This repository contains DUDI (DUst DIstribution) the code that implements the two-body model for the configuration of dust ejected from the surface of an atmosphereless body by Anastasiia Ershova & Juergen Schmidt. The derivation of the model, along with the formulae implemented in the code, as well as detailed examples of the model capabilities can be found in the paper: reference to the paper
DUDI is written in Fortran-95. A makefile is provided for compilation. The user must have the compiler gfortran installed. There are no other prerequisites for running the program itself.
There are three example applications of the model described in the paper. For the convenience of the user implementations of these examples are also provided with this package. To obtain the plots corresponding to each example the user must have installed python3, numpy, and matplotlib. The functions that make the plots are also contained in this repository.
The code is distributed under the terms of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
Bellow find the instructions how to work with DUDI. The outline of the instructions is following:
open the file const.f95 and set values to the following parameters:
moon_mass mass of the moon, kg
rm radius of the moon, meters
rho density of the dust particles' material
in kg/m^3,(needed if one wants to compute
mass density or mass fluxes)
flux if set .TRUE. then dust flux through the
surface parallel to the moon surface is computed
instead of density
p 0 -- number density is computed, 1 -- mean
radius, 2 -- cross section, 3 -- mass density
rmin lower boundary for function Gu(rmin, rmax),
rmax upper boundary for function Gu(rmin, rmax),
GRN number of Gu(Rmin,Rmax) values that are
precalculated other values are obtained
by interpolation from precalculated values
order_R order of Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula
used for integration over particle radius R
(possible values are 5, 10, 20, 30)
order_v_el order of Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula
used for integration over velocity to obtain
the particles density separately for particles
on bound (elliptic) trajectories
(possible values are 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
order_v_hy order of Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula
used for integration over velocity to obtain
the particles density separately for particles
on unbound (hyperbolic) trajectories
(possible values are 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Size, ejection speed, and ejection direction distributions, as well as the time-dependent dust production rate are represented by functions listed in the file "distributions_fun.f95". There are several examples for such distributions already implemented in the code, but the user can provide his/her own expressions in the body of the corresponding functions. Choices are implemented in the provided code in terms of the "select case" operator. The functions in the file "distributions_fun.f95" that likely need to be modified are the following:
size_distribution(R, sd, mom)
R particle radius in microns
sd integer number used to select the PDF
mom parameter defining the obtained quantity:
0 -- number density, 1 -- mean radius,
2 -- cross section, 3 -- volume
(same as the parameter p in Formula 15)
the value returned by this function is stored in the variable fR
to use your own distribution you should go to the lines:
fR = 0d0
and replace "fR = 0d0" with fR = the desired PDF
ejection_speed_distribution(ud, u, R)
ud a structure which contains parameters of the ejection speed
distribution designated as ud%ud_shape, ud%umin, ud%umax,
ud%ud_shape integer used to choose the PDF
umin minimum ejection speed in m/s
umax maximum ejection speed in m/s
u ejection speed in m/s
R particle radius in microns
the value of the function is stored in the variable fu
to use your own distribution you should got to the lines:
fu = 0d0
and replace "fu = 0d0" with fu = the desired PDF
ejection_direction_distribution(distribution_shape, wpsi, psi, lambdaM,
zeta, eta)
distribution_shape an integer parameter defining the distribution
wpsi polar angle in the coordinate system where
the distribution is axisymmetric (radians)
psi polar angle in the horizontal coordinate system
lambdaM azimuth in the horizontal CS (radians)
zeta zenith angle of the distribution symmetry axis
in the horizontal CS (radians)
eta azimuth of the distribution symmetry axis in
the horizontal CS (radians)
(see Figure 1 of the paper)
the value of the function is stored in the variable fpsi
The PDF is written for the variable wpsi in the coordinate system where
the ejection is axisymmetric. In this system azimuth of ejection is
assumed to be distributed as 1/2pi.
to use your own distribution you should go to the lines:
fpsi = 0d0
and replace "fpsi = 0d0" with fpsi = the desired PDF
function production_rate(t, gamma0, ratefun)
t moment of ejection (seconds)
gamma0 parameter which can be used in the definition
of the function. In the implemented examples
gamma0 is the production rate at maximum
ratefun parameter used to choose the expression for
the production rate
to use your own expression for the production rate you should go
to the lines:
gammarate = 0d0
and replace "gammarate = 0d0" with gammarate = the desired function
All the calculations are performed by the subroutine IntegrateNumberDensity(num_dens, point, source, tnow) which will return the result in the variable num_res
num_res array of 2 real numbers. The first number is
the density of particles on bound orbits,
the second number is the density of particles
on escaping trajectories
tnow moment of time at which the density is calculated
source structure containing information about the source
ejecting dust
point structure containing the information about
the spacecraft position in space.
Both structures contain multiple quantities that must be precomputed
as they are used at different stages of the calculations.
Not all the values are independent.
Bellow you find the description of the structures "source" and "point"
and the instructions how to set the correct values for their components.
point is a structure of a derived type position_in_space which defines the point in space where the density is calculated. position_in_space contains the following elements:
real(8) point%r spacecraft's radial distance
from the center of the moon
in meters
real(8) point%r_scaled spacecraft's radial distance
from the center of the moon
in units of the moon radius :
point%r_scaled = point%r / rm
real(8) point%alpha spacecraft's polar angle in
the moon's centered coordinate
system (radians)
real(8) point%beta spacecraft's eastern longitude
in the moon's centered
coordinate system (radians)
3d-vector of real(8) point%rvector Cartesian coordinates of the
spacecraft in the moon-centered
coordinate system :
point%rvector(1) = point%r * sin(point%alpha) * cos(point%beta)
point%rvector(2) = point%r * sin(point%alpha) * sin(point%beta)
point%rvector(3) = point%r * cos(point%alpha)
logical point%compute TRUE if the density in this
point must be calculated (allows
to exclude regions where the
calculations are unnecessary,
see Example 3)
source is a structure of a derived type source_properties which contains parameters describing the dust ejection
real(8) source%alphaM polar angle of the point
source (radians)
real(8) source%betaM eastern longitude of the point
source (radians)
real(8) source%rrM (3d-vector) Cartesian
coordinates of the point
source in the moon-centered CS:
source%rrM(1) = rm * sin(point%alphaM) * cos(point%betaM)
source%rrM(2) = rm * sin(point%alphaM) * sin(point%betaM)
source%rrM(3) = rm * cos(point%alphaM)
real(8) source%zeta zenith angle of the axis around
which ejection is symmetrical
real(8) source%eta azimuth of this axis (counted
from the local North, clockwise)
real(8) source%symmetry_axis (3d-vector) unit vector in moon
-centered coordinate system
pointing to the direction of
the axis around which ejection
is symmetrical
module input_data contains the subroutine jet_direction so that
the following line of the code:
call jet_direction(source%alphaM, source%betaM, source%zeta, source%eta,
source%rrM, source%symmetry_axis)
writes the correct values into the source%symmetry_axis
integer source%ejection_angle_distr parameter to select from
the given types
of distributions
type(ejection_speed_properties) source%ud parameters of the ejection
speed distribution
which are
ud_shape integer parameter used to select
the expression for the
distribution PDF
umin minimal possible ejection speed
umax maximal possible ejection speed
integer source%sd parameter to select from the given
real(8) source%ui (array of GRN elements)
interpolation grid for Gu(Rmin,Rmax)
real(8) source%Gu_precalc (array of GRN elements)
Gu(Rmin,Rmax) precalculated
module gu contains the subroutine Gu_integral
so that the following line of code
call Gu_integral(source%ui, source%Gu_precalc, source%sd, source%ud)
writes the correct values into source%ui and source%Gu_precalc. Here p is the parameter defining the dimension of the function Gu. (see Formula 15) rmin, rmax and p are defined in module const
integer source%production_fun parameter defining the function
used as time-dependent dust
production rate. Any value <= 0
corresponds to the stationary
real(8) source%production_rate the dust production rate in case
of the stationary ejection, in
a non-stationary case this
variable can be used as
a parameter for the function
logical source%is_jet .TRUE. if the ejection is
concentrated: the recommended
way to define source%is_jet:
source%is_jet = (source%omega < 0.1)
The user can utilize the subroutines constructing the structures "source" and "point" that are provided with the examples, or write her own ones in the module "inputdata.f95"
Subroutine DUDI in the module integrand.f95 is the piece of code doing the main work. It performes numerical integration to compute density at the given point in space for the source with given properties at the given moment of time tnow.
The file "main_program.f95" is provided as a template of the main program. It calls the subroutines from the module input_data to obtain an array of sources ejecting dust and an array of the points in space where one wants to compute density. Then the program makes a double loop over the sources and over the points calling the subroutine DUDI from the module integrator. In each point the result density is the sum of densities of the dust from all the sources. OpenMP is used to speed up the calculations as for each pair of source and point the calculations are independent. Finally, the main program calls the function from module dataout to write the result into the file.
Modify the file "main_program.f95" and the subroutines for input and output for your own needs.
The function result_out in the module "dataoutmod.f95" is provided for output of the result. It writes the result into the file "twobody_model_result.dat" in the directory "./results/" as follows:
1st column is the density at the point
2nd column is the density of particles on elliptic orbits
3rd column is the density of particles on hyperbolic orbits
(1st column is sum of the 2nd and the 3rd)
4th column is the spacecraft's radial distance in meters
5th column is the spacecraft's latitude in degrees
6th column is the spacecraft's eastern longitude in degrees
If needed, the user can write his own function for output in the module "dataoutmod.f95".
If the program encounters a numerically poorly conditioned case, in which accuracy is bellow the usual level the file "fort.666" is created into which information about the difficulty is printed out. This allows one to locate where the difficulty arises and how bad it is. Normally, there will be no such file. Having several indications of a bad accuracy also does not completely discredit the whole solution, because for each pair "source and spacecraft position" the numerically difficult cases appear at some integration steps, not at all of them.
The makefile is provided for compilation. It utilizes the common compiler gfortran
Compile the program typing in command line:
the command produces an executable file named "twobody_model"
make clean
will remove all the executable files and files with extension .o and .mod
The makefile can be also used to obtain the model results and the corresponding plots that are described in the paper as the examples. Bellow you find the detailed instructions how to run the example code.
The main program enceladus_example.f95 performs a loop over 100 points along the spacecraft trajectory and computes in these points the number density of dust from one tilted jet representing the Enceladus dust plume.
Set the following values to the parameters in the module const.f95:
moon_mass = 1.08022d+20 ! Enceladus's mass in kg rm = 252d+3 ! Enceladus's mean radius in meters
flux = .FALSE. ! we are currently not interested in flux
p = 0 ! this will give us a number density profile rmin = 1.6d0 ! micron, the lower threshold of the HRD sensitivity rmax = 6.0d0 ! micron, a fairly large upper boundary, it is ! assumed that the probability to detect a particle ! larger than rmax is negligibly small
GRN = 2000 ! number of precalculated values of Gu integral order_R = 30 ! order of integration Gu(Rmin,Rmax) over R ! to obtain Gu order_v_el = 50 ! order of Gaussian quadrature for integration of ! n(r, alpha, beta, v, theta, lambda) over velocity ! interval corresponding to elliptic trajectories order_v_hy = 20 ! order of Gaussian quadrature for integration of ! n(r, alpha, beta, v, theta, lambda) over velocity ! interval corresponding to hyperbolic trajectories
The directory input_data_files contains files "Enceladus_jet.dat" and "Cassini_E2_flyby.dat" with the input data. "Enceladus_jet.dat" contains a line with the source properties. The coordinates, zenith angles and azimuth of the jet were adopted from the paper of Porco et al., 2014.
"Cassini_E2_flyby.dat" contains the coordinates of the Cassini spacecraft at the required moments. The coordinates were obtained with the SPICE package and stored into this file for simplicity.
The following command
make enceladus
will compile the program, producing the executable "enceladus_model", and run it. The model result will be output into the file "E2_profile.dat" in the directory "results". The output consists of 2 columns. The first column is the time in seconds counted from 2005-07-14 19:49:21 (the moment of the closest approach), the second column is the dust number-density. If your computer has python3, numpy and matplotlib installed then a plot with comparison of the model profile with the observational data will be shown on the screen.
The main program europa_example.f95 performs calculation of the dust flux onto the moon surface. The total mass production rate is computed for 2 different size distributions. The surface deposition is calculated separately for 4 sources different in size and ejection direction distributions
Set the following values to the parameters in the module const.f95:
moon_mass = 4.8d+22 ! Europa's mass in kg rm = 3.1216d+6 ! Europa's mean radius in meters
rho = 920d0 ! dust grains density in kg/m^3 ! (assuming pure water ice composition) flux = .TRUE. ! this time we are calculating flux
p = 3 ! this will give us a mass flux rmin = 0.2d0 ! the lower limit of the applied size distributions, ! microns rmax = 20d0 ! the upper limit of the applied size distributions, ! microns
GRN = 2000 ! number of precalculated values of Gu integral order_R = 10 ! order of integration Gu(Rmin,Rmax) over R ! to obtain Gu order_v_el = 30 ! order of Gaussian quadrature for integration of ! n(r, alpha, beta, v, theta, lambda) over velocity ! interval corresponding to elliptic trajectories
order_v_hy = 5 ! does not matter in this example because all ! the particles are on elliptic trajectories
No input files are used. The parameters of the sources and the points on the surface, where the flux is calculated, are set in the subroutine get_europa_input in the module "inputdata.f95"
The following command
make europa
will compile the program, produce the executable "europa_model", and run it. The result will be put in the files "narrow_jet_shallow_sd.dat", "diffuse_source_steep_sd.dat", "diffuse_source_shallow_sd.dat", and "narrow_jet_steep_sd.dat" in the directory "./results". They correspond to the four sources with different combinations of the size distribution and the ejection direction distribution. Each output file consists of two columns where the first column will be the distance from the source in km, and the second column will be the mass flux in kg/m^2/s. The total mass production rate for each size distribution will be printed in the terminal. If you have python3, numpy and matplotlib installed on your computer a plot will be produced and saved to the file "mass_deposition.png" in the directory "./results".
The main program io_example.f95 constructs images using in addition to the usual list of necessary modules the module "image_construction.f95". For a hypothetical position and pointing of the CCD camera with the dimension of 128x128 pixels, the program defines the direction of the line of sight of each pixel and a grid of 41 points on each of these lines of sight. The program computes the 2nd moment of the number density at each point and then integrates along the lines of sight constructing an image. The moon's disc is visible in the image, the pixels covered by it have zero value of brightness. Therefore, the points along the lines of sights crossing the moon disk are excluded from the calculations by setting for them parameter point%compute = .FALSE. at the stage of the formation of the points grid. The ejection is considered non-stationary and the program creates 9 images as if they were taken at 9 specified moments.
set the following values to the parameters in the module const.f95:
moon_mass = 8.94d+22 ! Io's mass in kg rm = 1.8216d+6 ! Io's mean radius in meters
flux = .FALSE. ! we are currently not interested in flux
p = 2 ! this will give us a cross section covered by ! the dust particles rmin = 0.2d0 ! micron, we assume that we observe the particles ! with sizes inside ! the optical wavelength interval rmax = 0.4d0 ! therefore the radii are twice less
GRN = 3 ! in this example we use a uniform distribution ! of ejection ! velocity, therefore Gu = const so we set the ! minimal possible value for GRN. order_R = 10 ! size interval of integration Gu(Rmin,Rmax) over ! R to obtain Gu ! is relatively short, so the order of quadrature ! can be smaller too. order_v_el = 5 ! the interval for the integration over velocity ! is short, so we use ! a small order of the quadrature
order_v_hy = 5 ! does not matter in this example because all the ! particles are on elliptic trajectories
No input files are used. The parameters of the source are set up directly inside the subroutine get_volcano_params in the module "inputdata.f95". The grid of the points, where the particles cross section is calculated, is formed in the subroutine line_of_sight in the module image_construction.f95. The same module contains the parameters defining the image dimension in radians and in pixels.
The command
make io
will compile the program, producing the executable "io_model", and run it. The result will be outputted into the files ".dat", ( stands for numbers from 1 to 9) in the directory "results". If the user has python3, numpy and matplotlib installed there will be also produced 9 images of the volcano with the corresponding time in seconds after the start of ejection written in the bottom-right corner. The plots will be in the directory "results", they will be named "volcano_.png" ( stands for numbers from 1 to 9).
If you obtain a "Segmentation fault" message when running the program compiled with the -openmp key (also used in our Makefile), try setting the core dump file size unlimited. In bash it is done by the command:
ulimit -s unlimited
In tcshell use: limit stacksize unlimited