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Mktg Call Steward Onboarding & Call Steward Responsibilities Work in progress by MicroProfilers

Amelia Eiras edited this page Oct 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

“Best way to learn is to help others.”

Continuously: Follow & improve the instructions.

Thank you for contributing to MicroProfile!


  1. Marketing Steward Responsibility spreadsheet
  2. Mktg-Call Steward Onboarding & Call Steward Responsibilities

How to Request to Become the Call Steward

  1. Review and sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement, ECA
  2. Subscribe as a member to the
  • MP marketing google forum
  • MP community google forum
  1. Create a github account & submit an issue and stating share your interest
  2. Watch, create filters for the emails you will receive coming from the MP Marketing repository so that you can keep up on your own terms with the tasks. Setting up proper filtering is important so tasks and mentions won’t drown in other notifications. It is also easier if you keep a track of new opened tickets and add them to the agenda (draft) right away. In the meantime have a look at the MicroProfile Marketing wiki pagesto learn more about the activities you can contribute to.

Google forums

  1. Use the git issues and the marketing forum ([email protected]) or dependending on your preference the general forum ([email protected]) to collaborate.
  2. You name should be also be reflected here in the Tab listing the Year

How to Prepare to Host a Marketing Call as the Call Steward

  1. Before the call:
  • Make sure the agenda is sent out on Thursday/Friday (assuming call is on Monday) as a post to MP Marketing mailing list (aka Google forum/group).
  • Make sure the meeting is recorded. This is mentioned in the ‘What to Do During the Call’ section, but added here too as a reminder.
  1. After the call:
  • Make sure Agenda+Meeting minutes is sent out on the MP Marketing mailing list (copy paste from the doc)
  1. Set up Agenda document for the next marketing meeting so that people can add topics and issues between meetings.

Zoom Access

  1. What to Do During your Call as the Marketing Call Steward
  • Log into the Zoom meeting 5 minutes prior to the start of the call. Making sure you have Admin Zoom Access, guidelines here. Joining the call prior to 10 minutes before the scheduled meeting will result in a "Waiting for host to start the meeting" message.

Keep in Mind:

That it is ok to say No to owning tasks. There is no need to explain a NO when collaborating on MicroProfile tasks. Overcommiting is not adviceble while contributing to any open source project. Your time, your priorities. In MicroProfile is like a large puzzle and all the pieces can be picked up by anyone and placed in place. The time, the process etc depends on the MicroProfilers involved. :)