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Tejal Ashwini Barnwal tejalbarnwal
Junior Robotics Engineer | GSoC@ Open Robotics | Mechanical Engg, IIT Bombay


R. He RonghaiHe
Master candidate@SYSU | Interested in robotics
Seaezi CaseyWay2022
A graduate student in DHU,shanghai. Research interest in motion planning of autonomous vehicle.

DonghuaUniversity Shanghai

LucianZhong lucianzhong


Shaw Wang JulyThirteenth
As a student since 4 years old.
mehmet enes avcu avcuenes
An autonomous robotics engineer #C++ #ROS #MATLAB #Python #Robotics #AutonomousDriving #Optimization #ModelPredictiveControl #PX4 #NavigationaandGuidance
Yi Xie QMonteCarlo
Computer Vision and Simultaneous Location and Mapping developer.

[email protected] Suzhou

SilenceOverflow SilenceOverflow
Robotics / Computer Vision / SLAM

Bay Area

Jake McLaughlin jakemclaughlin6
Autonomy Developer @ OTTO Motors

OTTO Motors Toronto, ON