rendering and TMTV modes
    • 2 more viewers can be listed in 'ViewersIcons' and in 'ViewersOrdering': "ohif-vr" & "ohif-tmtv"
  • added support for labels
    • new 'UiOptions.EnableEditLabels' configuration
  • added support for VolView 1.1 plugin
  • 'StudyListColumns' can now contain any DICOM Tag that is stored as a MainDicomTag or ExtraMainDicomTag
  • added Ukrainian and Chinese translations thanks to Stephen D. Scotti, 'Franklin' and Juriy Cherednichock


  • use auth token for /preview if required

0.9.3 (2023-05-15)


  • allow opening MedDream viewer on multiple studies
  • new italian translations thanks to Stefano Feroldi
  • new georgian translations thanks to Yomarbuzz


  • improved integration with OHIF v3 and keycloak

0.9.2 (2023-04-17)


  • new configuration 'StudyListContentIfNoSearch' to replace 'StudyListEmptyIfNoSearch'. Allowed values are "empty", "most-recents" (default)
  • configuration 'StudyListEmptyIfNoSearch' is now deprecated. You should now use "StudyListContentIfNoSearch": "empty".
  • now reporting the status of Multitenant DICOM plugin in the settings page
  • added button "Open Orthanc Explorer 2" in Orthanc Explorer
  • new configuration 'EnableOpenInOhifViewer3' and 'OhifViewer3PublicRoot'


  • In the settings page, the status of the python plugin was not correct.

0.8.2 (2023-03-27)


  • If OE2 configuration did not include "UiOptions" section, the UI failed to run correctly.


  • Added an icon to open a study or a series in VolView
  • In the settings page, do not show buttons to open plugin UI if user-permissions are enabled, these UI wouldn't work anyway since they do not support tokens.

0.8.1 (2023-03-24)


  • Since the introduction of multiple selections, is was not possible to open the StoneViewer on a single study
  • Auth tokens were not refreshed correctly.

0.8.0 (2023-03-22)


  • Allow actions on multiple studies:
    • open StoneViewer
    • send to
    • delete
  • Refactored the Study List headers to show bulk action buttons


  • #9 EnableAnonimization spelled wrong in configuration file: you should now use UiOptions.EnableAnonymization instead. Both spellings are currently accepted but only the new spelling might be accepted in future versions.

0.7.0 (2023-03-17)


  • Introduced a Date Picker for the StudyDate and PatientBirthDate
  • Introduced user-permissions and authorization tokens linked to the authorization plugin and new auth-service API
  • Configuration: new "Tokens" section
  • new "landing" page at /ui/app/token-landing.html?token=... to validate tokens and display a user friendly message if the token is invalid. Redirects to the viewer if the token is valid.
  • new "landing" page at /ui/app/retrieve-and-view.html?StudyInstanceUID=1.2.3....&modality=pacs&viewer=stone-viewer to open the viewer on a study that might already be stored in Orthanc or, if not, that can be fetched from a DICOM modality.


  • Shares: removed anonymized shares
  • Shares: is now using the authorization plugin to generate tokens. This requires the new auth-service API
  • Shares: removed "Shares" configuration section, part of it has been moved to the "Tokens" section

0.6.0 (2023-02-03)


  • allow modification of series and studies
  • allow anonymization of series and studies
  • new configuration 'Modifications'
  • new configuration 'TranslateDicomTags'
  • new configurations 'StudyMainDicomTags', 'PatientMainDicomTags' to define the list of tags to display in the study details
  • new link to open all studies from the same patient

Note: the 'Modify' and 'Anonymization' dialog are only available in English in this version.

0.5.1 (2022-12-20)


  • report correct status for object storage plugins
  • improved french translations


  • fix default values for AvailableLanguages to all languages

0.5.0 (2022-12-16)


  • added multi-language support
  • new configurations: 'AvailableLanguages', 'DefaultLanguage'
  • shares: enable "stone-viewer-publication" type


  • WO-63: instant-link only works if EnableShares is true

0.4.3 (2022-11-03)


  • added 2 configurations to chose the viewer icons and the order in which they appear: 'ViewersOrdering' and 'ViewersIcons'. The default configuration is identical to the 0.4.1 behaviour.
  • adapted orthanc-share API

0.4.2 (2022-10-28)


  • implement study sharing UI for orthanc-share project (still confidential, will be presented at OrthancCon 2022)
  • open MedDream with a one time token if connected with orthanc-share project
  • reorganized icons for viewers to always use 'eye' and 'eye-fill' for the first 2 enabled viewers.


  • SendTo and ApiView dropdown menu mixed up when both enabled

0.4.1 (2022-09-07)


  • new EnableSendTo option to enable/disable the SendTo button


  • SendTo and ApiView dropdown menu were mixed up

0.4.0 (2022-08-30)


  • new simplified interface to query DICOM modalities and retrieve study. It does not allow yet browsing distant series/instances. Still a work in progress !
  • show C-Echo status of DICOM modalities.
  • allow controling wildcards in text search to implement exact or partial match. The default remains a partial match -> if you enter a filterValue text in a filter, Orthanc will search for *filterValue*. By adding a " at the beginning or at the end of the text, you force an exact match at the beggining or at the end of the text.


  • improved redirection when running behind a reverse-proxy
  • support of dynamic linking against the system-wide Orthanc framework library
  • support of LSB (Linux Standard Base) compilation


  • upgraded all npm dependencies

0.3.3 (2022-06-09)


  • added a button 'open in MedDream Viewer'

  • added buttons to change log levels in settings page

  • added 'transfer to peer' using the Transfers plugin

  • new configurations:

    • "EnableOpenInMedDreamViewer"
    • "MedDreamViewerPublicRoot"


  • display ReferringPhyisician, RequestingPhysician and InstitutionName in study list
  • fix GDCM plugin status in settings page

0.3.2 (2022-06-01)


  • showing 'searching' status and allow cancelling search

  • new configuration:

    • "StudyListEmptyIfNoSearch"

0.3.1 (2022-05-31)


  • added a button 'open in OHIF Viewer'

  • introduced two search modes "search-as-you-type" (suitable for small DBs) or "search-button" (suitable for large DB)

  • new configurations:

    • "EnableOpenInOhifViewer"
    • "OhifViewerPublicRoot"
    • "StudyListSearchMode"
    • "StudyListSearchAsYouTypeMinChars"
    • "StudyListSearchAsYouTypeDelay"

0.3.0 (2022-05-23)


  • fixed 'send to peer'

  • added 'send to modality'

  • now displaying the transfer jobs created by 'send to peer', 'send to modality', 'send to dicom-web'

  • new configuration:

    • "MaxMyJobsHistorySize"

0.2.2 (2022-05-19)


  • show Orthanc "Name" in side bar
  • changed color of Orthanc logo to white
  • improved relative URL computation when running behind a reverse proxy
  • added an 'expand' query argument with values to expand studies, series ... to use with only a few resources !
  • new configurations:
    • "ShowOrthancName"
    • "EnableDownloadZip"
    • "EnableDownloadDicomDir"
    • "EnableDownloadDicomFile"

0.2.1 (2022-05-13)


  • new default root is now '/ui/'


  • allow display of patient tags in upload report
  • upload: avoid calling /statistics for each instance (now only once per study uploaded)

0.2.0 (2022-05-12)

initial release