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Releases: hvanruys/EUMETCastView

EUMETCastView v1.3.5

22 Feb 10:25
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Change to GOES-15 search string.

EUMETCastView v1.3.4

20 Feb 14:42
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Meteosat-11 set as prime FES.

EUMETCastView v1.3.3

08 Feb 16:55
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In this release it is possible to read FengYun segments that are already decompressed.

EUMETCastView v1.3.2

06 Feb 12:26
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EUMETCastView v1.3.2 Pre-release

There was a bug in the processing of the Himawari segments, hence a new release ...

EUMETCastView v1.3.1

03 Feb 11:34
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The new Meteosat-11 is included. There is now also histogram matching for the MSG satellites.
There was a bug in the image processing for Himawari. Will be corrected in v1.3.2.

EUMETCastView v1.3.0

20 Jan 23:43
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EUMETCastView v1.3.0 Pre-release

This release is compiled with Qt 5.10.0 (static version) and the Mingw-w64 C++ compiler. "No Microsoft compilers where used in the creation of this version" :). All the necessary DLL's are included in the zip file. Unzip the file to your hard drive and copy your old *.ini files to the new directory. You do not need the DLL's from previous versions.
When Eumetcast releases band C01 from GOES-16, than you will be able to create a pseudo True Color image with this version of EUMETCastView.

EUMETCastView v1.2.9

30 Dec 15:47
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In this release the new GOES-16 has the nominal longitude of -75° for calculating the geolocation data.
GOES-13 is removed from EUMETCastView.
Image processing for AVHRR (MetopA/B, NOAA19, GAC and HRP) and ABI (GOES16) can now be done via histogram matching, just like the processing of Sentinel-3 images.
This means

  • None 95% = no histogram matching for 95% of the values
  • None 100% = no histogram matching for 100% of the values
  • Equalize = Histogram equalization

Image processing for XRIT will be done in a future release.

EUMETCastView v1.2.8

03 Nov 09:45
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Bug in projection routine.

New Release EUMETCastView v1.2.7

09 Oct 08:55
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The border overlay for the projection view of the GOES 16 images is fixed.

The latest EUMETCastWatcher will always be included in the latest release of EUMETCastView.
Because the date in the netCDF filenames from GOES 16 is the Day of Year, a change was necessary in EUMETCastWatcher. The created directory structure will always be YYYY/MM/DD.

New Release EUMETCastView 1.2.6 (beta)

06 Oct 12:34
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This new release supports the GOES_16 ABI images.