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Yao Jian Yap edited this page Aug 26, 2017 · 59 revisions

Welcome to Task Scheduler Documentation

Coding Guidelines

  • Packages - names should be lower case only, subsequent words are just appended to the end, e.g. helloworld
  • Classes - use CamelCasing for names, starting with UPPER case
  • Methods - use camelCasing for names, starting with lower case
  • Variables - use camelCasing for names, starting with lower case
  • Fields - put underscore ( _ ) before variable names

Task Scheduler's Visualisation

Graph and Gantt Chart display the current schedule that is being examined by our task scheduler's A* implementation.

Statistics Table displays the current progress of the A* implementation.

Graph Visualisation

When the visualisation stops changing, the optimal solution is found and is displayed.

The Close button will cause the Task Scheduler to exit.

  • Graph displayed is a proper representation of the input graph.
  • Each node represents a task and the colour changes based on the processor it is scheduled on.

Gantt Chart Visualisation

The Gantt Chart represents the schedule that is being examined at the point of time.

  • Each task that has been scheduled will be represented by a block which size depends on the weight.
  • The latest time any task block will be the last finishing time of the schedule.

Statistics Table Visualisation


  • Solutions created - The number of partial/complete schedules created since the start of the program
  • Solutions popped - The number of schedules popped from the OPEN set.
  • Solutions pruned - The number of schedules that have been deemed unpromising and so not examined.
  • Current optimal solution time - The cost function of the current partial schedule or the last finishing time of any processors on a complete schedule.

Refer to the A* page for more details.

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