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Fixed indMix() and subfunctions (#24)
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wleoncio committed Jul 2, 2024
1 parent e4af251 commit 6aecf38
Showing 5 changed files with 189 additions and 183 deletions.
86 changes: 41 additions & 45 deletions R/indMix.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -195,9 +195,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
} else if (round == 2) { # Populaation yhdist�minen toiseen.
maxMuutos <- 0
for (pop in seq_len(npops)) {
muutokset_diffInCounts <- greedyMix_muutokset$new
# FIXME: wrong input
browser() # TEMP. Tip: browserText()
muutokset_diffInCounts <- greedyMix_muutokset$new()
muutokset_diffInCounts <- muutokset_diffInCounts$laskeMuutokset2(
pop, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm
@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
maxMuutos <- 0
ninds <- size(rows, 1)
for (pop in seq_len(npops)) {
inds2 <- matlab2r::find(PARTITION == pop)
inds2 <- matlab2r::find(globals$PARTITION == pop)
ninds2 <- length(inds2)
if (ninds2 > 2) {
dist2 <- laskeOsaDist(inds2, dist, ninds)
@@ -256,8 +254,8 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
muutokset <- muutokset_diffInCounts$laskeMuutokset3(
T2, inds2, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm, pop
isoin <- matlab2r::max(muutokset)[[1]]
indeksi <- matlab2r::max(muutokset)[[2]]
isoin <- matlab2r::max(c(muutokset))[[1]]
indeksi <- matlab2r::max(c(muutokset))[[2]]
if (isoin > maxMuutos) {
maxMuutos <- isoin
muuttuvaPop2 <- indeksi %% npops2
@@ -277,9 +275,9 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
rivit <- rbind(rivit, t(lisa))
diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
t(rivit), size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data
t(rivit), size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data
i1 <- PARTITION[muuttuvat[1]]
i1 <- globals$PARTITION[muuttuvat[1]]
muuttuvat, diffInCounts, adjprior, priorTerm, i2
@@ -308,26 +306,24 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
} else if (round == 5 || round == 6) {
j <- 0
muutettu <- 0
poplogml <- POP_LOGML
partition <- PARTITION
counts <- COUNTS
sumcounts <- SUMCOUNTS
logdiff <- LOGDIFF
poplogml <- globals$POP_LOGML
partition <- globals$PARTITION
counts <- globals$COUNTS
sumcounts <- globals$SUMCOUNTS
logdiff <- globals$LOGDIFF

pops <- sample(npops)
while (j < npops & muutettu == 0) {
j <- j + 1
pop <- pops[j]
totalMuutos <- 0
inds <- matlab2r::find(PARTITION == pop)
inds <- matlab2r::find(globals$PARTITION == pop)
if (round == 5) {
aputaulu <- c(inds, rand(length(inds), 1))
aputaulu <- matrix(c(inds, rand(length(inds), 1)), ncol = 2)
aputaulu <- sortrows(aputaulu, 2)
inds <- aputaulu[, 1]
} else if (round == 6) {
inds <- returnInOrder(
inds, pop, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm
} else if (round == 6 && length(inds) > 0) {
inds <- returnInOrder(inds, pop, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm)

i <- 0
@@ -386,12 +382,12 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
} else {
# Miss��n vaiheessa tila ei parantunut.
# Perutaan kaikki muutokset.
PARTITION <- partition
SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
POP_LOGML <- poplogml
COUNTS <- counts
globals$PARTITION <- partition
globals$SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
globals$POP_LOGML <- poplogml
globals$COUNTS <- counts
logml <- logml - totalMuutos
LOGDIFF <- logdiff
globals$LOGDIFF <- logdiff
kokeiltu[round] <- 1
@@ -401,20 +397,20 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
j <- 0
pops <- sample(npops)
muutoksiaNyt <- 0
if (emptyPop == -1) {
if (emptyPop$emptyPop == -1) {
j <- npops
while (j < npops) {
j <- j + 1
pop <- pops[j]
inds2 <- matlab2r::find(PARTITION == pop)
inds2 <- matlab2r::find(globals$PARTITION == pop)
ninds2 <- length(inds2)
if (ninds2 > 5) {
partition <- PARTITION
sumcounts <- SUMCOUNTS
counts <- COUNTS
poplogml <- POP_LOGML
logdiff <- LOGDIFF
partition <- globals$PARTITION
sumcounts <- globals$SUMCOUNTS
counts <- globals$COUNTS
poplogml <- globals$POP_LOGML
logdiff <- globals$LOGDIFF

dist2 <- laskeOsaDist(inds2, dist, ninds)
Z2 <- linkage(t(dist2))
@@ -433,7 +429,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
rivit <- c(rivit, lisa)
diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
rivit, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data
rivit, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data

@@ -454,7 +450,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
maxMuutos <- indeksi <- matlab2r::max(muutokset)

muuttuva <- inds2(indeksi)
if (PARTITION(muuttuva) == pop) {
if (globals$PARTITION(muuttuva) == pop) {
i2 <- emptyPop
} else {
i2 <- pop
@@ -463,7 +459,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
if (maxMuutos > 1e-5) {
rivit <- rows[muuttuva, 1]:rows[muuttuva, 2]
diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
rivit, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2),
rivit, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2),
@@ -498,11 +494,11 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
j <- npops
} else {
# palutetaan vanhat arvot
PARTITION <- partition
SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
COUNTS <- counts
POP_LOGML <- poplogml
LOGDIFF <- logdiff
globals$PARTITION <- partition
globals$SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
globals$COUNTS <- counts
globals$POP_LOGML <- poplogml
globals$LOGDIFF <- logdiff
@@ -540,7 +536,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d

npops <- poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot(npops)
POP_LOGML <- computePopulationLogml(seq_len(npops), adjprior, priorTerm)
globals$POP_LOGML <- computePopulationLogml(seq_len(npops), adjprior, priorTerm)
if (dispText) {
message("Found partition with ", as.character(npops), " populations.")
message("Log(ml) = ", as.character(logml))
@@ -550,11 +546,11 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
# P�ivitet��n parasta l�ydetty� partitiota.
logmlBest <- logml
npopsBest <- npops
partitionBest <- PARTITION
countsBest <- COUNTS
sumCountsBest <- SUMCOUNTS
pop_logmlBest <- POP_LOGML
logdiffbest <- LOGDIFF
partitionBest <- globals$PARTITION
countsBest <- globals$COUNTS
sumCountsBest <- globals$SUMCOUNTS
pop_logmlBest <- globals$POP_LOGML
logdiffbest <- globals$LOGDIFF

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