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Aaron Shackelford edited this page Dec 10, 2024 · 17 revisions

Parameters and options are written as such in the config window:

Usage=transcoding Quality=speed

Parameter types:

  • i = int (whole number),
    • enum is also whole number. technically means something non-numeric, but...
  • b = boolean (true/false),
  • s = string

This table is currently only reasonably complete for H.264. Reasonably, as in "options that matter".



Parameter Options Default Explanation
Usage transcoding, ultralowlatency, lowlatency, webcam, hq, hqll Transcoding Changes a lot of settings based on usage. Highly recommend sticking to "transcoding".
Quality speed, balanced, quality Quality Controls the speed vs quality. Note: Can fall back to faster presets if throughput is too high vs max throughput.
Profile main, high, constrained_baseline, constrained_high High h264 profile. "High" should work for all modern devices (think iphone 4 and later).
ProfileLevel i (10-62) 42 (4.2) H264 profile level. Specifies constraints for decode.
MaxNumRefFrames i 4 Limits the max number of reference frames (0-16). This max is also limited by hardware and h264 levels. More ref frames means more encoder work, but potentially better compression. Stick to 4 or less, for the sake of compatibility and profile conformity. The encoder is currently likely to use a single reference frame unless b-frames are active.

Rate Control

Parameter Options Default Explanation
RateControlPreanalysisEnable enum (0 or 1) 1 (enabled) Pre-encode assisted rate control.
EnforceHRD b True Enforce Hypothetical Reference Decoder. Constraints on QP variation within a picture to meet HRD requirements.
FillerDataEnable b False (True if CBR) Filler data. Useful for strict CBR encoding, like live streaming.
VBVBufferSize i N/A Note: in bits (bps)
InitialVBVBufferFullness i 64 (100%) Note: 0=0%, 64=100%
PeakBitrate i N/A Note: in bits (bps)
MinQP i 0
MaxQP i 51


B-Frames and its features currently require RDNA2 (RX 6000 and higher). Seems to currently cause some issues, try BPicturesPattern set to 1 or 2. Only H.264 has B-frame support.

Parameter Options Default Explanation
MaxConsecutiveBPictures I (0-3) 3 (if supported) Max consecutive b-frames. Is overridden by BPicturesPattern=0.
BPicturesPattern i (0-3) 0 Sets the number of consecutive b-frames per GOP (area between two i-frames). 0=off.
AdaptiveMiniGOP b False Variable amount of b-frames between p-frames. Note: Might require Pre-Analysis, or at least works better with it.
BReferenceEnable b True Enable/Disable the use of b-frames as reference frames.


Parameter Options Default Explanation
DeBlockingFilter b True Enable/Disable the de-blocking filter. Only for H.264.
EnableVBAQ b True (Unless CQP) Adaptive quantization (H.264). Prioritize bits to parts of the image humans care about.
HighMotionQualityBoostEnable b False

Motion Estimation

Parameter Options Default Explanation
HalfPixel b True
QuarterPixel b True


Parameter Options Default Explanation
Usage transcoding, ultralowlatency, lowlatency, webcam, hq, hqll Transcoding Changes a lot of settings based on usage. Highly recommend sticking to "transcoding".
Quality speed, balanced, quality Quality Controls the speed vs quality. Note: Can fall back to faster presets if throughput is too high vs max throughput.
Profile main, main10 main h265 profile. main10 is for 10-bit (HDR).
Tier main, high high h265 tier.
ProfileLevel i (10-62) 62 (6.2) H264 profile level. Specifies constraints for decode.

This above is a (still incomplete) list of main options. Some are really specific to H.265. Others are basically the same, but with an annoying name prefix. For example, EnableVBAQ becomes HevcEnableVBAQ. Use the AMF documentation linked below in "See also".


Parameter Options Default Explanation
Usage transcoding, ultralowlatency, lowlatency, webcam, hq, hqll Transcoding Changes a lot of settings based on usage. Highly recommend sticking to "transcoding".
Quality speed, balanced, quality Quality Controls the speed vs quality. Note: Can fall back to faster presets if throughput is too high vs max throughput.
Profile main main av1 profile. Can only be main.
ProfileLevel i (20-73) 62 (6.2) AV1 profile level. Specifies constraints for decode.

Same deal here: some options really specific, others renamed.


Parameter Options Default Explanation
EnablePreAnalysis b False Pseudo 2-pass for a certain number of frames. Enabling will disable VBAQ. GPU load hit (spends traditional 3d/render resources). This is the only PA property that gets affected by codec names (EnablePreAnalysis for H.264, HevcEnablePreAnalysis for H.265, Av1EnablePreAnalysis for AV1).
PASceneChangeDetectionEnable b True Akin to scenecut (adaptive I-frame insertion). Safest to disable for HLS transcode platforms, as is potentially risky for muxer segment/split.
PAFrameSadEnable b True Frame SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference) algorithm
PALookAheadBufferDepth i 0 Pre-Analysis lookahead buffer size
PAPerceptualAQMode Enum 0/1 0 (None, off) PA Perceptual adaptive quantization mode.
PATemporalAQMode Enum 0-2 0 (None, off) PA Temporal adaptive quantization mode. 1 for non-gaming applications, 2 gaming applications.
PAHighMotionQualityBoostMode Enum 0/1 0 (None, off) PA High motion quality boost mode
PACAQStrength Enum (0-2) 1 (medium) 0=low, 1=med, 2=high. Content Adaptive Quantization (CAQ) strength


AMF documentation

All the parameter names come directly from the AMD AMF library at For example, to find how PATemporalAQMode is defined, simply use the search box on top to look for PATemporalAQMode in the code. That will bring you to a #define AMF_PA_TAQ_MODE, so you go on and search for AMF_PA_TAQ_MODE in the documentation.

AMF documentation corresponding to sections of this page:

The AMF documentation uses #define names for parameters and values. Use the search box on top to convert them into the L"string" names.


  • Evaluate the "HQ" usage mode, which sacrifices throughput for quality.
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