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Module overview

Jakub Šindelář edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 2 revisions


Lazy Admin ships by default with two example modules, which you can load to your Lazy Admin app and try them out, to get feel of how Lazy Admin works.
One of them is base-module-example, which can be found in git repo.


This module has several example command definitions, which shows you, how easy or complex definitions can be and what all you can achieve with Lazy Admin.
Do not expect anything really useful. Those are just basic commands, which everyone should have at their disposal with plain PowerShell without any additional modules.

External help

One of the Lazy Admin's features is external markdown help, which can be opened with ❔ button. Help button loads markdown content from this repository for each command and renders it to user within app. This allows creators of definitions to offer complex help files created with little effort, which can be also served on website, just like this example.

List of commands

  • Get-Disk
    Retrieves information like index, model, size and operational status.

  • Get-Help
    Get help about command.

  • Invoke-CommandInSession
    Invokes command as you wrote it without further changes inside PSSession.

  • Invoke-Command
    Invokes command as you wrote it without further changes.

  • Start-PowerShell
    Opens new PowerShell terminal in admin context.

  • Test-Connection
    Tests connection to target computer using ICMP.

  • Test-Parameters
    Outputs all parameters as Lazy Admin processes them.

  • Stop-Process
    Example workflow, which obtains list of running processes, then you select one to kill.

  • Stop-Processes
    Example workflow, which obtains list of running processes, then you select multiple to kill.

  • Stop-ProcessesArray
    Example workflow, which obtains list of running processes, then you select multiple to kill.

  • Get-Definition
    Does nothing, it is but a definition holding all possible parameters.

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