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Jack edited this page Jul 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page lists any quirks of how the plugin functions.

More "suitable" hopper search

If an item is able to enter a hopper from another hopper, but that hopper has no name and thus no filter, a check will be made for if there is another hopper connected to the source hopper. If there is another hopper connected a check will be made for if that hopper has a filter and if it does, whether the item could pass that filter.

If the item can pass that filter, the original movement will be cancelled to allow the other hopper that is specifically filtering for that item to collect it instead. This is to prevent your item stacks from being split up by hoppers intended to simply move items around a room.

OR operator

The OR operator | only works within an AND block, i.e. +unbreaking_3&+fortune_3|+efficiency_5&+silk_touch won't work as expected, +unbreaking_3&+fortune_3,+efficiency_5&+silk_touch will work. This may change in the future if I get the autistic drive to add parentheses support to split patterns.

Hopper jamming

It is important to ensure your hoppers don't get jammed by an item in the first position of a hopper. You should always have a standard hopper for unwanted items to exit through to prevent items jamming your setup that can't pass a filter.

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