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Yao Jian Yap edited this page Aug 25, 2017 · 59 revisions

Welcome to Task Scheduler Documentation

Coding Guidelines

  • Packages - names should be lower case only, subsequent words are just appended to the end, e.g. helloworld
  • Classes - use CamelCasing for names, starting with UPPER case
  • Methods - use camelCasing for names, starting with lower case
  • Variables - use camelCasing for names, starting with lower case
  • Fields - put underscore ( _ ) before variable names

Task Scheduler's Visualisation

Graph and Gantt Chart display the current schedule that is being examined by our task scheduler's A* implementation.

Statistics Table displays the current progress of the A* implementation.

Graph Visualisation

When the visualisation stops changing, the optimal solution is found and is displayed.

The Close will cause the Task Scheduler to exit.

  • Graph displayed is a proper representation of the input graph.
  • Each node represents a task and the colour changes based on the processor it is scheduled on.

Gantt Chart Visualisation

  • The Gantt Chart represents the schedule that is being examined at the point of time.
  • Each task that has been scheduled will be represented by a block which size depends on the weight.
  • The latest time any task block will be the last finishing time of the schedule.

Statistics Table Visualisation

  • Solutions created - The number of partial/complete schedules created since the start of the program
  • Solutions popped - The number of schedules popped from the OPEN set.
  • Solutions pruned - The number of schedules that have been deemed unpromising and so not examined.
  • Current optimal solution time - The cost function of the current partial schedule or the last finishing time of any processors on a complete schedule.

Refer to the A* page for more details.

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