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Image Server Setup Ubuntu (AMD64)

Johannes Schachner edited this page Mar 13, 2022 · 1 revision


apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
shutdown -r now

apt-get install imagemagick unzip
cd /opt
tar -xf /root/djatoka.dist.tgz
mv djatoka.dist djatoka
adduser djatoka --disabled-login
chown -R djatoka:djatoka djatoka

Testing functionality

  • check basic functionality of djatoka using image magick components:
    cd /opt/djatoka/adore-djatoka-1.1/bin
    ./ -i ../etc/test.jpg -o ../etc/test.jp2
    ./ -i ../etc/test.jp2 -o ../etc/test-size1.jpg -l 1
    Verify that ../etc/test-size1.jpg exists and can be opened using an image viewer.
  • start djatoka server
    /opt/djatoka/adore-djatoka-1.1/bin/ start
  • check importing rountine:
    copy a tif-Image to data/import
    /usr/bin/curl "http://localhost:8080/jacq-servlet/ImageServer?id=1234&method=importImages&key=<your_key>"
    check if tif-image is now in archive directory and jp2-image is in resources

Apache redirect

apt-get install apache2
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http

  • now make a file (eg. djatoka.conf) in /etc/apache/sites-available with
    # Forward requests to djatoka
    ProxyTimeout 600
    ProxyPass /djatoka/ http://localhost:8080/
    ProxyPassReverse /djatoka/ http://localhost:8080/
  • add
    Include sites-available/djatoka.conf
    in the VirtualHost-Block for Port 80 right before the ending
  • finalize by restarting APACHE
    systemctl restart apache2
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