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Releases: hackerspace-ntnu/Red-Planet-Rampage

Basic Steam Release

24 Apr 15:09
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A release with new basic functionality for Steam, including:

  • SteamSDK support
  • Remote play together functionality
  • Steam Achievements
  • Very basic lobby system

Other changes include:

  • New augments: Trash uplink extension and Tether Body
  • Upgraded Fire extension
  • Big optimizations for visual bullets, which now uses proper graphic buffers
  • New level select UI screen
  • Fixed crouch state machine
  • Upgraded skybox
  • And various other fixes

NGA 2024 Release

13 Mar 23:22
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The release that was awarded the "Gamer's Choice" award at the Norwegian Game Awards 2024.

This version has among many other features:

  • AI opponents for single player
  • Overhauled graphics like better shadows, edge detection and sky
  • A cinematic intro film
  • New augments
  • Aiming
  • A Tutorial
  • Loading screens
  • Overall a lot of polish

"Spillexpo" release

27 Nov 21:07
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All the improvements made in preparation of "Spillexpo 2023", and the build that was showcased for atendees at that event.

Known issues:

  • Unless at least one player has a keyboard, inputs of gamepads will rotate between players
  • Being the last player standing without having a kill in a round will not award that player a win

Milestone 6

19 Oct 21:30
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First milestone of 2nd year of development!

New features since last release:

  • New map "Grand Canyon"
  • Overhauled auction scene
  • Improvements to "Crater Town" level design
  • DDR body arrow no longer gets stuck when playing with gamepads
  • Different audio types are now properly scaled relative to eachother
  • Music fading now works no matter the volume setting

Summer crunch update

29 Aug 20:59
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Polish and fixes added during the summer vacation.

  • Inverse kinematics implementation and proper weapon holding
  • Crouching and crouch jump
  • New HUD with healthbar sprite and ammo capacity
  • Revolver body reload and animation
  • New battle theme
  • New bidding theme


  • Improved movement
  • Improved solar body reload mechanics
  • Improved DDR body reload mechanics
  • Fixed mesh particles always getting stuck on pan
  • Fixed/improved aiming edgecase

1st year of development

17 Jun 15:06
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New features since last release:

  • Added new augments and replaced all placeholder augments.
    • Dance body
    • Shotgun barrel
    • Coil barrel
    • Pan extension
    • Starting augments have proper models and animations
  • Added cel shaded visuals and outlines for more stylized visuals
  • Added soundFXs (shooting, hitsounds, etc.)
  • Guns now shoot at the center of a player's screen, crosshair added
  • Added a gallery to preview augment combinations from main menu
  • Added a new particle system for the guns with better performance and visuals
  • Added VFX like muzzle flashes and smoke trails
  • Updated bidding scene with preview models and more visual feedback on player actions
  • Updated map with new and improved models
  • Added explosive barrels

Known issues:

  • Mesh projectiles may unintentionally get caught on pan extension
  • Explosion VFX is missing textures in build
  • Projectiles that that instantiates objects on hit are scaled wrong
  • Mesh projectiles are missing outlines

NGA 2023 release

12 Apr 16:21
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  • Added a new map
  • Added 2 new augments
  • Added UI feedback for winning rounds and matches
  • Improved movement
  • Other miscellaneous additions, tweaks and bugfixes

Known issues:

  • Gunstats in bidding is invisible when application is built
  • Solar body material doesn't behave properly when there are multiple in the same scene
  • Augments not actually given to players if the bidding went into overtime

Milestone 5

23 Feb 14:35
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The progress of 2 consecutive sprints.

New features include:

  • A new more visually appealing saloon/auction hall themed bidding scene
  • Bidding UI to compare augment stats
  • New battle music
  • A new player model
  • A new barrel: The hat-apult

Known issues:

  • Players loose control of the main menu UI after completing a match.
  • Gun carries over to bidding
  • Non-piercing bullets not culled after hit
  • Bad bullet performance under certain conditions

First alpha release

01 Feb 18:41
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The preliminary release of CowBoyTron (Working title).

In this release one can find the most minimalistic gameplay loop possible for the concept.

This release has a known issue where players loose control of the main menu UI after completing a match.