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TMP RunnerUp Preferences

Uatschitchun edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 2 revisions



  • Set distance units
  • decide between speed & pace


Settings > Sensors > GPS startup
  • Autostart GPS: Set to activate GPS when app starts
Settings > Sensors > Heart Rate Monitor
Settings > Sensors > Heart Rate Zones
  • Set age, sex and maximum heart rate and adjust heart rate zones to a classical 5-zone model
Settings > Sensors > HRM battery level
  • Low level: Set low battery level to be warned
  • High level: Set high battery level to be warned
Settings > Sensors > Headset key start/stop
  • Use headsets button to start/stop an activity or a new lap working only up until Android 4
Settings > Sensors > Lock buttons
  • Lock buttons from accidentally clicking
Settings > Sensors > Other sensors
  • Step Sensor: Pedometer. Used to measure and record cadence (spm)
  • Temperature Sensor: Records temperature into activity
  • Pressure Sensor: Use barometer for recording altitude (more precise then GPS)
    • Adjust barometer: Calibrate barometer's initial altitude from GPS


Settings > Recording > GPS settings
  • Poll interval: Set time interval to record movements. Default: 1000ms (1s)
  • Poll distance: Set distance interval to record movements. Default: 0m
  • Current speed from GPS: Get speed data from GPS. Else the speed is calculated as a moving average of distance & time
  • GPS altitude to geoid (EGM96): Correct GPS altitude to GEOID altitude data - TODO
  • Log extended GPS accuracy: Write extended GPS accuracy data into recorded activity
Settings > Recording > RunnerUp Live
  • Send infos in JSON format to a Live-Server to display on a map (currently no public service available)
Settings > Recording > Path simplification
  • Simplify when saving: Simplify track and reduce file size
  • Simplify when uploading: Only simplify when uploading to Online-Service
  • Tolerance: TODO
  • Algorithm
    • Radial Distance
    • Ramer-Douglas-Peucker


Settings > Workout > Manage workouts
  • Add/change/delete workout profiles for 'Advanced' workouts
Settings > Workout > Autolap settings
  • Autolap in Basic workouts
  • Autolap distance
  • Autolap in workouts
Settings > Workout > Autopause settings
  • Autopause in Basic workouts
    • Autopause after: timeout for not moving
    • Autopause minimum pace: Threshold for movement
Settings > Workout > Countdown settings
  • Countdown after key press
    • Step countdown time
Settings > Workout > Recovery settings
  • Recovery in countdown steps
  • Interval rest steps
  • Target coaching
    • Target feedback moving average: The time averaging the pace for current pace reading and target coaching
    • Target feedback grace period: The grace time until pace over/below the target coach pace reports that the pace should be adjusted

Audio cues

Select Profile to work on or create a new one in the upper right corner

Settings > Audio cues > Triggers
  • Time trigger
    • Cue interval (s)
  • Distance trigger _ Cue interval (m)
  • End of lap
Settings > Audio cues > Cue information
  • Include units in cues
  • Total cues
    • distance
    • time
    • speed
    • pace
    • heart rate
  • Interval cues
    • distance
    • time
    • speed
    • pace
    • heart rate
  • Lap cues
    • distance
    • time
    • speed
    • pace
    • heart rate
  • Current cues
    • pace
    • speed
    • heart rate
    • cadence
Settings > Audio cues > Other cues
  • Target coaching
  • Skip event audio cues
  • Lap start
  • HRM connection cues
  • Mute music during audio cues
Settings > Audio cues > Test audio cues
  • Press here
  • Audio cue language
  • Android text-to-speech settings


  • TODO


  • Choose Mapbox style: The default is: TODO. Alternative styles are:


  • Smooth pace graph
    • Smooth pace filter: mm(31);kz(5,13);sg(5): Default smoothing algorithm for the pace graph

From the GraphView source the smoothing algorithms are:


  • Export, Import and Prune internal SQL-DB

RunnerUp saves workouts into a SQL-database. For maintenance, the file runnerup.db.export can be im-/exported from/to its home directory: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.runnerup

About RunnerUp

  • Wiki, Issues, Release History
  • 3rd party software & licenses