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hchuk edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 62 revisions

Group Meeting time tally

Week 1, beginning 24 July 2017: 0.25 hours

Week 2, beginning 31 July 2017: 7.50 hours

Week 3, beginning 7 August 2017: 8.00 hours

Week 4, beginning 14 August 2017: 8.50 hours

Week 5, beginning 21 August 2017: 11.50 hours

Week 6, beginning 28 August 2017: 5.00 hours

Average meeting time per week: 6.80 hours

Day 1:- Tuesday 25 July 2017

1) General

Group: Meeting after lecture to formulate group (11:30 ~ 11:45)

Group: Created Facebook Page

2) Github

Group: Linked Github repositories for all users

Day 2:- Sunday 30 July 2017

1) Assignment

Hang-Chi Chuk: Created draft for Work Breakdown Structure

Hang-Chi Chuk: Created draft for Network Diagram

Day 3:- Tuesday 1 August 2017

1) General

Group: Meeting to discuss assignment and start on Gantt Chart (11:30 ~ 13:00)

Group: Group work on project in UG4 (14:00 ~ 16:00)

2) Assignment

Group: Finalised Work Breakdown Structure

Group: Finalised Network Diagram

Group: Started work on Gantt Chart

Yao Jian Yap, Hang-Chi Chuk: Completed Gantt Chart

Hang-Chi Chuk: Completed final version of Time and resources

3) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Initial commit and creation of

Yuan wei Qi: Worked on input reading and validity checking

Hunter Bao: Started on data structure creation such as using a HashMap

Injae Park: Added JGraphT data structure library

Jack Huang: Added documentation using comments and worked on input processing

Day 4:- Wednesday 2 August 2017

1) General

Group: Meeting to submit assignment (10:00 ~ 11:00)

2) Assignment

Group: Submitted assignment

3) Github

Hunter Bao: Removed redundant package name

Yuan wei Qi: Added an InputError function, and worked on option processing

Hang-Chi Chuk: Started work on basic milestone solver using topological sort algorithm

Yao Jian Yap: Changed package name to conform to coding standards and fixing library access

Jack Huang: Started linking of basic milestone solver to Main class

Day 5:- Thursday 3 August 2017

1) General

Group: Meeting to discuss code implementation, with Hang-Chi Chuk absent (10:00 ~ 11:15)

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Started output processing to create output file

Jack Huang: Changed data structure input from character to string

Yuan wei Qi: Even more input processing and documentation

Hang-Chi Chuk: Slight alteration to methods and added code to discuss on Friday

Day 6:- Friday 4 August 2017

1) General

Group: Meeting to discuss group presentation and code explanation (13:00 ~ 14:00)

Group: Impromptu meeting for damage control after group presentations and incorporation of new ideas (16:00 ~ 16:45)

Hunter Bao: Made master branch protected to incorporate formal branch merging

Yuan wei Qi: Initiated use of Trello for project management

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Added documentation during code explanation, and generated first valid schedule

Hang-Chi Chuk: Added documentation during code explanation

Injae Park: Changing data structure to link with input and output processing

Jack Huang: Changing data structure to link with input and output processing (collaborated)

Yuan wei Qi: Changing data structure to link with input and output processing (collaborated)

Hunter Bao: Separation of Main class into separate modules and enabled generation of multiple schedules from input file

Day 7:- Saturday 5 August 2017

1) General

Hang-Chi Chuk: Creation of 'Timeline' wiki page

Injae Park: Research on Travis for testing

Yao Jian Yap: Research on converting a Java project to a Maven project

2) Github

Hang-Chi Chuk: Removed unnecessary class from project

Yuan wei Qi: Updated error reporter for Vertex

Day 8:- Sunday 6 August 2017

1) General

Hang-Chi Chuk: Creation of 'Algorithm Documentation' wiki page

2) Github

Yuan wei Qi: Added another test case

Yao Jian Yap: Converted project into a Maven project

Day 9:- Tuesday 8 August 2017

1) General

Group: Split into subgroups (branch and bound, A*, and visualisation to work on final milestone (11:00 ~ 17:00)

Hunter Bao: Creation of 'Project Description' wiki page

2) Github

Jack Huang: Documentation for A* algorithm

Hunter Bao: Generated JAR file for Basic Milestone submission, and worked on schedule processing of A* algorithm

Hang-Chi Chuk: Peer programming with Yao Jian Yap to complete first version of branch and bound algorithm

Yao Jian Yap: Brand and bound algorithm creation and debugging

Injae Park: Discussion with Yao Jian Yap on state space data structures and did initial commit of A* algorithm

Yuan wei Qi: Renaming of files in Basic Milestone for better readability and reusability

Day 10:- Wednesday 9 August 2017

1) General

Hang-Chi Chuk: Research on parallelisation techniques

Yuan wei Qi: Research on visualisation for basic milestone

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Peer debugging with Hang-Chi Chuk to ensure optimal solution for Branch and Bound

Hang-Chi Chuk: Peer debugging with Yao Jian Yap to ensure optimal solution for Branch and Bound

Hunter Bao: Completed first version of A* algorithm

Injae Park: Experimentation of A* algorithm using different data structures

Jack Huang: Experimentation for schedule processing of A* algorithm

Day 11:- Thursday 10 August 2017

1) General

Hang-Chi Chuk: Research on parallelisation techniques

Yuan wei Qi: Research on visualisation for basic milestone

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Developed bottom level concept from basic milestone to optimise Branch and Bound

Hunter Bao: Finalising schedule creation using a timer

Day 12:- Friday 11 August 2017

1) General

Group : Meeting to discuss group presentation and code explanation (12:00 ~ 13:00)

Hang-Chi Chuk : Updated wiki before second round of presentations

Group: Impromptu meeting for final code explanations and planning for weekend work before basic milestone (16:00 ~ 17:00)

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Made lightweight data structures and taking away JGraphT

Hang-Chi Chuk: Created thread object for A* algorithm

Hunter Bao: Started on A* heuristic optimisations with proposed cost function (not final)

Day 13:- Saturday 12 August 2017

1) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Formatted extra graphs for testing purposes

Hunter Bao: Adding new data structures in A* for parallelisation

Hang-Chi Chuk: Initial multithreading code done (with no tangible benefit yet)

Yuan wei Qi: Aesthetic changes to visualisation

Injae Park: Initial GUI testing branch created

Jack Huang: Added documentation for methods to be implemented for gantt chart visualisation

Day 14:- Sunday 13 August 2017

1) General

Yao Jian Yap: Started code documentation of Java classes and packages

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Added more Javadoc comments in implementation code

Jack Huang: Gantt chart now shows the schedule for the optimal solution

Day 15:- Monday 14 August 2017

1) General

Group: Meeting to test jar file in UG4 and clarify code documentation for Basic Milestone (16:00 ~ 18:00)

Yao Jian Yap: Edited Home page to include main code documentation

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Code cleanup to present for Basic Milestone, including removing commented out code

Yuan wei Qi: Updated a GraphStream window policy and implemented additional features for visualisation

Hunter Bao: Generated JAR file for submission and did minor debugging

Hang-Chi Chuk: Removed parallelised AStar (in development) and Gantt chart implementations for Basic Milestone

Day 16:- Tuesday 15 August 2017

1) General

Group: Final meeting in preparation for Basic Milestone interview (13:00 ~ 14:00)

Group: Clarifying A* parallelisation and visualisation implementation (14:30 ~ 17:00)

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Fixed DataReader to gracefully ignore unnecessary information

Hang-Chi Chuk: Removed unnecessary processing in parallelised AStar with Yao Jian Yap and Hunter Bao

Hunter Bao: Updated comparator in AStar, and contributed to AStar optimisation

Jack Huang: Updated colours for Gantt chart

Yuan wei Qi: Updated error message in ErrorMessenger

Injae Park: Added GraphStream to GUI and graph resizing

Day 17:- Wednesday 16 August 2017

1) Github

Yuan wei Qi: Added node/task information when node is mouseClicked and mouseReleased

Injae Park: Added button function to switch between graphs

Day 18:- Thursday 17 August 2017

1) Github

Injae Park: Fixed GUI bug by delaying the start of A* algorithm (consider revising)

Day 19:- Friday 18 August 2017

1) General

Group: Debugging of A* parallelisation and visualisation discussion (14:00 ~ 17:00)

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Major debugging of A* parallelisation algorithm

Hang-Chi Chuk: Thread stop implemented to further optimise A* algorithm

Hunter Bao: Peer programming with Yao Jian Yap and Hang-Chi Chuk, and suggested the use of PriorityBlockingQueue

Injae Park: Fixed GUI by delaying 'main thing' to make sure everything is initialised (CONSIDER REVISING)

Day 20:- Saturday 19 August 2017

1) Github

Injae Park: Improved aesthetics of GUI for visualisation and removed delays for GUI

Yuan wei Qi: Improved use of colour and aesthetics for visualisation

Jack Huang: Added some comments for documentation

Day 21:- Sunday 20 August 2017

1) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Slightly optimised data structures and added upper bounding optimisation

Yuan wei Qi: 'Some space' (whatever that means)

Hang-Chi Chuk: Added documentation for A* optimisation

Day 22:- Monday 21 August 2017

1) General

Hang-Chi Chuk: Began drafting team report contents

Yao Jian Yap: Contributed to team report contents by suggesting another category

2) Github

Injae Park: Implemented node information to appear on GUI when clicking a node

Hang-Chi Chuk: Added more documentation to clarify AStar details before meeting on 22/08/17

Yuan wei Qi: Created new theme for GUI

Day 23:- Tuesday 22 August 2017

1) General

Group: Merging separate branches and begun JUnit testing (12:00 ~ 17:30)

2) Github

Hang-Chi Chuk: JUnit tests for AStar package, documentation for visualisation super package and test packages

Yao Jian Yap: JUnit tests for graph structures, documentation for astar and io packages

Jack Huang: Made updating Gantt chart with labels, JUnit tests for InputParser

Hunter Bao: Fixed partial expansion to add parent back to open set, started node equivalence heuristic

Injae Park: Fixed button problem on GUI

Yuan wei Qi: Implemented statistics table in real time and thread colours on graph

Day 24:- Wednesday 23 August 2017

1) Github

Hang-Chi Chuk: Continue implementing JUnit tests for AStar package

Yao Jian Yap: Debugging partial expansion for AStar algorithm

Jack Huang: Started a new test file with no JUnit tests yet, and added tooltips to Gantt chart

Hunter Bao: Added test case for the Solution class, and did debugging on partial expansion

Injae Park: Improved look and feel for statistics table

Yuan wei Qi: Finalised updates for visualisation and started testing for IO class with no JUnit tests yet

Day 25:- Thursday 24 August 2017

1) General

Group: Last ditch debugging and implementation of new pruning algorithms before presentations (14:00 ~ 17:30)

2) Github

Hang-Chi Chuk: Implemented outgoingCommsOK for pruning, and updated documentation in various classes

Yao Jian Yap: Additional documentation mainly for the visualisation package and A* implmentation

Jack Huang: Added logger4j for debugging purposese

Hunter Bao: Implemented equivalence check for pruning

Injae Park: Small change to file inputs and minor change to gantt chart colour

Yuan wei Qi: Implemented JUnit tests for DataReader, and fixed various bugs that caused build errors on the master branch

Day 26:- Friday 25 August 2017

1) General

Group : Meeting to discuss group presentation and code explanation (13:00 ~ 14:00)

Group: Final group meeting to accelerate A* algorithm runtime (16:00 ~ 17:30)

2) Github

Hang-Chi Chuk: Peer programming with Hunter for data structure optimisation

Yao Jian Yap: Modifying thread parallelisation for more thread safe solution

Jack Huang: Changed legend of gantt chart slightly and added timers for A* solution

Hunter Bao: Data structure optimisation to decrease runtime of A*

Injae Park: Minor refactoring for image resources

Yuan wei Qi: Fixing bugs for GraphStream, Statistics Table, and project build errors

Day 27:- Saturday 26 August 2017

1) General

Hunter Bao: Finished documentation for new pruning technique: Fixed Task Order

Hang-Chi Chuk: Finished documentation for new pruning technique: Schedule Horizon Equivalence Check

2) Github

Yao Jian Yap: Removed caching from DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph

Yuan wei Qi: Final fixes to GraphStream and GUI tweaks

Hunter Bao: Added comments for fixed task order

Hang-Chi Chuk: Added comments for Schedule Horizon Equivalence Check

Day 28:- Sunday 27 August 2017

1) Github

Hang-Chi Chuk: Added test cases for Graph 2 and 200 to show AStar tackling a fork join and stencil graph, highlighting the effectiveness of schedule horizon and fixed task order pruning

Day 29:- Monday 28 August 2017

1) General

Group : Meeting after SOFTENG 325 test to create jar file for submission (15:00 ~ 19:00)

2) Github

Hang-Chi Chuk: Replaced naive bubble sort for Collections.sort() for fixed task order condition testing

Yao Jian Yap: Peer programming with Hang-Chi Chuk to cache maxCostFunction and try catch for errors for Collections.sort

Yuan wei Qi: Changed dependencies for blue background for GUI to work for jar file

Hunter Bao: Code cleanup to make classes conform to coding standards

Injae Park: SwingWorker testing for GUI

Day 30:- Tuesday 29 August 2017

1) General

Group : Meeting to discuss code implementation and wiki for final interviews (13:50 ~ 14:50)

Assignment: Start working on report on Google Docs


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