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Releases: hvanruys/EUMETCastView

EUMETCastView v1.5.5

02 Dec 09:08
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In this release I added a new feature to create video's from Meteosat-9/-10/-11 images.
This zip file contains EUMETCastView.exe, EUMETCastVideo.exe, WhereIsTheMoon.exe and ffmpeg.exe.
The software uses MSYS2 and the necesarry dll's are in the bin directory.
EUMETCastView.exe creates an XML file with all the needed parameters and starts a new process (EUMETCastVideo) to create one or more images. When all the images are created EUMETCastVideo starts ffmpeg.exe to create the video.
It is important to start EUMETCastView from the bat file. This bat file sets the path environment variable to the bin directory that contains all the necesarry dll's.

EUMETCastView 1.5.4

25 Mar 14:05
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Removed the need for Metop-A TLE's

EUMETCastView 1.5.3

02 Dec 14:18
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In this release I changed the projection method to the texture of the Globe. The projected images on the texture doesn't have the Moiré effect.
Also you can now use the Oblique Mercator projection for VIIRS DNB images.

EUMETCastView v1.5.2

14 May 13:23
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When making an Oblique Mercator projection I used the image size of the selected segments to be the same for the projection image.
This results in unattractive projection images. Now it is possible to choose the projection size and thus also the aspect ratio of the image.
Because this is a pre-release I created an AppImage for Linux of EUMETCastView. All the dependencies of EUMETCastView are in the AppImage itself and also the gshhs database.

EUMETCastView 1.5.1

27 Mar 14:31
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Change from Electro L-N2 to Electro L-N3 (GOMS3)

EUMETCastView v1.5.0

27 Jan 15:59
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In this release I added the possibility to download partial files from the Sentinel-3 datahub Scihub or CODA .
It is also possible to download and display the quicklooks on the 3D-Globe.

EUMETCastView v1.4.9

23 Nov 16:22
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In this release I solved some bugs for MERSI images and added a new Projection.
Beside the Lambert, the Perspective and the Stereographic projections I added the Oblique Mercator Projection.
This projection works only for Metop, VIIRS M and MERSI images. This projection eliminates the "bow-ties" in VIIRS M and MERSI images.

EUMETCastView v1.4.8

25 Oct 16:11
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Added MERSI images from FY-3D

EUMETCastView v1.4.7

13 Jul 12:41
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This release supports the FengYun 2H and 2G.

New Release EUMETCastView 1.4.6

15 Apr 13:11
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Support for Metop C.