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PAM Apptainer/Singularity Images

Apptainer definition files related to the PAM robot.

Get Pre-built Images

You can pull pre-build versions of the pam_base and pam_mujoco images directly with Apptainer. For example for the latest base image:

$ apptainer pull oras://

Images in this Repository


This image, contains all required dependencies to build the PAM_MUJOCO treep project.

To build the workspace and run things inside the container do

$ cd path/to/your_workspace
$ apptainer shell --nv path/to/pam_base.sif
Apptainer> colcon build --cmake-args ' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release '

Apptainer> . install/setup.bash  # source the workspace
Apptainer> ros2 run <package_name> <executable_name>


Extends the base image and installs the PAM_MUJOCO project inside the image.

It includes a file /setup.bash which needs to be sourced to set up the environment for building/running the code.


$ apptainer shell --nv path/to/pam_mujoco.sif
Apptainer> source /setup.bash
Apptainer> ros2 run <package_name> <executable_name>


Build with:

make learning_table_tennis_from_scratch.sif

Adds the learning_table_tennis_from_scratch package to the pam_mujoco image.

Manually Build Images


For building the base image only a recent version of Apptainer and an internet connection is required.

For building the images containing the PAM software the following applications are required in addition:

General: Building Images

To build a specific image (let's say pam_base.sif), simply call:

make pam_base.sif

Note that for some images, treep is used to get the project software.

To clean up run

make clean

This deletes the build directory as well as built sif files.