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DUDI is an implementation of the two-body model for the spatial distribution of dust ejected from an atmosphereless body


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= README for DUDI (DUst DIstribution) Package

DUDI is a Fortran-90 software package developed to simulate the two-body model for the distribution of dust ejected from the surface of an atmosphereless celestial body. This tool is based on the research by Anastasiia Ershova & Juergen Schmidt, as detailed in the paper: Ershova, A. & Schmidt, J. (2021). Two-body model for the spatial distribution of dust ejected from an atmosphereless body. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 650.

== License

DUDI is distributed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

= Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Basic Usage
  3. Specifying Parameters
  4. Specifying Functions Describing the Dust Ejection
  5. Utilizing the DUDI Subroutine
  6. Applying the DUDI Subroutine
  7. Output of the Results
  8. Controlling the Accuracy of Calculations
  9. Compilation
  10. Running Examples
  11. Possible Issues
  12. Changes in the Latest Version

== 1. Prerequisites

To compile and run DUDI, the following is required:

  • gfortran - Fortran compiler

For generating plots from the example applications described in this README, the following additional software is needed:

  • Python3, NumPy, and Matplotlib

Note: If these are not installed, DUDI will still produce results, but plots will not be generated.

== 2. Basic Usage

DUDI requires setting up specific parameters before running simulations. These parameters can be configured in various ..f90 files as described in the later sections of this README. For details on modifying these parameters and using the software to simulate dust distributions, refer to the sections 'Specify the key parameters' and 'Running Examples'.

== 3. Specifying Parameters

Configure model parameters in const..f90 for physical properties and simulation settings:

  • moon_mass (real(8)): Mass of the moon (kg).
  • rm (real(8)): Radius of the moon (meters).
  • rho (real(8)): Density of dust particles (kg/m^3).
  • flux (logical): Set .TRUE. for dust flux, .FALSE. for density.
  • p (integer): Output type (0 = number density, 1 = mean radius, 2 = cross section, 3 = mass density).
  • rmin (real(8)): Lower size limit of dust particles (microns).
  • rmax (real(8)): Upper size limit of dust particles (microns).
  • GRN (integer): Number of Gu(Rmin,Rmax) values precomputed.
  • order_R (integer): Integration order for Gu(Rmin,Rmax) values.
  • order_v_el (integer): Integration order for elliptic trajectories.
  • order_v_hy (integer): Integration order for hyperbolic trajectories.

== 4. Specifying Functions Describing the Dust Ejection

Customize dust ejection characteristics in distributions_fun..f90. This file includes functions that define the size, speed, and direction distribution of dust ejection, and the dust production rate. Each function utilizes Fortran's select case operator, where a selector specifies a different distribution to compute. Several distributions are already implemented and are used in the example applications.

  • size_distribution(R, sd, fR):

    • R (real(8)): Particle radius (microns)
    • sd (integer): Selector for the size distribution type
    • Returns fR (real(8)): Probability density function (PDF) of size distribution evaluated at R. -- Write your own distribution atcase(4) or further.
  • ejection_speed_distribution(ud, u, R, fu):

    • ud (type(ejection_speed_properties)): Structure containing parameters of the ejection speed distribution, defined as follows:
      • ud%ud_shape (integer): Selector for the ejection speed PDF.
      • ud%umin (real(8)): Minimum ejection speed (m/s).
      • ud%umax (real(8)): Maximum ejection speed (m/s).
    • u (real(8)): Ejection speed (m/s)
    • R (real(8)): Particle radius (microns)
    • Returns fu (real(8)): PDF of ejection speed distribution. -- Write your own distribution atcase(3) or further.
  • ejection_direction_distribution(distribution_shape, wpsi, psi, lambdaM, zeta, eta, fpsi):

    • istribution parameters defining the shape and orientation
    • Returns fpsi (real(8)): PDF of ejection direction distribution. -- Write your own distribution atcase(4) or further.
  • production_rate(t, gamma0, ratefun, gammarate):

    • t (real(8)): Time of ejection (seconds)
    • gamma0 (real(8)): Parameter used in defining the production rate
    • ratefun (integer): Selector for the rate function
    • Writes result to gammarate (real(8)). -- Write your own distribution atcase(3) or further.

== 5. Utilizing the DUDI Subroutine

The DUDI(density, point, source, tnow) subroutine performs the calculations. The subroutine is located in the integrator..f90 file. It writes the result to the density variable and takes as input:

  • density: An array of two real numbers, which the subroutine updates:
    • First number: Density of particles on bound orbits.
    • Second number: Density of particles on unbound orbits.
  • tnow: real(8) variable specifying the moment in time at which the density is calculated.
  • source: A structure containing detailed information about the dust source.
  • point: A structure specifying the spacecraft's position in space.

Both source and point structures include multiple precomputed quantities used at various stages of the calculations. These structures do not have all independent values, requiring careful setup and validation.

The point is a structure of a derived type position_in_space which defines the point in space where the density is calculated.

Components of the position_in_space structure:

  • point%r (real(8)): Radial distance of the point from the center of the moon (meters).
  • point%r_scaled (real(8)): Radial distance scaled to the moon's radius. This is calculated as: point%r_scaled = point%r / rm where rm is the radius of the moon set in module const..f90.
  • point%alpha (real(8)): Polar angle in the moon's centered coordinate system (radians).
  • point%beta (real(8)): Eastern longitude in the moon's centered coordinate system (radians).
  • point%rvector (real(8) 3D-vector): Cartesian coordinates of the point in the moon-centered coordinate system, can be calculated using: point%rvector(1) = point%r * sin(point%alpha) * cos(point%beta) point%rvector(2) = point%r * sin(point%alpha) * sin(point%beta) point%rvector(3) = point%r * cos(point%alpha)
  • point%compute (logical): Indicates whether to calculate density at this point. Useful for excluding unnecessary areas from computations, enhancing efficiency.

The source is a structure of a derived type source_properties which contains parameters describing the dust ejection.

Components of the source_properties structure:

  • source%r (real(8)): Radial distance of the point source from the moon center (meters).

  • source%alphaM (real(8)): Polar angle of the point source (radians).

  • source%betaM (real(8)): Eastern longitude of the point source (radians).

  • source%rrM (real(8) 3D-vector): Cartesian coordinates of the point source in the moon-centered coordinate system. Calculated as: source%rrM(1) = source%r * sin(source%alphaM) * cos(source%betaM) source%rrM(2) = source%r * sin(source%alphaM) * sin(source%betaM) source%rrM(3) = source%r * cos(source%alphaM)

  • source%zeta (real(8)): Zenith angle of the axis around which ejection is symmetrical (radians).

  • source%eta (real(8)): Azimuth of the axis (counted from the local North, clockwise) (radians).

  • source%symmetry_axis (real(8) 3D-vector): Unit vector in moon-centered coordinate system pointing to the direction of the ejection symmetry axis. module input_data contains the subroutine jet_direction so that the following line of the code:

    call jet_direction(source%alphaM, source%betaM, source%zeta, source%eta, & source%rrM, source%symmetry_axis)

    writes the correct values into the source%symmetry_axis

  • source%ejection_angle_distr (integer): Selector parameter for different types of ejection angle distributions.

  • source%ud (type(ejection_speed_properties)): Structure containing parameters of the ejection speed distribution, including:

    • ud_shape (integer): Selector for the ejection speed distribution PDF.
    • umin (real(8)): Minimum possible ejection speed (m/s).
    • umax (real(8)): Maximum possible ejection speed (m/s).
    • source%sd (integer): Selector parameter for different size distributions.
  • source%ui (real(8) array of GRN elements): Interpolation grid for Gu(Rmin,Rmax).

  • source%Gu_precalc (real(8) array of GRN elements): Precalculated values of Gu(Rmin,Rmax) module gu contains the subroutine Gu_integral so that the following line of code

call Gu_integral(source%ui, source%Gu_precalc, source%sd, source%ud, rmin, rmax)

writes the correct values into source%ui and source%Gu_precalc.

  • source%production_fun (integer): Parameter defining the function used as the time-dependent dust production rate.
  • source%production_rate (real(8)): The dust production rate in case of stationary ejection, used as a parameter for the function in non-stationary cases.
  • source%is_jet (logical): True if the ejection is concentrated. Recommended to be set when source%omega < 0.1.

== 6. Applying the DUDI Subroutine

The DUDI subroutine, located in integrator..f90, performs the numerical integration required to compute dust density. This subroutine must be called from a main program, which manages the input and output of the data.

A template for such a main program, main_program..f90, is provided within the package to assist users in setting up their simulations quickly and efficiently.

The main_program..f90 file is provided as a template for the main program. It uses subroutines from the input_data module to create:

  • An array of dust sources.
  • An array of points in space for density calculations.

The program employs nested loops over sources and points, invoking the DUDI subroutine from the integrator module at each point. The resulting density at each point is the aggregate of densities from all sources.

OpenMP is utilized to accelerate the calculations, leveraging the independence of calculations for each source-point pair. Ultimately, a function from the dataout module is called to write the results to a file.


  • Users are encouraged to modify the main_program..f90 template and the related input/output subroutines according to their specific research needs.

== 7. Output of the Results

The result_out function in the dataoutmod..f90 module handles the output of simulation results. It writes data to the file twobody_model_result.dat in the ./results/ directory with the following column structure:

  • 1st column: Total density at the point.
  • 2nd column: Density of particles on elliptic orbits.
  • 3rd column: Density of particles on hyperbolic orbits (1st column is the sum of the 2nd and 3rd columns).
  • 4th column: Spacecraft's radial distance in meters.
  • 5th column: Spacecraft's latitude in degrees.
  • 6th column: Spacecraft's eastern longitude in degrees.

Users have the flexibility to customize the output by writing their own function within the dataoutmod..f90 module.

== 8. Controlling the Accuracy of Calculations

The program monitors numerical accuracy. If a poorly conditioned case occurs where accuracy falls below standard levels, it generates a file named fort.666. This file logs details about the issues, aiding in pinpointing the problems.

Even with several indications of poor accuracy in fort.666, this does not completely discredit the overall solution. Numerical difficulties may appear at some integration steps for each "source and spacecraft position" pair, but not necessarily at all steps.

Furthermore, if the number of warnings in fort.666 exceeds the limit set by maxNofWarnings in the const..f90 module, the program will stop and print a warning message to the command line.

== 9. Compilation

A makefile is provided for easy compilation using the gfortran compiler.

  • To compile the program, enter the following command in the command line:


This command produces an executable dudi

  • The command:

                 make clean

removes all files *.o, *.mod, and *dudi (including the executable produced by make-command)

The makefile also allows one to obtain model results and generate plots for the examples described in the paper by Ershova & Schmidt, 2021. Below are detailed instructions on how to run the example code.

== 10. Running Examples

DUDI includes several examples to demonstrate its capabilities. Each example uses specific parameters and input files.

Example 1: The Number Density Profile of the E2 Flyby of the Cassini Spacecraft at Enceladus

  • Main Program: enceladus_example..f90
    • Performs a loop over 100 points along the Cassini spacecraft trajectory.
    • Computes the number density of dust from a tilted jet representing the Enceladus dust plume.
  • Parameter Settings in const..f90:
    • moon_mass = 1.08022d+20 // Enceladus's mass in kg
    • rm = 252d+3 // Enceladus's mean radius in meters
    • flux = .FALSE. // Interested in number density, not flux
    • p = 0 // Outputs a number density profile
    • rmin = 1.6d0 // Lower threshold of HRD sensitivity (microns)
    • rmax = 6.0d0 // Upper boundary (microns), assuming a small // probability to detect larger particles
    • GRN = 2000 // Number of precalculated values of Gu integral
    • order_R = 30 // Order of integration for Gu(Rmin,Rmax) over R
    • order_v_el = 50 // Gaussian quadrature order for elliptic // trajectories
    • order_v_hy = 20 // Gaussian quadrature order for hyperbolic // trajectories
  • Input Files:
    • Enceladus_jet.dat // Contains source properties
    • Cassini_E2_flyby.dat // Contains spacecraft coordinates
      • These files are located in the directory input_data_files.
      • Coordinates, zenith angles, and azimuth of the jet adopted from Porco et al., 2014.
      • Coordinates obtained using the NAIF SPICE package.
  • Command to Run:
  • Execute: make enceladus
  • This compiles the program, producing enceladus_model, and runs it.
  • Output:
  • Results are saved in E2_profile.dat within the results directory.
  • Output format: 2 columns, with time in seconds from 2005-07-14 19:49:21 (closest approach) and the dust number-density.
  • If Python3, NumPy, and Matplotlib are installed, a plot comparing the model profile with observational data will be displayed.

Example 2: Dust Deposition on the Surface of Europa

  • Main Program: europa_example..f90
    • Calculates the dust flux onto Europa's surface for four distinct cases, each representing a combination of one of two different size distributions and one of two ejection direction distributions.
    • The total mass production rate is computed separately for each of these four scenarios.
  • Parameter Settings in const..f90:
    • moon_mass = 4.8d+22 // Europa's mass in kg

The plot shown in the paper (Ershova & Schmidt, 2021) was generated with an erroneous value of rm = 3.12e+6, Europa's mean diameter (instead of radius) in meters. We retain this value here to allow reproduction of Fig. 13 from (Ershova & Schmidt, 2021). The case of surface deposition on Europa was purely illustrative and did not lead to scientifically significant conclusions. Therefore, we do not consider it necessary to publish an erratum to address this issue.

* `rm = 3.12d+6`         // Europa's mean diameter in meters
* `rho = 920d0`          // Dust grains density in kg/m3 (assuming water
                         // ice composition)
* `flux = .TRUE.`        // Calculating flux
* `p = 3`                // Outputs a mass flux
* `rmin = 0.2d0`         // Lower limit of size distributions (microns)
* `rmax = 20d0`          // Upper limit of size distributions (microns)
* `GRN = 2000`           // Number of precalculated values of Gu integral
* `order_R = 10`         // Order of integration for Gu(Rmin,Rmax) over R
* `order_v_el = 30`      // Gaussian quadrature order for elliptic
                         // trajectories
* `order_v_hy = 5`       // Order does not matter as all particles are on
                         // elliptic trajectories
  • Source and Location Settings:
    • No input files used.
    • Parameters for the sources and deposition points are set in the subroutine get_europa_input in the module inputdata..f90.
  • Command to Run:
    • Execute: make europa
    • Compiles the program, producing europa_model, and runs it.
  • Output:
    • Results are saved in files narrow_jet_shallow_sd.dat, diffuse_source_steep_sd.dat, diffuse_source_shallow_sd.dat, and narrow_jet_steep_sd.dat in the ./results directory.
    • Each output file includes two columns: the first column shows the distance from the source in km, and the second column shows the mass flux in kg/m^2/s.
    • The total mass production rate for each size distribution is printed in the terminal.
    • If Python3, NumPy, and Matplotlib are installed, a plot will be produced and saved as mass_deposition.png in the ./results directory.

Example 3: The Images of a Fictive Volcano Erupted on Io

  • Main Program: io_example..f90
    • Utilizes additional modules including image_construction..f90.
    • Constructs images simulating a CCD camera with 128x128 pixels, calculating the line of sight for each pixel across a grid of 41 points.
    • Computes the 2nd moment of the number density at each point and integrates along the lines of sight to construct an image.
    • The moon's disc is visible in the image; pixels covering it have zero brightness. Points along lines of sight crossing the moon's disk are excluded from calculations (point%compute = .FALSE.).
    • Creates 9 images representing non-stationary ejection at 9 specific moments.
  • Parameter Settings in const..f90:
    • moon_mass = 8.94d+22 // Io's mass in kg
    • rm = 1.8216d+6 // Io's mean radius in meters
    • flux = .FALSE. // Not calculating flux
    • p = 2 // Outputs a cross section covered by the dust
    • rmin = 0.2d0 // Lower size limit (microns), within optical // wavelength interval
    • rmax = 0.4d0 // Upper size limit (microns), twice less than rmin
    • GRN = 3 // Minimal value for GRN due to uniform distribution
    • order_R = 10 // Order of integration Gu(Rmin,Rmax) over R
    • order_v_el = 5 // Small quadrature order for short velocity interval
    • order_v_hy = 5 // All particles are on elliptic trajectories, this parameter is not important
  • Source and Location Settings:
    • No input files used.
    • Source parameters are configured in get_volcano_params subroutine within inputdata..f90.
    • Grid for calculating particle cross section is formed in the line_of_sight subroutine in image_construction..f90.
  • Command to Run:
    • Execute: make io
    • Compiles the program, producing io_model, and runs it.
  • Output:
    • Results are saved in files named 1.dat to 9.dat in the results directory, corresponding to each moment of image capture.
    • If Python3, NumPy, and Matplotlib are installed, 9 images of the volcano are produced with the time after the start of ejection noted in the bottom-right corner. These images are named volcano_1.png to volcano_9.png and stored in the results directory.

== 11. Possible Issues

If you encounter a "Segmentation fault" when running a program compiled with the -openmp key (as specified in our Makefile), it may be due to the stack size limit. To address this:

  • In bash, increase the stack size by running: ulimit -s unlimited
  • In tcshell, use: limit stacksize unlimited

== 12. Changes in the Latest Version

=== Version 1.0.1

  • Warning Management: DUDI now tracks warnings logged to fort.666. If the count exceeds the maxNofWarnings set in const..f90, the program will terminate and alert the user via the command line. This prevents the creation of large warning files due to parameter errors.

  • Update to size_distribution: The size_distribution function in distributions_fun..f90 no longer uses the "p" parameter from const..f90. It now returns only the PDF for the specified grain radius. Required calculations based on "p" are handled by functions in gu..f90.

  • Ejection Velocity Correction: Fixed an issue in integrator..f90 where the integration was incorrectly handled when minimum ejection velocity exceeded the moon's escape velocity.

  • Io Example Optimization: Multidimensional arrays are reshaped and nested loops reordered in the Io example, enhancing performance.

=== Version 1.1.0

  • Subroutine Gu_integral enhancements: This subroutine evaluates the function G_u^p(R_min, R_max) (see Eq. 14 of Ershova & Schmidt, 2021) for a grid of u-values. In previous versions, Gu_integral used integration limits predefined in the module const and always returned an array of evaluated integrals.

    Now, Gu_integral accepts the integration limits, rlim1 and rlim2, as input variables. Additionally, if rlim1 = rlim2, Gu_integral returns the product of the size distribution and ejection direction distribution, evaluated at rlim1 and the grid of u-values. This enhancement allows for the calculation of the differential number density (i.e., without integration over R in Eq. 20). The evaluated value corresponds to n(r, \alpha, \beta, R) instead of n(r, \alpha, \beta, R_min < R < R_max).

  • Source file extension changed to .f90: This change allows the Intel compiler to be used for DUDI compilation without any additional consequences.


DUDI is an implementation of the two-body model for the spatial distribution of dust ejected from an atmosphereless body







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