- Interactive tutorial at DataCamp (only free parts)
- Interactive tutorial at Learn Python (skip advanced part)
- Python for Biologists: covers same topics that were covered in the Python basics part of the course LACDR course
- Python data science handbook
- Matplotlib tutorial
- Seaborn tutorial
- Jupyter notebook introduction
- Effective Pandas
- Cheat sheets (R and Python)
- classes and variables
- data objects
- control flow and repetition
- functions
- dplyr & tidyr
- reshaping data
- visualization
- read and write
Each txt contains the libraries that are needed from the matching repository. So, if an extra requirement is needed, add this to the correct(!) file.
- Create environment
conda env create -f conda_env_BPiDD.yml
- Add kernel to notebook kernels visible in Jupyter:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name BPiDD --display-name "Python3 (BPiDD)"