Thirst release canditate for v5.6 stable release.
- ardrone2 and bebop: disable even loop limiting again
[#1240] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1240)
- bebop: finally fix I2C address for baro
- modules: update geo_mag to latest WMM2015 model
[#1270] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1270)
- settings: add optional target attribute and calc MD5sum according to usable settings
[#1157] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1157)
- stm32: improve I2C stability in case of stuck bus
[#1264] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1264)
- i2c: cleanup I2C_ERRORS reporting
[#1268] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1268)
- modules: add divergen calculation for opticflow
[#1262] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1262)
- python: Add some utilities and a serial link interface to decode/encode PPRZ messages over a serial link
[#1261] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1261)
- modules: mag_hmc58xx: configure MAG_HMC58XX_I2C_DEV
[#1274] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1274)
- IMU: possibility to disable mag on aspirin 2
[#1273] (https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1273)
- fixedwing: fix H_CTL_YAW_LOOP in stabilization adaptive