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Image Server Setup

Johannes Schachner edited this page Mar 13, 2022 · 4 revisions

Download Link (amd64):
remark: To guarantee smooth operation it is necessary to keep the versions of the individual packeges: JAVA, DJATOKA, TOMCAT included in the downloaded archives.

  • Please make sure you extract it and move the content to /opt/djatoka, since unfortunately some paths are still hardcoded in there.
  • Configure the shared key and review all other settings in:
  • Requirement: ImageMagick (included in the respective Linux distribution)
  • Add
    cd /opt/djatoka/adore-djatoka-1.1/bin
    as Line 2 in /opt/djatoka/adore-djatoka-1.1/bin/
    (only if using the zip-image, the change is already made in the tgz-image)
  • Note: by default djatoka keeps everything inside the /opt/djatoka/data/ folder
  • Once this is done please provide the IP / path to the djatoka installation so that we can configure the jacq system accordingly (please also provide the key you configured above)
  • Start djatoka using
    /opt/djatoka/adore-djatoka-1.1/bin/ start
  • Setup a cron job to trigger the image import periodically:
    /usr/bin/curl "http://localhost:8080/jacq-servlet/ImageServer?id=1234&method=importImages&key=<your_key>"
  • Once you imported your files into the djatoka system they are prepared for web-display by converting them to jpeg2000 and keeping them inside
    Imported files will be archived in
    unless you disable archiving in the properties file mentioned above.
  • port forwarding to 8080 is obligatory example 1: APACHE as a proxy server example 2: border line server

Installation instructions

based on UBUNTU & FEDORA are available.

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