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Ashfall Compatible Meshes

Merlord edited this page Jun 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Tree Felling Animations

If you want to convert your tree replacer meshes to have the tree-felling animations, perform the following steps:

  • Cut trunk in half, at a point that is likely to be above ground but not above the player's head
    • Use Shift+K in blender to enable knife tool to cut through the entire mesh
  • Drop the lower trunk down by roughly the height of the trunk
    • Drop it by a specific number along the Z axis, e.g. G->Z->-1 so it's easier to move it back up to the exact original position
  • Fill in each hole with a new face (Alt-click edges, F to fill), then separate
  • Assign an appropriate wood ring texture to the new faces, and UV map
    • In UV editor select both faces, press 7 to get birds eye view, then select UV->Project from View (bounds)).
  • Place the lower trunk and lower ring face into a new node and name it ASHFALL_STUMP
  • Create a new node with its origin in the middle of where the lower trunk ring face is currently situated
    • Select the cursor and click on the middle of the face, then do Shift+A->Empty->Plain Axes
  • Name this node ASHFALL_TREEFALL
  • Move everything that isn't in ASHFALL_STUMP into the new ASHFALL_TREEFALL node
  • Move ASHFALL_STUMP back to its original position


  • If you are using LOD nodes, only perform these steps for the closest node, but make sure the other nodes don't kick in until at least 9000 units.
  • Test how the ASHFALL_TREEFALL node looks by rotating it along the X or Y axis and adjust the origin height as needed. It should glide off the bottom trunk without too much clipping.