Tags: matejkarasek/paparazzi
Paparazzi 5.5.2_testing ======================= Thirst release canditate for v5.6 stable release. - ardrone2 and bebop: disable even loop limiting again [paparazzi#1240] (paparazzi#1240) - bebop: finally fix I2C address for baro - modules: update geo_mag to latest WMM2015 model [paparazzi#1270] (paparazzi#1270) - settings: add optional target attribute and calc MD5sum according to usable settings [paparazzi#1157] (paparazzi#1157) - stm32: improve I2C stability in case of stuck bus [paparazzi#1264] (paparazzi#1264) - i2c: cleanup I2C_ERRORS reporting [paparazzi#1268] (paparazzi#1268) - modules: add divergen calculation for opticflow [paparazzi#1262] (paparazzi#1262) - python: Add some utilities and a serial link interface to decode/encode PPRZ messages over a serial link [paparazzi#1261] (paparazzi#1261) - modules: mag_hmc58xx: configure MAG_HMC58XX_I2C_DEV [paparazzi#1274] (paparazzi#1274) - IMU: possibility to disable mag on aspirin 2 [paparazzi#1273] (paparazzi#1273) - fixedwing: fix H_CTL_YAW_LOOP in stabilization adaptive
Paparazzi 5.5.1_testing ======================= Second release candidate for v5.6 stable release. - rotorcraft: fix stabilization INDI crash on takeoff bug [paparazzi#1255] (paparazzi#1255) - airborne: change ABI_BROADCAST id from 0 to 255 and introduce ABI_DISABLE [paparazzi#1260] (paparazzi#1260) - airframes: cleanup and use standard motor mixing types [paparazzi#1231] (paparazzi#1231) [paparazzi#1249] (paparazzi#1249) - ahrs: reduced default ahrs align delay [paparazzi#1256] (paparazzi#1256) - add an optional board_init function and fix bat check on bebop [paparazzi#1253] (paparazzi#1253) - ARDrone2: fix battery checks, needs bat_voltage_ardrone2 module now [paparazzi#1252] (paparazzi#1252) - paparazzi center: improve handling of programs from control_panel.xml [paparazzi#1247] (paparazzi#1247) - server: set http port, replace -kml_port option with -port [paparazzi#1248] (paparazzi#1248) - logalizer: rename plot to logplotter for clarity [paparazzi#1226] (paparazzi#1226 - GCS: don't prove airframe dtd if served via http [paparazzi#1246] (paparazzi#1246) - Fixed unsanctioned yaw unkill problem with uninitialised joysticks [paparazzi#1242] (paparazzi#1242)
Paparazzi 5.5.0_testing ======================= First release candidate for v5.6 stable release. General ------- - paparazzi center: disable build/upload buttons during build/upload [paparazzi#603] (paparazzi#603) - paparazzi center: case insensitive sort of airframe combobox [paparazzi#993] (paparazzi#993) - paparazzi center: add `@AIRCRAFT` and `@AC_ID` placeholders for generic sessions [paparazzi#1217] (paparazzi#1217) - GCS: improve papgets with multi aircraft support [paparazzi#1068] (paparazzi#1068) - GCS: fix undo for list of values [paparazzi#1054] (paparazzi#1054) - GCS: fix AIRCRAFTS syncronization issue with server (sometimes resulted in blank GCS) [paparazzi#1078] (paparazzi#1078) - GCS: set bat level to UNK/0 at startup [paparazzi#885] (paparazzi#885) - GCS: add -ac_ids option to specify displayed aircrafts [paparazzi#1173] (paparazzi#1173) - GCS: add new flat icon theme [paparazzi#1193] (paparazzi#1193) [paparazzi#1234] (paparazzi#1234) - plotter: add support for adding constant curves via command line [paparazzi#1227] (paparazzi#1227) - logplotter: rename plot to logplotter for clarity [paparazzi#1226] (paparazzi#1226) - ground segment: add geometry param to messages and setttings agents [paparazzi#1232] (paparazzi#1232) - ground segment: improve Ivy efficiency [paparazzi#1082] (paparazzi#1082) - link: parameters for period of PING and LINK_REPORT messages [paparazzi#1037] (paparazzi#1037) - link: add '-ac_timeout' parameter after which AC is marked as dead [paparazzi#820] (paparazzi#820) - OCaml: try to live in harmony with the garbage collector [paparazzi#1076] (paparazzi#1076) - OCaml: use Array.make instead of deprecated Array.create - OCaml: use camlp4 to ifdef around netclient/lablgtk version differences [paparazzi#1137] (paparazzi#1137) - OCaml: fix string formatting of values in pprz ocaml lib [paparazzi#1135] (paparazzi#1138) - OCaml: remove deprecated GnoDruid - python: generate paparazzi math wrappers with SWIG [paparazzi#1066] (paparazzi#1066) - python: improve ivy messages interface [paparazzi#1073] (paparazzi#1073) - python: add simple ivy2redis script [paparazzi#1071] (paparazzi#1071) - python: add report tool for IMU scaled messages [paparazzi#1194] (paparazzi#1194) - build: Possibilty to specify conf.xml file for building aircrafts [paparazzi#1134] (paparazzi#1134) - build: use -ggdb3 DEBUG_FLAGS by default [paparazzi#1164] (paparazzi#1164) - build: use pkg-config for ivy-c if available - joystick: add new RC USB joystick from HobbyKing [paparazzi#1088] (paparazzi#1088) - conf: add HooperFly quad/hexa/octo airframe/JSBSim configs and new GCS icons [paparazzi#1081] (paparazzi#1081) - flight plans: dynamic sectors and InsideX function for concave polygons [paparazzi#643] (paparazzi#643) [paparazzi#605] (paparazzi#605) [paparazzi#1204] (paparazzi#1204) - improve defining of arrays in the airframe file [paparazzi#564] (paparazzi#564) [paparazzi#1192] (paparazzi#1192) - update udev rules [paparazzi#1165] (paparazzi#1165) - update google map version extraction script Airborne -------- - allow to pass variables by value to ABI callbacks [paparazzi#1087] (paparazzi#1087) - major refactoring of AHRS/INS interfaces using ABI, add dual AHRS support [paparazzi#856] (paparazzi#856) [paparazzi#1130] (paparazzi#1130) - AHRS: add (yet another) AHRS based on an invariant filter - GPS/IMU: directly send ABI messages from implementation [paparazzi#1153] (paparazzi#1153) [paparazzi#1154] (paparazzi#1154) - refactoring, use the generic LinkDevice interface for receiving data streams [paparazzi#1140] (paparazzi#1140) - telemetry: store periodic telemetry msg names as const to save ram [paparazzi#1151] (paparazzi#1151) - actuators: dual dual pwm [paparazzi#1102] (paparazzi#1102) - GPS: NMEA parser improvements [paparazzi#1146] (paparazzi#1146) - GPS: fix furuno parser (Bebop) [paparazzi#1148] (paparazzi#1148) - INS: start considering BODY_TO_GPS translation [paparazzi#1080] (paparazzi#1080) - INS: update NED accel with ins_alt_float [paparazzi#1156] (paparazzi#1156) - INS: prevent propagation if there are no measurement updates [paparazzi#1241] (paparazzi#1241) - cleanup: remove unused/unmaintained beth and fms code [paparazzi#1162] (paparazzi#1162) - state interface: fix LLA calculation if only UTM origin initialized [paparazzi#1171] (paparazzi#1171) - chibios SD logger: fix bad file name problem - fixedwing stabilization: yaw damper and active lift ctrl [paparazzi#1190] (paparazzi#1190) Rotorcraft firmware ------------------- - fix attitude flight plan primitive (attitude_set_rpy_setpoint) [paparazzi#1103] (paparazzi#1103) - implement global waypoints for rotorcrafts [paparazzi#1065] (paparazzi#1065) - improve motor_mixing priorities [paparazzi#1170] (paparazzi#1170) - predefined motor_mixing for common configurations [paparazzi#1175] (paparazzi#1175) [paparazzi#1244] (paparazzi#1244) - heading integration protection in RC-event [paparazzi#1174] (paparazzi#1174) - waypoint API function naming cleanup [paparazzi#1169] (paparazzi#1169) - guidance: fix max bank angle limit - make the heading flight plan primitive usable [paparazzi#1218] (paparazzi#1218) - add simplified INDI (Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion) stabilization [paparazzi#1207] (paparazzi#1207) - stabilization quat_int: reduce integrator quantization error [paparazzi#1205] (paparazzi#1205) - fix arming with kill switch [paparazzi#1125] (paparazzi#1125) Modules ------- - allow conditions in module defines and update meteo_stick [paparazzi#1092] (paparazzi#1092) - rewrite nav_bungee_takeoff [paparazzi#1074] (paparazzi#1074) - add video_usb_logger for ARDrone2 [paparazzi#1086] (paparazzi#1086) - optic flow based hover for ARDrone2 [paparazzi#1062] (paparazzi#1062) - airspeed_ets: add 3rd party mode support [paparazzi#1099] (paparazzi#1099) - refactor logger modules [paparazzi#1095] (paparazzi#1095) - AHRS: convert AHRS infrared to a module [paparazzi#1127] (paparazzi#1127) - create_module: enforce lowercase file and dir and function names [paparazzi#914] (paparazzi#914) - add flight_recorder, log to SD card or uart, configure via telemetry.xml [paparazzi#1114] (paparazzi#1144) - air_data: take geoid separation into account when calculating QNH - air_data: use CAS/EAS for airspeed and send TAS in message [paparazzi#1155] (paparazzi#1155) - digital_cam: specify time in seconds [paparazzi#1172] (paparazzi#1172) - amsys baro/airspeed: fixed max pressure for 5812-0001-D [paparazzi#1181] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1181/files) - add survey rectangle module for rotorcrafts [paparazzi#1168] (paparazzi#1168) - fix mission module for rotorcrafts Simulation ---------- - NPS: add possibility to simulate loss of datalink/downlink [paparazzi#1150] (paparazzi#1150) - NPS: update FDM bindings to be compatible with latest JSBSim [paparazzi#1118] (paparazzi#1118) - remove jsbsim target (fully replaced by NPS) [paparazzi#1123] (paparazzi#1123) - build: don't add full path to NPS object files [paparazzi#798] (paparazzi#798) - NPS simulator: fix sensor simulation issues [paparazzi#1131] (paparazzi#1131) [paparazzi#1132] (paparazzi#1132) - NPS/FlightGear: add models for easystar (with ailerons) and Eternity [paparazzi#1159] (paparazzi#1159) - Updated FlightGear interface and removed obsolete HITL files [paparazzi#1196] (paparazzi#1196) - NPS: support gaia environment simulator [paparazzi#1219] (paparazzi#1219) Linux arch support ------------------ - rewrite of the linux video modules [paparazzi#1094] (paparazzi#1094) [paparazzi#1143] (paparazzi#1143) - change the sys timer to a multi threaded implementation [paparazzi#1117] (paparazzi#1117) - implement persistent settings [paparazzi#1109] (paparazzi#1109) - refactor UDP support [paparazzi#1120] (paparazzi#1120) [paparazzi#1122] (paparazzi#1122) [paparazzi#1158] (paparazzi#1158) - fix UART driver [paparazzi#1110] (paparazzi#1110) - sys_time: get time from CLOCK_MONOTONIC [paparazzi#1128] (paparazzi#1128) - I2C: use 8 bit I2C address scheme for all drivers [paparazzi#1210] (paparazzi#1210) - limit main loop to 1kHz to prevent 100% cpu usage due to event polling [paparazzi#1240] (paparazzi#1240) other drivers/HW support ------------------------ - remove support for ARDrone2 SDK version [paparazzi#1222] (paparazzi#1222) - ARDrone2: add support for dynamic Ad-Hoc networking with OSLR [paparazzi#1097] (paparazzi#1097) - Parrot Bebop: support all sensors including sonar [paparazzi#1149] (paparazzi#1149) [paparazzi#1182] (paparazzi#1182) - boards: add support for CC3D - IMU: support for MPU9250 ins SPI mode [paparazzi#1161] (paparazzi#1161) - peripherals: ms5611 driver now also supports ms5607 (e.g. for Bebop) [paparazzi#1147] (paparazzi#1147) - mcu_periph: move mcu peripheral event functions to common mcu_event - mcu_periph: increase max size for spi buffer length (8bits to 16bits) - arch/stm32: use desig_get_unique_id from libopencm3 [paparazzi#1018] (paparazzi#1018) - peripherals: SD Card SPI interface [paparazzi#1220] (paparazzi#1220)
Paparazzi 5.4.2_stable ====================== Maintenance release - GCS: fix undo for list of values [paparazzi#1054] (paparazzi#1054) - lisa_mx: fix secondary spektrum satellite UART AF - logalizer: fix csv export after allowing description tag in messages - nps: update nps_fdm_jsbsim to be compatible with latest jsbsim [paparazzi#1118] (paparazzi#1118) - rotorcraft: fix attitude flight plan primitive [paparazzi#1103] (paparazzi#1103) - flight plans: fix 'call' statement without loop - generators: only include raw makefile part from modules if target matches - GCS: GPS accuracy speech less verbose [paparazzi#1046] (paparazzi#1046) - GCS: call index of first/single link "single" [paparazzi#1098] (paparazzi#1098)
Paparazzi 5.2.2_stable ====================== Maintenance release - ground_segment: filter for 'field' tag when looking at messages - python: fix settings path - messages: update dtd to allow descriptions - ext: update ChibiOS repo since old one was deleted - conf: update some TU Delft confs - start.py: alias for select_conf.py, now also selects control_panel - nps simulator: update nps_fdm_jsbsim to be compatible with latest jsbsim
Paparazzi 5.4.1_stable ====================== Maintenance release - plot: fix loading of logs with strings that are not representing a float - log: prevent display when no points [paparazzi#897] (paparazzi#897) - GCS: disable broken WP reordering in editor - GCS: fix last known value was not returned with correct scale for saving - paparazzi center: show build/run versions and update help - messages: fix hide/show of notebook with multi A/C - start.py: properly use Popen to start paparazzi subprocess - bebop: actuators left/right reversed and fix NPS config - ms5611 barometer peripheral: fix I2C transaction - sdlog: call pprzlog_init if needed (and avoid segfault) - datalink: fix extra_dl and pprzlog - current sensor subsystem shared and not only for fixedwing - arch/linux: GCC diagnostic pragma outside of i2c_submit function - arch/linux: use same float_abi for linking as for compiling - arch/stm32: fix spektrum binding on F4 [paparazzi#780] (paparazzi#780)
Tag as v5.5_devel to get correct version reporting in paparazzi_version
Paparazzi 5.4.0_stable ====================== Stable version release. - messages: MOVE_WP and WP_MOVED_LLA with altitude in mm - ins: immediately effective ins_reset_local_origin - server: don't fail if settings_modules is missing - python: messagesapp: growable value column width - python: add python real time plotter to control panel - module: mavlink, parse PARAM_SET, send origin and waypoints - module: FLAPS, HATCH, BRAKE via RC in AUTO1 [paparazzi#878] (paparazzi#878) - fixedwing: use min/max_cruise_throttle variables instead of defines [paparazzi#1057] (paparazzi#1057) - GCS: turn off search in flight plan panel to fix hotkeys [paparazzi#995] (paparazzi#995) [paparazzi#1061] (paparazzi#1061) - GCS: fixes for flight plan editor and keeping map center on zoom [paparazzi#927] (paparazzi#927) [paparazzi#1059] (paparazzi#1059) - stm32/luftboot: update libopencm3 to get usb control call back fix [paparazzi#1058] (paparazzi#1058)
Paparazzi 5.3.3_testing ======================= Fourth release candidate for v5.4 stable release. - tmtc: fix rx_lost_time in link - paparazzicenter: fix GLib-CRITICAL warning when running clean/build/upload - server: write paparzzi_version as comment at beginning of log file [paparazzi#1049] (paparazzi#1049) - replace BOOT message with AUTOPILOT_VERSION, show in GCS and add build version [paparazzi#1050] (paparazzi#1050) - GCS: fix green color after colormap changes on some new systems [paparazzi#1051] (paparazzi#1051) [paparazzi#575] (paparazzi#575) - settings: display ? for current value on undo [paparazzi#1054] (paparazzi#1054) - Add some more flexibility to conf and control_panel naming [paparazzi#1055] (paparazzi#1055)