What's Changed
- Ros2 lynx description by @KmakD in #390
- DriverState update by @KmakD in #392
- ROS 2 canopen manager and roboteq driver refactor by @KmakD in #396
- Ros2 lynx gpio tests by @pawelirh in #401
- Ros2 lynx robot driver by @KmakD in #404
- Working loading arguments from robot_configuration YAML by @rafal-gorecki in #413
- Ros2 lynx system by @KmakD in #412
- Ros2 lynx sim by @rafal-gorecki in #414
- Delete panther_version argument and fix controller launch to use robot_model arg by @rafal-gorecki in #415
- Unify arguments and config names by @rafal-gorecki in #416
- Add Lynx light animations by @rafal-gorecki in #418
- New format of launch args by @rafal-gorecki in #420
- fix wheel radius by @KmakD in #423
- Add docs_new build check to workflow by @rafal-gorecki in #419
- Rename panther_can to robot_can by @rafal-gorecki in #421
- Ros2 husarion ugv v2 by @rafal-gorecki in #422
- Update gpio controller by @KmakD in #425
- Ros2 add RViz launch by @rafal-gorecki in #433
- Fix rviz depend by @rafal-gorecki in #437
- Overwriting robot description by @BOOTCFG in #440
- Generate node parameters using generate_parameter_library by @miloszlagan in #438
- Fix battery temperature reporting invalid values in extreme temperatures by @miloszlagan in #442
- fix CHRG_DISABLE init state by @KmakD in #447
- ROS 2 config dir by @KmakD in #444
- change error to warn by @KmakD in #448
- Better battery estimation by @KmakD in #452
- Ros2 lynx merge by @KmakD in #455
- ROS 2 husarion UGV by @KmakD in #457
- Ros2 devel pr template by @delihus in #458
- optional config dir by @BOOTCFG in #460
- Ros2 bt manager to hpp by @delihus in #461
- Added exporting include manager by @delihus in #464
- Ros2 fix manager by @delihus in #465
- The panther_diagnostics reconfiguration by @pawelir in #454
- Add husarion_ugv_msgs by @rafal-gorecki in #466
- Readme files minor fixes by @miloszlagan in #463
- Merge lynx_description and panther_description into husarion_ugv_descriptions by @rafal-gorecki in #456
- Ros2 add docker by @rafal-gorecki in #469
- Changed add joints to use_joint_state_publisher | added joint state p… by @delihus in #470
- ROS2 docking utils by @delihus in #462
- Update diagnostics package readme file by @miloszlagan in #475
- Parameters reorganisation by @BOOTCFG in #472
- Add reling link by @rafal-gorecki in #474
- Ros2 motor enable fix by @rafal-gorecki in #478
- Ros2 cmake export by @rafal-gorecki in #480
- Change behaviour of motor_power_enable to e_stop_torque_enable by @rafal-gorecki in #479
- Ros2 expot test directory by @rafal-gorecki in #483
- Adjust wheel_separation_multiplier by @KmakD in #485
- Add workflow to master branch by @rafal-gorecki in #476
- Updated deprecated includes by @delihus in #487
- Ros2 readme update by @rafal-gorecki in #477
- Add log level argument to launch files by @miloszlagan in #473
- E-Stop GUI reacts to changing e_stop state by @rafal-gorecki in #481
- Fix reusable workflow by @rafal-gorecki in #486
- Ros2 none components by @delihus in #488
- Ros2 unit test workflow by @delihus in #471
- Bump joy2twist version by @miloszlagan in #489
- Add hw and os checks by @KmakD in #491
- Ros2 change wheels mount point by @KmakD in #492
- fix build warnings by @KmakD in #490
- ROS 2 lights new review by @KmakD in #494
- Lights new by @BOOTCFG in #484
- Repo rename by @KmakD in #496
- ROS 2 fix manager ports by @delihus in #495
- release fixes by @KmakD in #497
- Fix CPU and env name by @rafal-gorecki in #498
- updated MovingImageAnimation docs by @BOOTCFG in #499
- update docs and battery timeout by @KmakD in #500
- New animations colors by @BOOTCFG in #503
- Fix roboteq robot driver deinitialization by @KmakD in #504
- Release 2.2.0 by @github-actions in #505
- Release 2.2.0 to ros2 by @github-actions in #506
New Contributors
- @miloszlagan made their first contribution in #438
- @pawelir made their first contribution in #454
Full Changelog: 2.1.2...2.2.0