Releases: home-assistant/core
Releases · home-assistant/core
- Bump
to 1.0.0 (@IceBotYT - #133185) (nice_go docs) (dependency) - Add support for Nice G.O. HAE00080 wall station (@IceBotYT - #133186) (nice_go docs)
- Bugfix: also schedule time based integration when source is 0 (@ronweikamp - #133438) (integration docs)
- Ensure screenlogic retries if the protocol adapter is still booting (@bdraco - #133444) (screenlogic docs)
- Bump Freebox to 1.2.1 (@Quentame - #133455) (freebox docs) (dependency)
- Bump pyOverkiz to 1.15.3 (@iMicknl - #133458) (overkiz docs) (dependency)
- Don't raise Overkiz user flow unique_id check (@iMicknl - #133471) (overkiz docs)
- Update Roborock to 2.8.1 (@Lash-L - #133492) (roborock docs) (dependency)
- Update fjäråskupan to 2.3.1 (@elupus - #133493) (fjaraskupan docs) (dependency)
- Update fjäråskupan to 2.3.2 (@elupus - #133499) (fjaraskupan docs) (dependency)
- Bump gardena_bluetooth to 1.5.0 (@elupus - #133502) (gardena_bluetooth docs) (dependency)
- Bump aiohttp to 3.11.11 (@bdraco - #133530) (dependency)
- Handle null value for elapsed time in Music Assistant (@marcelveldt - #133597) (music_assistant docs)
- Fix Twinkly raise on progress (@joostlek - #133601) (twinkly docs)
- Handle mqtt.WebsocketConnectionError when connecting to the MQTT broker (@bdraco - #133610) (mqtt docs)
- Simplify recorder RecorderRunsManager (@emontnemery - #131785) (recorder docs)
- Fix fibaro climate hvac mode (@rappenze - #132508) (fibaro docs)
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.12.13 (@joostlek - #133129) (media_extractor docs) (dependency)
- Fix strptime in python_script (@gjohansson-ST - #133159) (python_script docs)
- Bump yalexs-ble to 2.5.4 (@bdraco - #133172) (august docs) (yalexs_ble docs) (yale docs) (dependency)
- Bump starlink-grpc-core to 1.2.1 to fix missing ping (@MrConorAE - #133183) (starlink docs) (dependency)
- Bump aiolifx to 1.1.2 and add new HomeKit product prefixes (@Djelibeybi - #133191) (lifx docs) (dependency)
- Revert "Simplify recorder RecorderRunsManager" (@emontnemery - #133201) (recorder docs)
- Revert "Improve recorder history queries (#131702)" (@emontnemery - #133203) (recorder docs) (history docs)
- Bump incomfort-client to v0.6.4 (@jbouwh - #133205) (incomfort docs) (dependency)
- Bump yalexs-ble to 2.5.5 (@bdraco - #133229) (august docs) (yalexs_ble docs) (yale docs) (dependency)
- Set code_arm_required to False for homekit_controller (@bdraco - #133284) (homekit_controller docs)
- Allow load_verify_locations with only cadata passed (@mib1185 - #133299)
- Bump
to version 1.0.7 (@bieniu - #133364) (imgw_pib docs) (dependency) - Fix fan setpoints for flexit_bacnet (@lellky - #133388) (flexit_bacnet docs)
- Bump holidays to 0.63 (@gjohansson-ST - #133391) (workday docs) (holiday docs) (dependency)
- Bump python-linkplay to v0.1.1 (@silamon - #132091) (linkplay docs) (dependency)
- Bump pydaikin to 2.13.8 (@weltall - #132759) (daikin docs) (dependency)
- Fix pipeline conversation language (@synesthesiam - #132896) (conversation docs) (assist_pipeline docs)
- fix AndroidTV logging when disconnected (@chemelli74 - #132919) (androidtv docs)
- Guard Vodafone Station updates against bad data (@chemelli74 - #132921) (vodafone_station docs)
- Bump led-ble to 1.1.1 (@bdraco - #132977) (led_ble docs) (dependency)
- Change warning to debug for VAD timeout (@synesthesiam - #132987) (assist_pipeline docs)
- Fix LaMetric config flow for cloud import path (@frenck - #133039) (lametric docs)
- Update frontend to 20241127.8 (@bramkragten - #133066) (frontend docs) (dependency)
- Bump pysuezV2 to 1.3.5 (@jb101010-2 - #133076) (suez_water docs) (dependency)
- Bugfix to use evohome's new hostname (@zxdavb - #133085) (evohome docs) (dependency)
- Bump py-aosmith to 1.0.12 (@bdr99 - #133100) (aosmith docs) (dependency)
- Bump deebot-client to 9.4.0 (@edenhaus - #133114) (ecovacs docs) (dependency)
- Bump aiowithings to 3.1.4 (@joostlek - #133117) (withings docs)
- Enable additional entities on myUplink model SMO20 (@astrandb - #131688) (myuplink docs)
- Bump pydrawise to 2024.12.0 (@dknowles2 - #132015) (hydrawise docs) (dependency)
- Fix API change for AC not supporting floats in SwitchBot Cloud (@SeraphicRav - #132231) (switchbot_cloud docs)
- Update pyrisco to 0.6.5 (@agmckaybro - #132493) (risco docs) (dependency)
- Fix PyTado dependency (@erwindouna - #132510) (tado docs) (dependency)
- Bump pycups to 2.0.4 (@bdraco - #132514) (cups docs) (dependency)
- Update debugpy to 1.8.8 (@frenck - #132519) (debugpy docs) (dependency)
- bump total_connect_client to 2023.12 (@austinmroczek - #132531) (totalconnect docs) (dependency)
- Bump aiounifi to v81 to fix partitioned cookies on python 3.13 (@Kane610 - #132540) (unifi docs) (dependency)
- Update twentemilieu to 2.2.0 (@frenck - #132554) (twentemilieu docs) (dependency)
- Bump yalexs-ble to 2.5.2 (@bdraco - #132560) (yalexs_ble docs) (dependency)
- Bump plugwise to v1.6.1 (@bouwew - #131950) (plugwise docs) (dependency)
- Bump plugwise to v1.6.2 and adapt (@bouwew - #132608) (plugwise docs) (dependency)
- Fix config flow in Husqvarna Automower (@Thomas55555 - #132615) (husqvarna_automower docs)
- Bump ZHA dependencies (@puddly - #132630) (zha docs) (dependency)
- Bump plugwise to v1.6.3 (@bouwew - #132673) (plugwise docs) (dependency)
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.12.06 (@joostlek - #132684) (media_extractor docs) (dependency)
- Revert "Bump pyezviz to" (@srescio - #132715) (ezviz docs) (dependency)
- Bump intents to 2024.12.9 (@synesthesiam - #132726) (conversation docs) (dependency)
- Update frontend to 20241127.7 (@bramkragten - #132729) (frontend docs) (dependency)
- Bump reolink-aio to 0.11.5 (@starkillerOG - #132757) (reolink docs) (dependency)
- Catch Hydrawise authorization errors in the correct place (@dknowles2 - #132727) (hydrawise docs)
- Pass an application identifier to the Hydrawise API (@dknowles2 - #132779) (hydrawise docs)
- Bump deebot-client to 9.3.0 (@edenhaus - #132834) (ecovacs docs) (dependency)
- Bump aioacaia to 0.1.11 (@zweckj - #132838) (acaia docs) (dependency)
- Bump elmax-api to (@albertogeniola - #131876) (elmax docs) (dependency)
- Fix deprecated call to mimetypes.guess_type in CachingStaticResource (@bdraco - #132299) (http docs)
- Bump tesla-fleet-api to 0.8.5 (@Bre77 - #132339) (tessie docs) (teslemetry docs) (tesla_fleet docs)
- Add missing UnitOfPower to sensor (@robinostlund - #132352) (sensor docs)
- Removes references to croniter from utility_meter (@dgomes - #132364) (utility_meter docs)
- Bump upb-lib to 0.5.9 (@gwww - #132411) (upb docs) (dependency)
- Bump pydeako to 0.6.0 (@Balake - #132432) (deako docs) (dependency)
- Bump aiohttp to 3.11.10 (@bdraco - #132441) (dependency)
- Bump aioesphomeapi to 28.0.0 (@bdraco - #132447) (esphome docs) (dependency)
- Update exception handling for python3.13 for getpass.getuser() (@allenporter - #132449)
- Bump hass-nabucasa from 0.85.0 to 0.86.0 (@ludeeus - #132456) (cloud docs) (dependency)
- Fix nordpool dont have previous or next price (@gjohansson-ST - #132457) (nordpool docs)
- Bump deebot-client to 9.2.0 (@edenhaus - #132467) (ecovacs docs) (dependency)
- Point to the Ecovacs issue in the library for unspoorted devices (@edenhaus - #132470) (ecovacs docs)
- Bump tplink python-kasa dependency to 0.8.1 (@sdb9696 - #132472) (tplink docs) (dependency)
- Bump samsungtvws to 2.7.2 (@epenet - #132474) (samsungtv docs) (dependency)
- Update frontend to 20241127.5 (@bramkragten - #132475) (frontend docs) (dependency)
- Update frontend to 20241127.6 (@bramkragten - #132494) (frontend docs) (dependency)
- Fix google tasks due date timezone handling (@allenporter - #132498) (google_tasks docs)
- Bump knocki to 0.4.2 (@joostlek - #129261)
- Bump holidays to 0.62 (@gjohansson-ST - #132108)
- Bump thinqconnect to 1.0.2 (@LG-ThinQ-Integration - #132131)
- Track if intent was processed locally (@jpbede - #132166)
- Fix recorder "year" period in leap year (@peteh - #132167)
- Ensure entity names are not hassil templates (@synesthesiam - #132184)
- Fix typo in exception message in google_photos integration (@lunmay - #132194)
- Fix blocking call in netdata (@cnico - #132209)
- fix: unifiprotect prevent RTSP repair for third-party cameras (@RaHehl - #132212)
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.12.03 (@joostlek - #132220)
- Bump deebot-client to 9.1.0 (@edenhaus - #132253)
- Update frontend to 20241127.4 (@bramkragten - #132268)
- Ensure MQTT subscriptions can be made when the broker is disconnected (@jbouwh - #132
- Add support for features changing at runtime in Matter integration (@marcelveldt - #129426)
- Update buienradar sensors only after being added to HA (@abmantis - #131830)
- Add translated native unit of measurement - squeezebox (@andrew-codechimp - #131912)
- Add translated native unit of measurement - Transmission (@andrew-codechimp - #131913)
- Add translated native unit of measurement - PiHole (@andrew-codechimp - #131915)
- Add translated native unit of measurement - QBitTorrent (@andrew-codechimp - #131918)
- Catch InverterReturnedError in APSystems (@Thomas55555 - #131930)
- Fix Reolink dispatcher ID for onvif fallback (@starkillerOG - #131953)
- Instantiate new httpx client for lamarzocco (@zweckj - #132016)
- Add translated native unit of measurement to Jellyfin (@jrieger - #132055)
- Bump pyezviz to (@srescio - #132060)
- Set connections on device for acaia (@zweckj - #132064)
- Round status light brightness number in HomeWizard (@DCSBL - #132069)
- Mark trend sensor unavailable when source entity is unknown/unavailable (@jpbede - #132080)
- Fix imap sensor in case of alternative empty search response (@jbouwh - #13208)
- Bump hassil and intents (@synesthesiam - #132092)
- Use translations on NumberEntity unit_of_measurement property (@abmantis - #132095)
- Bump PyJWT to 2.10.1 (@bdraco - #132100)
- Update frontend to 20241127.2 (@bramkragten - #132109)
- Bump unifi_ap to 0.0.2 (@tofuSCHNITZEL - #132125)
- Fix bad hassil tests on CI (@balloob - #132132)
- Improve error logging for unifi-ap (@tofuSCHNITZEL - #132141)
- Bump uiprotect to 6.6.5 (@RaHehl - #132147)
- Bump pytouchlinesl to 0.3.0 (@jnsgruk - #132157)
- Pin rpds-py to 0.21.0 to fix CI (@epenet - #132170)
- Update frontend to 20241127.3 (@bramkragten - #132176)
- Bugfix for Plugwise, small code optimization (@bouwew - #131990)
- Freeze integration setup timeout for recorder during non-live data migration (@emontnemery - #131998)
- Bump bimmer_connected to 0.17.2 (@rikroe - #132005)
- Bump propcache to 0.2.1 (@bdraco - #132022)
- Bump yarl to 1.18.3 (@bdraco - #132025)
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.11.18 (@joostlek - #132026)
- Bump spotifyaio to 0.8.11 (@joostlek - #132032)
- Handle not found playlists in Spotify (@joostlek - #132033)
- Bump aiohttp to 3.11.9 (@bdraco - #132036)
- Bump psymlight v0.1.4 (@tl-sl - #132045)
- Bump refoss to v1.2.5 (@ashionky - #132051)
- Use format_mac correctly for acaia (@zweckj - #132062)
- Bump SQLAlchemy to 2.0.36 (@bdraco - #126683)
- Fix modbus state not dumped on restart (@VandeurenGlenn - #131319)
- Fix history stats count update immediately after change (@karwosts - #131856)
- Guard against hostname change in lamarzocco discovery (@zweckj - #131873)
- Bump denonavr to v1.0.1 (@ol-iver - #131882)
- Bump aioacaia to 0.1.10 (@zweckj - #131906)
- Fix media player join action for Music Assistant integration (@marcelveldt - #131910)
- Bump aiohomekit to 3.2.7 (@Jc2k - #131924)
- Bump uiprotect to 6.6.4 (@RaHehl - #131931)
- Fix KNX IP Secure tunnelling endpoint selection with keyfile (@farmio - #131941)
- Bump aiomealie to 0.9.4 (@andrew-codechimp - #131951)
- Bump reolink_aio to 0.11.4 (@starkillerOG - #131957)
- Strip trailing spaces from HomeKit names (@bdraco - #131971)
- Reduce precision loss when converting HomeKit temperature (@bdraco - #131973)