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Matthias Rüster edited this page Sep 23, 2015 · 6 revisions

$/${} is unnecessary on arithmetic variables.

Problematic code:

echo $(($n+1))

Correct code:

echo $((n+1))


The $ on regular variables in arithmetic contexts is unnecessary, and can even lead to subtle bugs. This is because the contents of $((..)) is first expanded into a string, and then evaluated as an expression:

$ a='1+1'
$ echo $(($a * 5))    # becomes 1+1*5
$ echo $((a * 5))     # evaluates as (1+1)*5

The $ is unavoidable for special variables like $1 vs 1, $# vs #. ShellCheck does not warn about these cases.


Each individual ShellCheck warning has its own wiki page like SC1000. Use GitHub Wiki's "Pages" feature above to find a specific one, or see Checks.

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