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Yoshua Nava edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 4 revisions

We currently have an NVIDIA Jetson TX1 Development kit on our ridgeback_yumi. In this article we will describe how it is setup.

Software installed

  • XUbuntu 16.04.1
  • Credentials
    • username: nvidia
    • password: nvidia
    • Other factory-default user:password pairs: ubuntu:ubuntu
  • ROS Kinetic Kame Desktop Full
  • Partitions: Multiple, set automatically by JetPack 3.1 installer.
  • Network settings:
    • WiFi: connects to eduroam. DHCP enabled.
    • Ethernet: static IP Goes into the TP-LINK router.
  • Utilities:
    • baobab
    • gparted
    • htop
    • nano
    • openssh-server
    • trash-cli
  • Libraries: OpenCV 3.1

Install utilities

sudo apt-get install baobab \
                     gparted \
                     htop \
                     nano \
                     openssh-server \
                     python-pip \

SD card

If you want to add an SD card to your Jetson TX1, we recommend that you first format it as a single "ext4" partition (using Gparted or parted, for example).

Then, for auto-mounting the SD-card when you start the system, you will need to:

  1. Create a directory in your /media/nvidia folder:
sudo mkdir -p /media/nvidia/sdcard
  1. Find out its device name. For that, run
df -h

And write down the name of the device that appears when you unplug and plug again the SD card. In our case it was /dev/mmcblk1p1. We will call this <device_name>

  1. Find out its UUID, by running
sudo blkid <device_name>

You will get output like this:

/dev/mmcblk1p1: UUID="ab09f21e-94b1-4c1a-8fd4-f93ce4a94c69" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="867566d8-01"

Type down the UUID number inside quotes, which we will call <device_uuid>

  1. Add the following entry to your /etc/fstab file:
UUID="<device_uuid>" /media/nvidia/sdcard ext4 rw,user,exec 0 0
  1. Reboot

  2. Give read/write/execution permissions to all your users (OPTIONAL)

sudo chmod -R 777 /media/nvidia/sdcard